Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 722: seven artifacts

At the foot of Mount Tai, Taiding Town, a hotel.

Wang Qianchen got up early in the morning, and looked at his mobile phone for the first time, and found that Bai Bianjun still did not have any calls or messages. A week has passed, and he has been full of expectations from the beginning, and gradually became numb. It is estimated that there is no hope for Lord Baibian, so it is better to think of other ways.

Gong Liang, a member of [Tianqi] who hangs around in Luzhou City? Wang Qianchen was able to contact Xin Wuwei's former subordinate, but his status was too low, and the possibility of catching up with Chen Wanhe was a little too low.

Was caught Liu Blind, A Fei and others? I don't know if they have been sentenced to death, maybe you can check it out.

Just when Wang Qianchen was thinking about it, the phone suddenly rang!

Wang Qianchen immediately picked up the phone, but it wasn't from Lord Variety.

It's an unfamiliar number.

Wang Qianchen frowned, but still answered the phone.

"Sir, what about swimming and fitness?" A passionate voice came.

"...Commander Song?" Wang Qianchen was speechless.

"It's convenient for you to speak?" Song Chongjian asked in a low voice.

"...Convenient, you say!"

"Have you joined [Tianqi]?" Song Cepeng said straight to the point.

"not yet!"

"Why not yet, you are wanted by [Monster Slayer], and I praised you in front of Chen Wanhe, he should take you seriously!" Song Chongjian became more and more puzzled.

"I'm not too sure..." Wang Qianchen talked about what happened before.

Song Chongjian pondered for a while, and said, "That guy Chen Wanhe seems to be suspicious of you, he has to disarm him, or I will arrange for a few monster slayers to catch you? already."

"..." Wang Qianchen said, "Director Song, why do you think you want to join [Tianqi] more than I do?"

"...It's mainly because of the atmosphere. If you don't join [Tianqi], you're wasting this great opportunity!" Song Chongjian said sternly, "Aside from Wei Zihua's remaining limbs, I have a task for you. , If you can do it well, it is not a problem to commit crimes, it is not a problem to cancel the wanted order, or even return to [Monster Slayer]!"


"The matter of the [Guangfuhui]." Song Chongjian was silent for a while, and seemed to be sorting out his thoughts: "Some time ago, I have been secretly investigating this organization, in addition to sending people to secretly investigate, I also personally went abroad a few times, and finally got hold of it. Some clues. The [Guangfuhui] keeps sending monsters into Daxia, one is to capture the seven powerhouses in Daxia, and the other is to get seven artifacts."

"What?" Wang Qianchen asked immediately, [Guangfuhui] wanted to catch seven strong men, which was already known, but it was the first time I heard about the "Seven Divine Artifacts".

"According to the information I collected, the heavens and the underworld were temporarily sealed, but there are still some immortals who broke through the ban and escaped, such as the third prince Nezha and the judge Cui Jue we know! The third virgin Yang Chan should not have escaped. Yes, she didn't participate in that melee from the beginning... Besides them, there are some immortals who couldn't escape, and they also tried their best to throw down their fairy magic treasures..."

This matter, Wang Qianchen heard He Jun say it, and also discussed with Zhou Junxian, there are indeed such a group of things, the magic sword is one of them. device.

Wang Qianchen has used it himself, and it is indeed powerful, and Ge Ye can be killed.

Song Chongjian continued: "It is said that there are a total of seven pieces, all of which have the power to destroy the sky and the earth. Chen Wanhe heard the news from nowhere, and has been digging treasures all over the place. If you can join [Tianqi], master this The news of the seven artifacts, assisting [Monster Slayer] to collect these artifacts will be a great achievement, and it will not be a problem to clear your previous guilt! Listen, these seven artifacts are very important and very important. It may affect the entire Daxia, and it must not fall into the hands of the [Guangfuhui]."

"Okay, I see." Feeling the seriousness of Song Cepeng, Wang Qianchen immediately agreed.

"Well, I'll wait for your news. When you contact me, just make this phone number." Song Chongjian explained again.

Wang Qianchen hung up the phone and realized that his task was a bit heavier. Now he not only wanted to find Wei Zihua's limbs, but also collected information on seven artifacts. In addition to knowing that the Sword of Immortal Slaying was in He Jun's hands, the other six artifacts were in the hands of He Jun. The whereabouts are unknown.

Still have to join [Tianqi] ah...

Wang Qianchen was thinking of an effective way, when a familiar smell suddenly poured into his nostrils...


He is nearby!

Wang Qianchen was excited for a while, thinking that he had finally come to find him, and hurriedly went out to pick him up, but found that the scent of Lord Baibian was gradually drifting away, and it seemed that he was about to leave this place.

Didn't you come to find yourself?

Wang Qianchen was puzzled, but he still chased after him and couldn't let this opportunity go.

Pursuing the scent of Lord Variety, he came all the way to Mount Tai. During the period, Lord Variety turned into various insects or birds. Wang Qianchen did the same, and always followed closely, not missing a trace.

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