Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 711: Mountains do not turn waters turn

Master Puji left aggressively, and Xi Wu was also very angry, so he called Song Cepeng directly, and reiterated what happened just now.

"Commander Song, this Master Puji is too much. He's not even the abbot, he's just a supervisor of the temple, so he despises the [Monster Slayer]! I think it's better for the higher-ups to intervene and let them change the temple!" Xi Wu was furious. say.

"There's no need for that." Song Chongjian said, "It's only about Du Hong that Master Puji lost his temper. Also, Du Hong is not in Putuo Mountain."

"Not here? Where is he?"

"I'm still investigating, don't worry, come back first."

Song epee hung up the phone.


Jiangnan, Nie family.

The news that Ge Ye, the head of Qingcheng Mountain, had died here spread like wildfire, putting the Nie family on the cusp. There were already some voices questioning them all over the place, wondering if they were on Wang Qianchen's side.

Fortunately, this statement seems too absurd, and not many people believe it yet.

Only they themselves know it's true.

The ancestor of the Nie family retreated again, and Nie Gang and his two sons were sitting in the living room talking.

Nie Gang usually retreats, and most of the housework is left to his eldest son, Nie Jiao.

"Is there really no problem, will this step be wrong?" Nie Jiao frowned, his impression of Wang Qianchen was not very good, and he was often manipulated and used by this guy.

"Brother, you have a prejudice against Xiaochen. I can tell you for sure that we are doing the right thing, just wait for the reward with peace of mind!" Nie Rong is full of confidence in Wang Qianchen.

"What is the reward? Now that he is wanted by [Monster Slayer], he is too busy to take care of himself. What can he give back to the Nie family!" Nie Jiao was speechless.

"Wait, it's definitely possible..." Nie Rong murmured.

At this moment, the entire Nie family suddenly sounded an alarm, followed by crackling footsteps.

Someone broke in again? !

The three of Nie's father and son were taken aback, and they rushed out to take a look. They saw a brick cruising around in the air, and Nie's children were constantly being slapped on the ground wherever they passed.

"Where did the monster come from, you are so bold! Can anyone break into Nie's house casually now?!" Nie Gang was so angry that he immediately rushed forward.

"Dad, don't move, I know it!" Nie Rong called out immediately.

Of course, Nie Rong knows Banzhuan, but whoever has been in contact with Wang Qianchen does not know about this brick, which has always been open-mouthed and nonsense?

After blocking his father, Nie Rong rushed forward and asked, "Azhuan, why are you here?"

Bianzhuan said angrily: "What Ahzhuan, I am majestic... Forget it, since you are my master's friend, I will spare you this time, and I can't be so rude in the future!"

Then he shook his body and said, "This is a gift from my master!"

Only then did Nie Rong realize that there was a white pill stuck to the brick with tape. He took it off and held it in his hand. He felt that this thing looked ordinary, but it exuded a mysterious aura. It was obviously not ordinary.

"This is?" Nie Rong asked strangely.

"Ling Wan! Hey, you eat it, it will make you rise to the peak! My master gave it to you, you are welcome! If you want to thank me, just thank me, after all, I sent it all the way..." Banzhuan said triumphantly.

When Nie Rong heard this, he immediately looked overjoyed and was about to stuff it into his mouth when he opened his mouth.

Nie Gang quickly shouted: "What? Don't eat it, be careful of poison!"

"That's not true, I still believe in Xiaochen!" Nie Rong smiled, still stuffed the spirit pill into his mouth and swallowed it directly.

Nie Gang and Nie Jiao looked at him nervously, and even called the doctor who has been at home all year round.

But just a moment later, Nie Rong exhaled, his whole body seemed to be reborn, his temperament was completely different, and he said with a smile, "I made a breakthrough!"

Then he stomped his feet suddenly, and the powerful peak atmosphere was released.

Sure enough, from the peak of the wall, breakthrough to the peak!

"How...how can there be such a miraculous thing?" Nie Gang and Nie Jiao were both dumbfounded. In fact, there are also medicinal pills in the cultivation world to help improve their strength, but most of them are not so effective and have many side effects.

"Xiao Rong, are you okay?" Nie Gang checked his son's body up and down.

"Dad, I'm fine, nothing at all!" Nie Rong also visited himself, and finally came to this conclusion.

"Hey, Nie Rong, the mountains don't turn the water, and there is a chance to meet again in the future!" Brick completed the task and flew into the sky with a "hush".

After watching Brick leave, Nie Rong looked around and said with a smile, "I said it earlier, there will definitely be a reward!"


In a cloud of mist, Wang Qianchen sat on the huge disc and watched a head slowly descend from the sky.

"Finally, you are finally dreaming!" Wang Qianchen stood up immediately and shouted at Wei Zihua.

"I'm sorry, after 'suicide', it is really difficult to condense spiritual power once! Putuoshan's arm is back? Next you go..."

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