Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 710: don't give me orders

"I'm going?" Brick was slightly taken aback.

"Well, you're a big brick now, it's time to try to take on some obligations!" Wang Qianchen clapped at the edges and corners of the brick, pretending it had shoulders.

Although Brick has not been made into a human shape for a long time, its strength is getting more and more powerful. Not only does it fly fast and high, but it also has great strength. Ordinary monster slayers can't do anything about it.

After sucking the blood of so many strong people, it is still very useful!

"No, I went, what are you doing?" Brick asked again.

"I'm waiting for someone here."

"Who are you waiting for?"

"Go, go and come back quickly." Wang Qianchen didn't answer, but pushed a brick.

"Yes, since you begged me sincerely, then I will reluctantly help you run a trip!" Before Wang Qianchen exerted his soul suppression, the bricks flew high into the sky with a "boom" and flew in the direction of Jiangnan. go.

Wang Qianchen leaned on Mr. Honglou's tombstone, looked up at the red clouds that were about to disappear in the sky, and gradually fell asleep.


At the same time, Siyao has brought people to Yin's house in southern Yunnan.

"It's really unreasonable, how could they do such a thing!" In the luxuriously decorated living room, Yin Hong was full of anger, slapped the table, and the gorgeous crystal lights reflected on his face, making his complexion more and more uncertain.

"Patriarch Yin, the mastermind is Wang Qianchen. The maid, Du Hong and Tan Zuo should be just accomplices. Maybe they were fooled. As long as they confess, they may not be able to sit in prison for long." Pointing to say.

"Okay! If they come back, I will definitely tie them all up and send them directly to the Monster Slayer headquarters in Shangjing!" Yin Hong became more and more angry.

"...they didn't come back?"

"No, the phone can't get through!"

"..." Si Yao was silent for a while, then said politely, "Patriarch Yin, is it convenient for us to search?"

"Of course! This is a normal process!" Yin Hong immediately made a "please" gesture.

Siyao immediately waved his hand, and the few demon slayers who came with her immediately started to act.

The Yin family is very large, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, and there are pavilions, pavilions, small bridges and flowing water everywhere. Among them, there must be underground passages and dark rooms. Fortunately, several monster slayers also have their own search methods. , Siyao brought them here, of course, because of their abilities.

But after a few searches, nothing was found.

Of course, it is impossible for the Yin family to only have this residence. Since it is the first family in southern Yunnan, the house is not in the sea?

But it is unrealistic to search the past one by one. First, people may not provide the real address, and second, there are not enough staff!

In the face of this kind of local snake that refuses to cooperate, the above is actually very helpless. Jiangnan is so big, really wanting to hide a few people is not like playing?

Siyao said seriously: "Patriarch Yin, this matter is very serious. If you surrender and confess, you can still try to get a light sentence..."

Yin Hong also said seriously: "I also ask Deputy Commander Si to rest assured. If I have their whereabouts, I will definitely report them immediately! Although Luo Luo is my biological daughter, I will not watch her trample the law! "

Siyao knew that it would be meaningless to say any more, so she had to leave with someone.

After Yin Hong sent a few people away, he immediately turned around and asked the housekeeper, "Are you sure you have hidden it?"

The butler whispered, "It's definitely fine."

Yin Hong was silent for a while, and then said impatiently: "These children are too troublesome, keep an eye on them, don't let them run around again!"


On the other side, Xi Wu, one of the "Eight Great Mountain People", was also in action.

He used to be from Qingcheng Mountain, and he and Ge Ye are brothers and sisters. He will definitely spare no effort to investigate this matter.

He brought people to Maoshan first, but Mao Nineteen cooperated very well. He let go of the mountain gate and searched as he wanted, but of course he couldn't find it in the end. Xi Wu asked Mao Nineteen to also send someone to arrest Tan Zuo. After all, Mao Shan couldn't get rid of this guy's involvement.

Mao Nineteen also agreed, promising to contribute.

After Xi Wu left, Mao Nineteen let out a long sigh, "What's the matter!"

A guardian asked him, "What should we do?"

Mao Nineteen said: "Cooperate with the [Monster Slayer] headquarters, do whatever you want! This Tan Zuo is really worrying..."

There was no result in Maoshan, and Xi Wu came to Putuo Mountain again.

But unlike Mao Nineteen, Master Puji's attitude is very tough. After listening to what Xi Wu said, he said impatiently: "Pudu hasn't come back, he has been away from Mount Putuo for a long time!"

Xi Wu then said: "According to the rules, we have to search Putuo Mountain!"

Master Puji waved his hand and said, "What are you looking for, I told you that I didn't come back! See you off!"

Several counselors and monks folded their hands together and came to Xi Wu and others to drive them away.

Xi Wu frowned, got up and said, "Master Puji, we represent the headquarters of [Monster Slayer]..."

"I don't care who you represent, I told you that Pudu didn't come back!" Master Puji turned around and walked towards the apse.

"Master Puji, then please send troops from Mount Putuo..."

"Don't give me orders!"

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