Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 741: Genius Huang Wei

Wang Qianchen didn't want to go around in circles, and decided to go straight to the point. When he mentioned the three words "Guangfuhui", he stared at Hong Xiaohao's eyes.

He was born in a salesman, and observing words and expressions is a compulsory course, and every move, word and deed of the customer cannot escape his eyes. He always felt that a person's first reaction would not be false, and even a cunning and scheming fox would reveal flaws and tricks when caught off guard!

He didn't want to happen again with Variety, and he didn't want to make a second mistake.

"What is it?" Hong Xiaohao said with a bewildered face, "What is the Restoration Conference?"

This is Hong Xiaohao's first reaction, and also the most real reaction.

Can't go wrong.

Wang Qianchen stared at his eyes tightly, and he couldn't see any impurities, just pure doubt and confusion.

But this does not mean that Hong Xiaohao is innocent. After all, the letters between him and the [Guangfuhui] have been intercepted, and they have passed the handwriting identification, and it is indeed him.

Wang Qianchen said: "It is an organization that exists abroad. I have been in contact with it several times when I was a monster slayer before."

Then, the stories of Liu Jin and Shen Jiang were respectively told.

He added, "I was wanted by [Monster Slayer], so I wanted to join this [Guangfuhui], but unfortunately there is no way out now!"

The implication is obvious enough.

If Hong Xiaohao and the [Guangfuhui] have contacts, they should be a matchmaker, right?

After Hong Xiaohao heard this, his eyebrows instantly twisted into a ball, and he said seriously and angrily: "Listen to what you mean, this [Guangfuhui] is very unfriendly to Da Xia, and the monsters who have repeatedly released the monster want to harm us here. Wang Qianchen, for the sake of your partner Tu Qingcheng and Ge Ye, I think you are quite a hero, and that's why I rescue you! If you want to join the [Guangfuhui], turn around and deal with Da Xia... I'm so sorry, I'm going to be rude to you!"

After speaking, Hong Xiaohao grabbed his hand in the void, and a pitch-black Demon Slayer appeared in his palm.

Wang Qianchen remained motionless, still looking directly into Hong Xiaohao's eyes.

"You'd better give up this idea immediately!" Hong Xiaohao became more and more angry, his eyes blazing with flames.

Wang Qianchen remained motionless.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a show!

Wang Qianchen felt in his heart that the upper levels of [Monster Slayer] should look into this matter, even if there was a letter exchange, even if it really passed the handwriting appraisal...

Is it possible that someone else deliberately framed or framed it?

After all, imitating handwriting is a common occurrence from ancient times to the present. Although in modern times, after there are professional appraisal institutions, this kind of behavior has basically disappeared, but don’t forget that there are still enlightened people in this world. Someone awakened this ability?

"I warn you again, don't join the [Guangfuhui], or I will definitely kill you even at the ends of the earth!" Hong Xiaohao was still full of flames, with an unquestionable tone in his tone.

Before Wang Qianchen could speak, he heard footsteps suddenly coming from the courtyard.

someone is coming!

Not only did he hear it, but Hong Xiaohao also heard it. After all, the footsteps were getting closer.

Hong Xiaohao immediately pushed Wang Qianchen and said sharply, "Go upstairs first, don't leave here, or I will hunt you down!"

Wang Qianchen immediately turned around and went upstairs, and casually entered a bedroom.

At the same time, the doorbell rang.

With his ear, he could of course hear any sound in this villa.

"Who?" Hong Xiaohao walked over as if nothing happened.

"Me!" The person outside the door replied without giving his name. Obviously, he and Hong Xiaohao were acquaintances, so he could only say the word "I".

"Brother Huang, why are you here?" Hong Xiaohao was stunned, then opened the door.

Standing outside the door was a middle-aged man wearing a khaki hat and a British woolen coat, lined with a shirt and vest, and leaning on a brown civilized stick in his hand, looking handsome and gentlemanly. .

But Yuezhou is basically summer all year round, and when it is the coldest, he wears long sleeves. The dress of the person outside the door is obviously inappropriate.

"I'm passing by here on something, and I'll stop by to see you." The people outside the door smiled, and they didn't seem to feel hot, and their words and deeds were very gentle.

As soon as he heard this person's voice, Wang Qianchen knew who it was.

Hucheng's Demon Slayer Captain, Huang Wei!

I had a face-to-face with Nie's house in Jiangnan before, and I also remembered this person's voice.

Speaking of which, Huang Wei is also a genius, and stories about him are also circulated in [Monster Slayer].

He is a native of Xinhucheng, that is, a new population who has only moved in in recent decades. It is said that he was despised by several old Hucheng people when he just passed by, saying that he could not drink coffee or speak Hucheng dialect, and his clothes were also very rustic. , not a Shanghainese.

This incident gave Huang Wei a lot of stimulation. Even in summer, he was dressed in suits and shoes, meticulous, and he only drank coffee and no other drinks. He always had to add Ala and Yigang to his speech, and he must maintain his delicacy and decency at all times. , Others see him living very tired, but he is enjoying it.

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