Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 709: friends forever

Wang Qianchen also laughed: "Okay."

The two touched another glass, continued drinking, and soon drank all the bottle of Fenjiu.

Don't look at He Jun's ruthless appearance in front of outsiders, but in front of Wang Qianchen, he becomes cautious, especially after drinking a little wine, his face flushed, and he put his arms around Wang Qianchen's neck, and said a little embarrassedly : "Xiaochen, if I only have one friend in this world, it must be you!"

Wang Qianchen said, "Don't talk like that, Xiaowei, Du Hong, and Xiaotan all regard you as friends and often mention you..."

He Jun waved his hand and said, "I know that the reason they treat me as a friend is because of you! Without you, they wouldn't look at me directly."

Wang Qianchen was silent.

He Jun reached into his arms and took out a white pill.

"This is..." Wang Qianchen stared at him, this color, this shape, and this breath are all familiar to him!

"Lingwan, do you know him?" He Jun was a little surprised.

"I know, I've eaten a few, so it's called Ling Wan... Where did you get it?" Song Chongjian found a few pieces from his residence after Shen Jiang, the leader of Gusu City's demon slayer, was arrested on Maoshan Mountain. At that time, I didn't know what this kind of pill was, but only knew that it had the effect of improving the realm. Originally, Wang Qianchen, Tan Zuo, and Du Hong each had one, but they didn't take it, and gave it to Wang Qianchen.

He Jun said: "I found it from Qu Da!"

Wang Qianchen said in surprise, "Have you caught him?"

He Jun said: "Of course, how can I get the Sword of Immortal Slaying back if I don't catch him? But this guy is so tricky, he even faked his death and let him escape!"

Wang Qianchen nodded: "Go ahead."

He Jun said: "He said that this is called a spirit pill, it is not made of medicinal materials, or it is simply condensed with spiritual power. Good guy, what kind of person must be, even our Commander Chen has no such ability... "

Wang Qianchen said: "The leader of the [Guangfuhui] is called the Evil God, and he really has this ability." Then he explained what he had learned.

He Jun nodded: "It seems that this evil **** is very powerful, even Song Cepeng feels a headache, and we have to remind us Commander Chen to be careful... In short, I found this from Qu Da, and then I knew it was a wall. If you use Ling Wan, you can rise to a small realm by eating one. This guy has taken two before this, and they have risen to the peak of the wall. After eating one more, he can rise to the peak. But he is worried that he will rise to the peak. It aroused my suspicions too quickly, so I didn't dare to eat it again. Thank goodness, it's a pity he didn't eat it, otherwise, after he reached the peak, he would hold the Sword of Immortal Slaying, where would I be an opponent? I asked Qu Da, and he said he joined After the [Guangfuhui], the evil **** gave him a few spiritual pills."

Wang Qianchen said, "Is the Lingjing pill used for the wall? Does it mean that the peak is useless?"

"Yes, I found two from him. I ate one first and found it useless, so I kept the other one." He Jun put the only remaining spiritual pill in Wang Qianchen's hand, " Xiaochen, I know that you are also in the peak state, but I really don't have anything to give you, if you see which friend you need, give it to him."

Just as Wang Qianchen was about to say no, he suddenly remembered that Nie Rong was at the peak of the wall, wouldn't he be at the peak by eating a spiritual pill?

Nie Rong helped Wang Qianchen so many times, and it was time to pay back.

"Okay, then I'll accept it." Wang Qianchen took the spirit pill and said with a smile, "Why do you have to give me something?"

"Because you treat me as a friend, even if I'm already from [Tianqi]..." He Jun said seriously, "Thank you."

There was a breeze blowing from the top of the mountain, brushing the treetops, brushing the blades of grass, and brushing He Jun's not-so-handsome face, but his eyes were sincere and his complexion was sincere, and no one doubted his intentions.

"You will always be my friend." Wang Qianchen also said seriously.


He Jun left, I don't know when the next meeting will be.

But it doesn't matter, as long as they are still alive, as long as they still have each other in their hearts, there will definitely be a time to meet!

He Jun stepped on the trunk to leave, and Wang Qianchen looked at his back until he disappeared completely, and then he stepped on the brick.

Brick drank a small cup, but the whole brick was so drunk that he collapsed on the ground like a piece of mud, and immediately screamed "Ouch", got up from the ground, and made a kowtow to the air: "Lao Jun , I was wrong, I'm going to set fire to it..."

"Hey, hey...what's the matter with you?" Wang Qianchen grabbed it.

"Ah..." Banzhuan seemed to finally come to his senses, after being silent for a while, he scolded: "I dreamed that I was burning fire in the Tusita Palace, because I made a mistake in drinking and was thrown into the alchemy furnace by Lao Jun... Scared me to death! I wonder if I am a brick, what fire is I afraid of? Hey, what about He Jun?"

"Let's go!" Wang Qianchen said, "I'll give you a task to send this thing to Nie Rong."

Wang Qianchen put the spirit pill on the brick, and took out a roll of tape from the Qiankun bag, and carefully helped it stick it.

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