Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 740: Shelter a wanted criminal

Just when Wang Qianchen was about to beware of whether the darkness would tear him apart, in the next second, he and Hong Xiaohao came out of the door again, and the surrounding environment also changed.

"Just wait here, don't go anywhere! Remember, don't go anywhere!" After Hong Xiaohao explained, he turned around and returned to the door, which disappeared instantly.

Wang Qianchen looked to the left and right. This is a luxuriously decorated villa with three floors. Jade stairs, crystal chandeliers, precious murals, and mahogany furniture can be seen everywhere, and his position is the hall on the first floor.

Wang Qianchen walked to the window and looked around. In front of the door was a piece of green grass, and further ahead was a circle of wooden fences, but it was only half a meter high.

In the middle of the fence is a wooden door, which is also low, and an adult man can step over it in one step.

Next to the wooden door stood an iron letterbox, with a pole below it, about one meter high, and a letterbox above it, which was one foot square, and could hold magazines, newspapers, letters and other items.

The whole pattern is very similar to the house scene in American movies.

Looking further afield, this is a villa area, which is basically the same pattern, and every household has a similar style.

Wang Qianchen turned his head and listened carefully, and determined that he was the only one in the whole villa, but there were traces of use everywhere, such as the spotless floor, the water cup on the coffee table, the peel in the trash can, and the unfolded in the bedroom. The quilt and the half-open window in the bathroom all indicate that there is someone living here.

Wang Qianchen was doing the analysis when he heard the sound of "huhu", an illusory gate of time and space appeared, and Hong Xiaohao walked out of it again.

Wang Qianchen was about to draw his knife instinctively, but Hong Xiaohao rubbed his hands together and said: "It's done! Those guys were fooled by me, I believe you have escaped, and I will not control you for the time being! But you can't leave here for a short time, There are cameras everywhere in the villa area, and Brother Rao will also retrieve them! In this way, in a few days, when I have a major power outage, you should leave quickly and find a seclusion in a deep mountain forest, or simply go abroad, and don’t come back anyway. Not now, it's a bit too deliberate, so you can stay here for a few days. Well, what do you want to drink, cola, coffee or herbal tea? Come to us, you can do as the locals do and drink herbal tea with us! "

Hong Xiaohao seemed to be a talker, Wang Qianchen didn't say a word, he could talk for a long time by himself, and walked towards the refrigerator while talking.

No matter how you look at it, he doesn't seem to be malicious to himself.

Wang Qianchen did not pull out the Tiangang sword.

People are so enthusiastic, and they think about themselves everywhere, suddenly pulling out a knife and beheading him... It's a bit too much, isn't it?

Wang Qianchen looked at Hong Xiaohao's back, and seemed to want to see something from it.

Hong Xiaohao didn't know anything about it, so he brought two cans of herbal tea, handed one to Wang Qianchen, opened the other by himself, took a sip, and then shouted, "Enjoyed!"

Wang Qianchen also opened the herbal tea, sniffed it with his nose, made sure there was nothing foreign, and then drank it.

Really enjoyable, just a little bit bitter.

Hong Xiaohao sat on the sofa, tossed his two slippers, and put his legs on the coffee table before slowly asking, "What are you doing here in Yuezhou?"

Wang Qianchen sat on the sofa on the other side and said solemnly, "It's nothing, just walk around."

"You are really capable, you dare to run around when you are wanted..." Hong Xiaohao shook his head, seemingly speechless.

Wang Qianchen didn't speak, and his mind turned a thousand times, thinking about what to do next.

"Thank you for meeting me, or else you have already been taken! Hehehe, thank me quickly!" Hong Xiaohao looked proud.

"Shielding the wanted criminal, your crime is not trivial!" Wang Qianchen looked up at him.

"Haha, I'm scared! Anyway, I don't think you did anything wrong! If it was me, I would definitely do the same! It's impossible to expect justice from above. They will definitely cover up Ge Ye, so it's better to do it yourself!" He smiled, and then said sternly: "But I really have to tell you that a wanted criminal must be conscious of being a wanted criminal. How can they run around like this?"

Speaking of which, when Hong Xiaohao communicated with him, although he still had a Cantonese accent, he was already trying his best to speak Mandarin.

Wang Qianchen asked, "Then where should I go?"

"Run, the farther you run, the better! I've never eaten pork, and I haven't seen a pig run, so I'm going to dig into the mountains or go abroad!"

"Going abroad? Where are you going abroad?"

This is a very crucial question. If Hong Xiaohao was a member of the [Guangfuhui], he might be recommended to join this organization!

Hong Xiaohao said: "Then how do I know, I have never been abroad... But it doesn't matter. As long as you go abroad, the sky is high and the birds fly. [Monster Slayer] is not all over the world."

"If I go abroad, is there a place to introduce me to, a place where I can use my abilities and abilities!" Wang Qianchen continued to hint.

"Why do you keep asking me, I said I don't know, and I've never been abroad! What's the matter, I saved you once, and you have to take care of you for the rest of your life?" Hong Xiaohao seemed a little annoyed.

Wang Qianchen was silent for a while, and suddenly said, "Do you know the [Guangfuhui]?"

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