Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 742: Some things need you to carry

As for his ability, it is said that he can make coffee anytime, anywhere, and can be used to fight the enemy. Du Hong and others have experienced it. The sticky coffee can drip on the ground and stick to their hands and feet, which is also a difficult task. entangled opponent.

"Welcome, Brother Huang, come in!" Hong Xiaohao smiled and welcomed Huang Wei in.

"What to drink? Or coffee, right?" Hong Xiaohao walked towards the coffee machine.

"I only drink hand-milled, not machine-milled." Huang Wei took off his coat and hat and hung them on the coat hook at the door, walked to the sofa, sat down and said, "Don't bother, give it to me. Just get a cup."

"Hey, I'll be polite to you." Hong Xiaohao brought a cup over.

Huang Wei took the cup, glanced at the coffee table, and said strangely, "Are there any guests?"

There are two herbal tea jars on the coffee table.

"Well, I did it just now, it's gone!" Hong Xiaohao threw the jar into the trash can and sat down too.

Huang Wei didn't ask any more. He stared at the cup in his hand and heard the sound of "huhuhu". The cup was instantly filled with coffee, and the bitter aroma wafted out instantly.

Huang Wei lowered his head and took a sip, a look of satisfaction flashing in his eyes.

"Brother Huang, your ability is good, you can drink coffee anytime, anywhere!" Hong Xiaohao laughed, flipped his slippers again, and put his legs on the coffee table.

Huang Wei frowned slightly, this behavior was obviously disgraceful, but he didn't say anything.

"Brother Huang, what are you doing in Yuezhou?" Hong Xiaohao asked casually.

"A little thing." Huang Wei ignored it and said immediately, "Xiaohao, has anyone found you these days?"

"Looking for me? Who's looking for me?" Hong Xiaohao looked confused.

"Above." Huang Wei stretched out his hand and pointed to the ceiling.

Huang Wei originally meant something else, but Hong Xiaohao misunderstood and thought he was talking about Wang Qianchen who was hiding on the second floor. Don't talk about him, even Wang Qianchen himself misunderstood, "squeaked" in his heart, and was ready to run away at any time.

Hong Xiaohao looked surprised: "Brother Huang, you all know?"

Huang Wei was silent for a while, then nodded.

"...How did you know?" Hong Xiaohao looked puzzled, but he used the gate of time and space to bring Wang Qianchen here.

"...Don't ask me how I found out, what are you going to do?" Huang Wei looked directly into his eyes.

Hong Xiaohao was silent for a while before he said, "Brother Huang, since you know it, I won't hide it... I'm going to let him go."

This time it was Huang Wei's turn to be confused: "He? Who?"

Hong Xiaohao said, "Wang Qianchen, aren't you here for him?"

Huang Wei looked surprised: "Wang Qianchen is here?"

"..." Hong Xiaohao finally realized that he and Huang Wei had chatted, so he had no choice but to say, "Yes, here I am!"

Then I talked about the previous things, but didn't mention the [Guangfuhui] thing.

"Brother Huang, I really think Wang Qianchen is a good person. Tu Qingcheng and killing Ge Ye are also helpless... We can't control the above ideas, but we can make some decisions in private... Raise the muzzle one inch, or let him go. Come on!" Hong Xiaohao said sincerely.

Huang Wei was silent for a long time before he said, "This is your territory. If I say I won't let him go, you don't agree either!"

Hong Xiaohao swept away the haze before, and laughed: "Thank you, Brother Huang!"

Huang Wei waved his hand and said, "Okay, call him down, let's talk to him again!"

"Okay!" Hong Xiaohao turned around and walked upstairs without any doubt.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Huang Wei suddenly picked up the civilization stick in his hand and stabbed Hong Xiaohao in the back.

He is the strength of the peak of the peak, and Hong Xiaohao is the strength of the late peak. In addition, Huang Wei is a sudden attack, and Hong Xiaohao has no defense against him, so this civilization stick directly pierced his back, and directly from the front chest. Stab it out!

Hong Xiaohao lowered his head in shock and looked at the bright red civilization stick in disbelief.

Upstairs, Wang Qianchen was completely unguarded, and he was all ready to come down and talk to the two captains. Suddenly he heard Huang Wei attacking Hong Xiaohao. Naturally, he was very shocked. He suddenly pulled out his Tiangang sword and rushed downstairs. .

But at this moment, the sound of "huhuhu" suddenly sounded, and several yellow-brown liquids suddenly rushed out from both sides of the corridor. These sticky coffee instantly stuck to his hands and feet.

"Wang Qianchen, don't move for now, I'll take care of you later!" Huang Wei's gloomy voice came from downstairs.

Wang Qianchen struggled hard, but still couldn't move. Even if he held the Tiangang knife, he couldn't chop down the coffee.


"...Why?" Hong Xiaohao couldn't turn his head and asked angrily.

"Some things need to be carried by you, so you must die." Huang Wei sighed softly.

"Wh... what's the matter?" Hong Xiaohao's vitality gradually faded, and he asked with all his strength.

Huang Wei was silent for a while, but he still said, "I am a member of the [Guangfuhui]. You may not have heard of this organization, but it doesn't matter, you will die immediately, just to let you die a little more clearly."

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