Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 721: Southern Demon Emperor, Feng Jiujiu

The tall sycamore tree, the mysterious little girl, the starry night sky, and the night wind blowing from time to time are intertwined into a very strange picture.

"Lord Nanhuang." At this moment, a respectful voice suddenly came from under the tree.

The little girl sitting on the top of the tree opened her eyes, she looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, but her eyes were full of inexplicable depth and old age.

The moment she opened her eyes, the man under the tree hurriedly lowered his head, as if he didn't even have the courage to look at her.

Of course I didn't dare to look at each other, because this little girl who seemed to be ignorant of the world was Feng Jiujiu, one of the four demon emperors of the [Wan Yaohui]! Her true appearance is a phoenix facing the sky, and it is said that she ranks ninth at home, so she got this name.

Feng Jiujiu was dressed in colorful clothes, very gorgeous. She bent her head and looked down, and saw a middle-aged man with yellow beard and yellow hair standing at the bottom of the tree. His hair was so abundant that it almost blocked his face, because this head The yellow hair also made him look very mighty.

"Huang Shi, what's the matter?" Feng Jiujiu asked softly. Although the voice was low, and it was a hundred meters away, it clearly reached the ground.

"Master Nanhuang, after many days of investigation, the whereabouts of the Black Bear King has already been found." The Yellow Lion King said respectfully, and he spent a lot of effort in tracking this guy.

"Where is he?" Feng Jiujiu asked immediately.

"Originally in Gusu City, but now heading towards Hui Province. I don't know exactly what to do, but my subordinates are staring at him secretly." Huang Shiwang explained truthfully.

Feng Jiujiu was silent.

"Lord Nanhuang, what should I do?" The Yellow Lion King finally raised his head. He was not born and raised in Daxia. He came here from the Western Regions many years ago. Although he could spit out people's words, he still smelled like a foreigner. Son, the four tones are always indistinguishable.

Feng Jiujiu pondered for a while, then said, "It is necessary to avenge the White Tiger King... But, it is indeed the White Tiger King who made a mistake first. If you fight with Bai Kuanghai because of this, the demon ancestor will definitely not be able to spare me. So I can't make a move, I still have to do it! You are making trouble, it's a rift between the juniors, and it's different if I want to mix it up."

"But I... can't beat him!" The Yellow Lion King looked embarrassed.

Among the eight demon kings, the Black Bear King was definitely the best in combat, otherwise the White Tiger King would not have been beaten to death by him.

"You two are similar in ability. It's just that he has thick skin and thick flesh, and is more resistant to beatings than you. It's okay, I'll give you a magic weapon that can withstand his attacks." Something fell without any sound, and it seemed to be quite light.

The yellow lion king quickly reached out to catch it, but it was actually a cyan gauze as thin as a cicada's wings.

"Fei Yu Chang is made from my eighty-eight feathers. It took a hundred years to refine. There is definitely no problem with resisting the attack of the mountain... With it, the Black Bear King can't hurt you, but you can beat him violently." Feng Jiujiu said softly.

"Thank you, Lord Nanhuang!" Huang Shiwang was so excited that he immediately put the Feiyu Clothes on his body and tried it on the spot. He turned his hands into claws and grabbed towards his abdomen.

"No!" Feng Jiujiu shouted sharply.

It was a pity that it was still too late, and I heard a "poof" sound, the claws of the Yellow Lion King entered his abdomen, and hot blood flowed out.

"This... what's going on?" The yellow lion king clutched his stomach with a painful expression on his face.

"...forgot to tell you, this thing is made from the feathers on my body, it is not ordinary, it has spirituality. When someone attacks you, it will help you resist, but if you attack yourself, it will acquiesce that you have This is a need, so I automatically put it away and avoid it." Feng Jiujiu said helplessly.

"...You said it earlier!" The yellow lion king became more and more in pain, and quickly smeared herbs on his stomach. Fortunately, this thing was carried with him.

"Who knew you were so stupid to try it yourself?" Feng Jiujiu gently supported her forehead.

"I have to try it..." The Yellow Lion King almost cried.

"I'll try it for you!" Feng Jiujiu flipped her hand, took out a piece of cyan feather, and threw it at the Yellow Lion King with a "swoosh".

"call out--"

The feathers, which were originally soft, were like sharp swords thrown by Feng Jiujiu, and pierced directly into the shoulders of the Yellow Lion King, and pierced directly through, and blood spurted out again.

"...What's going on here?" The Yellow Lion King fell to the ground in pain.

"...Sorry, I forgot, Fei Yushang can only resist the attack of the mountain level, and I accidentally exerted all my strength just now! Once again, this time I will suppress my strength in the mountain level!" Feng Jiujiu found out again A feather, ready to be thrown.

"...No need for Lord Nanhuang, I'll find someone else to try it! You old man have a rest early!" The Yellow Lion King was really about to cry, covering his shoulders with one hand and his stomach with the other, and limped down the mountain. , the black mountain wind gradually drowned his figure.

"...It really wasn't intentional!" Feng Jiujiu sighed and closed her eyes again to perch.

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