Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 720: stand still

After practicing for a while, there was still no progress. Although Wang Qianchen had already guessed the result, he still couldn't help feeling a little depressed from the bottom of his heart. Du Hong and the others had risen to the peak with him, and now it was in the middle stage, heading towards the later stage, and he was still standing still.

"You can't rely on Big Brother Yaoqi every time..." Wang Qianchen murmured to himself. He had heard Banzhuan say before that repeatedly waking up Big Brother Yaoqi from his sleep was actually a delay in repairing his soul.

"It would be great if I could still get that spirit pill... Although I don't know what the evil **** of the [Guangfuhui] came from, it's really good for him to do that thing." Wang Qianchen couldn't help but think about it.

[Guangfuhui] has put a lot of nails in Daxia now, [Monster Slayer] and [Tianqi] have been infiltrated by it, but those people will not serve him in vain, "Ling Wan" is obviously a kind of enough to make A hard currency that many practitioners are jealous of.

After cultivators have a certain strength, they will generally not be short of money, even if they are bodyguards, they can make a lot of money. Pursuing a higher realm has become their only goal. It is indeed very effective for the Heretic God to corrode those who are not determined by this thing!

But how to find out these people and get the spirit pills from them is naturally an extremely difficult task.

Song Epee and Chen Wanhe couldn't do it, why did Wang Qianchen have such eyes and good luck?

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't come up with a reason. Wang Qianchen temporarily put these things behind him and concentrated on waiting for the call from Lord Baibian. He should approach Chen Wanhe first and find the remaining limbs of Wei Zihua.

As a result, I waited for a full week, and there was no news from Bai Bianjun.

Wang Qianchen called him, but there was a prompt tone that "the phone is off".

No, Chen Wanhe invited him to [Tianqi] before...

Wang Qianchen frowned, puzzled.


Suzhou City.

After Tan Zuo finished his day's work, he returned to his home base for Monster Slayer. Just as he was about to lie down and rest for a while, he found a folded note on the bedside. He picked it up and looked at it. Afterwards, he turned around and went out the door.

When he came to the alley two blocks away, Tan Zuo had just stood still when a tall figure emerged from the darkness.

"What's the matter?" Tan Zuo said in a deep voice.

"How are you doing recently? Is there any trouble? I can help you solve it!" The Black Bear King touched his head, his black face full of sincerity.

"I'm fine! That's the Monster Slayer Base, how can you just enter?" Tan Zuo was a little sullen.

"Why don't you answer the phone..."

"I said I'm fine, please don't follow me anymore! I'm a monster slayer, you're a monster, and we don't share the sky, can you understand?" Tan Zuo tried his best to suppress his anger, if the Black Bear King hadn't helped him a few times Last time, he wanted to report this matter to his superiors, so he said angrily: "Also, I heard that you were picked on by the Southern Demon Emperor Feng Jiujiu recently. Instead of caring about me, it is better to take care of yourself?"

"Ah, that's fine with me. Even though Feng Jiujiu doesn't like me, our Eastern Demon Emperor Bai Kuanghai is not a vegetarian! She definitely doesn't dare to touch me. I won't pay attention to the words of some of my subordinates!" The Black Bear King didn't care.

When it comes to the level of the demon emperor, Tan Zuo is not the one who can talk about it, so he can only say: "Anyway, you should be careful, and keep a low profile, the Southern Demon Emperor is staring at you, the demon slayer is also staring at you, and you are still running around outside all day. !"

"Haha, it's okay, who am I afraid of? Your mother asked me to protect you, so I have to fulfill my responsibilities." The Black Bear King grinned.

"...Well, if you really have nothing to do, go protect my friend, okay?"


"Wang Qianchen, you've seen him recently. He's been wanted recently, and he won't let me intervene. I'm quite worried about him!" This is one thing Tan Zuo is most concerned about, and he will exchange news with Du Hong every once in a while.

"Your mother asked me to protect you, not me!" The Black Bear King frowned, reluctance written all over his face.

"...If something happens to him, I won't be able to cope, so you can help me." Tan Zuo pleaded again.

"Okay, since you've spoken, then I'll run!" The Black Bear King agreed to find out where Wang Qianchen was, and summoned a big bird that quickly disappeared into the night sky.

Tan Zuo exhaled and turned back.


South, on a high mountain.

At the highest point of the mountain, a sycamore tree stands at the top. Other sycamore trees are up to ten meters long, but this one is a hundred meters high, almost piercing the sky.

What's even more surprising is that there is a little girl sitting on such a tall plane tree.

This little girl looked only fifteen or sixteen years old. She was cute and small. She seemed to be knocked down by a gust of wind, but she was sitting on the top of the tree very peacefully. verb: move!

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