Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 712: Song epee is here

Before Wei Zihua could finish speaking, Wang Qianchen immediately shouted: "I got it from Putuo Mountain, as well as from Maoshan and Longhu Mountain! I have been to Ding's house, but there is none there! Don't talk nonsense, tell me quickly Where are the head and body!"

Wei Zihua was stunned for a while, then said with a shocked expression, "Have you got the ones from Maoshan and Longhushan?"

"Yes! Tell me where to go next!" Wang Qianchen was a little anxious, because he saw that Wei Zihua's head began to become illusory again. This was an omen and manifestation of impending disappearance, and it was not the first time he had seen it.

"Why are you going to Ding's house? It's not there. Shangjing is where the real dragon and the emperor are. I can't get through with the body of the underworld..."

"Hurry up! Hurry up! I don't want to listen to these nonsense explanations!"

Wang Qianchen can't wait for a big game to pass over with a fan.

"It's at Chen Wanhe! Chen Wanhe of [Tianqi]! There's another..." Before he could finish speaking, Wei Zihua's head turned completely illusory.

"You're a motherfucker, don't look at you as a **** of the underworld, you're just as annoying as me! Where's the other one!" Wang Qianchen jumped high, and slapped him with a fierce fan, but it was a pity that Wei Zihua The head has completely disappeared, and in the end it was just a lonely fan.

Wang Qianchen fell from the air, and before he could scold, the illusions around him collapsed one after another.

With a "shock", Wang Qianchen sat up and found that he was still lying beside Mr. Honglou's tombstone. Brick came back at some point, and lay beside him and slept soundly.

Looking around, the sky was already slightly brightened, and a round of golden sun was slowly rising from behind the statue of Emperor Yan.

There was silence all around, the entire Laoding Mountain was still foggy, and a figure came slowly from the fog. Wang Qianchen frowned slightly, pulled up the sleeping slab, tucked it behind his waist, and waited for the figure in a leisurely manner.

A few minutes later, the figure finally came to him.

"Waiting for me?" The figure smiled.

"Well, it's slower than I thought." Wang Qianchen scratched his nose lightly.

The figure was tall, with long eyebrows and tiger eyes, with a dark demon cape tied behind him, and his shoulders were slightly wet by the morning dew, but it did not affect his mighty and domineering aura at all.

It was Song Epee, the commander-in-chief of [Monster Slayer].

"I knew you were here for a long time, but I wanted to give you a chance to escape, but you actually waited here all night..." Song Chongjian seemed to be speechless. Yesterday, he saw Ge Ye's body being burned and only his head was missing, so he guessed What did Wang Qianchen want to do?

With his ability, it is not a problem to find where Mr. Honglou is buried.

"Since you are waiting here, you must be ready to be arrested, right?" Song Chongjian slowly drew out the Demon Slayer.

Song Cepeng stood and Wang Qianchen sat.

The black demon-slaying knife hangs above Wang Qianchen's head.

Southern Yunnan, a suburban countryside.

There are not many people living in the whole village. There are only some lonely elderly people and left-behind children. Even during the festivals, it will not be lively. Today, with the gradual development of urbanization, there are more and more such villages, and it is inevitable that they will disappear.

Under the big locust tree at the head of the village, there is an unremarkable house. It has long been unoccupied. Grass has grown on the roof, and the walls are leaking slightly. It seems that there are signs of collapse, but now there are signs of personnel activities. .

The yard was cleaned, the ancient well that had been sealed for a long time was also opened, and even the kitchen was filled with smoke that had not been seen for a long time.

With a bang, a bald head suddenly sat up on a bed in the east wing.

"Xiao Tan! Xiao Tan!" The bald head shook the young man next to him vigorously.

"What are you doing? What's wrong with you in the morning?" Tan Zuo woke up in a daze with dissatisfaction on his face.

"Is Xiaochen here?" Du Hong asked anxiously.

"No... He's coming, can we still not know?" Tan Zuo also sat up and looked out through the window.

"Does it take a day and a night for him to pay homage to Mr. Honglou?" Du Hong asked with a frown.

"What do you mean?" Tan Zuo also realized that something was wrong.

"I suspect that he wants to take all the guilt himself!" Du Hong looked solemn.

"...Grass, go to Luzhou!" Tan Zuo woke up and found that Du Hong was right.

The two immediately got up, dressed, and hurried out the door.

Du Hong was about to go to the other side to call Yin Luoluo to get up, when he heard a "squeak", the door next door had been opened, and Yin Luoluo had come out neatly dressed.

"I heard it all, let's go!" Yin Luoluo didn't hesitate.

"...Is the sound insulation effect so bad? Also, aren't you in the west wing, why did you run next door to us?" Du Hong was a little stunned.

"Last night, you took the initiative to sleep with Tan Zuo in the same bed, and I just wanted to see if there was something wrong with you!" Yin Luoluo gritted his teeth.

"...Fuck, we're not married yet, I'm taking your reputation into consideration!"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up, Xiaochen must have a problem!"

Just as they were about to set off, they heard the sound of "swish, swish" suddenly, and a piece of golden rope suddenly fell from the sky, tethered Yin Luoluo impartially, and tied her tightly!

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