Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 753: Bai Kuanghai, do you remember me?

With a "bang", the wild boar king finally fell to the ground and fell into a coma.

Feng Jiujiu panted lightly. She didn't know where her anger suddenly came from. It should be from the anger of the two demon kings under her who died but was unable to avenge them?

Well, it must be so.

Feng Jiujiu looked down at Wang Qianchen again.

The slap of the wild boar king made him still awake.

"It turned out to be a monster..." Feng Jiujiu pouted and murmured, "Killing the two mountain lords under Huang Shi's command should have paid for his life; if you commit the following crimes, it will be a crime!"

Feng Jiujiu raised her hand, and there was a cyan feather between her fingers. With a single flick, it could pierce Wang Qianchen's head!

At this moment, the sound of "huhu" came from the air again, and a black vulture swooped down and said anxiously: "Master Nanhuang, Bai Kuanghai is here, as well as the black bear king and the blue whale king!"

Feng Jiujiu's face froze: "What are they doing here?"

The black vulture said: "I don't know either. It's already at the foot of the mountain. It seems that someone is waiting for someone. It's coming soon!"

"Bai Kuanghai is so daring, killing two of my demon kings is not enough, even if I want to kill me, this is not to take the demon ancestor and his old man in the eye! Okay, I'll go and avoid it first. , you leave here too!" From Feng Jiujiu's standpoint, she naturally thinks that Bai Kuanghai is here to "cut the grass and remove the roots", based on her understanding of Bai Kuanghai, this guy is really crazy to this point!

Qingluan Mountain is Feng Jiujiu's site, and there are many of her subordinates on the mountain and down the mountain, but she thinks that since Bai Kuanghai dares to come to the door, he must have made sufficient preparations, and he will never come without full confidence!

Therefore, Feng Jiujiu's first reaction was to flee first, even if he could find this place back in the future!

Feng Jiujiu could have killed Wang Qianchen before leaving, but after hesitating, she grabbed the person and disappeared in the Qingluan Mountain while the blue veil fluttered.

The black vulture also fled quickly.

Under the plane tree, only the wild boar king was still lying on the ground. As for his white-clawed eagle, it flew away when he first began to be beaten.


At the foot of the mountain, Bai Kuanghai, the Blue Whale King, and the Black Bear King have indeed arrived. The reason why they haven't climbed the mountain is because they are waiting for the Golden Eagle King.


There was a sound of wings flapping in the sky, and a half-human, half-eagle monster came out of the wind, and it was the Golden Eagle King who made his debut. Behind him, there were also several eagles and falcons, sitting Lang Baibai waiting for a group of monsters.

"Lao Jin, I'm doing your business, but you're the last to arrive?" The Black Bear King pretended to be annoyed and asked.

"Organize the staff, or I'll arrive early!" As the relationship between the Golden Eagle King and the Black Bear King is getting better and better, he doesn't care what "Old Jin" is called.

After explaining, the Golden Eagle King greeted them respectively: "Master Donghuang, Blue Whale King."

Bai Kuanghai nodded, and then said, "What kind of manpower do you organize? To steal people from Feng Jiujiu, the key is to be quick. What's the use of these scumbags?"

After all, Lang Baibai is a mountain master, and his strength is also at the peak.

The Golden Eagle King didn't speak for him either. It was quite normal for a mountain lord to be scolded by the demon emperor. Other monsters were not lucky enough to want to be scolded.

The Golden Eagle King said, "Lord Donghuang, thank you for helping me."

Bai Kuanghai snorted, "If it wasn't for your Beihuang, why would you need me to go out..."

At this point, it suddenly stopped.

Although he extremely despised Lu Jun, he did not demean him too much in front of the Golden Eagle King. No matter what happened between them, at least from the outsiders' point of view, the four demon emperors were on an equal footing.

Bai Kuanghai changed his words and said, "It's not to help you either, that kid saved the black bear's life, and the black bear begged me in person, so I'm here!"

Brick, who had been lying on Lang Baibai's shoulder, suddenly couldn't bear it any longer, and said directly, "Can you stop talking nonsense, and hurry up and save people! If you drag it on, my master will be killed by Feng Jiujiu!"

Bai Kuanghai said sullenly, "Who? Dare to say that in front of me?"

Both Lang Baibai and King Golden Eagle's expressions changed dramatically. They knew that the monster under Wang Qianchen had always been open-mouthed, but they usually don't care about it. But this is "East Demon Emperor" Bai Kuanghai, who is talking nonsense in front of him. Isn't Ba Dao courting death?

Before the golden eagle king could reprimand, the bricks flew up and said, "Bai Kuanghai, don't you remember me, your demon ancestor and I used to be brothers, and he still wanted me to be the military advisor of the [Wan Yaohui]. !"

The Golden Eagle King and other monsters have also heard him say such words, but they don't take it seriously, they just think it's just a few words, and I didn't expect it to blow in front of Bai Kuanghai!

Who knew that Bai Kuanghai stared at him and seemed to remember something: "Okay...it seems like this is the case...is it you?"

All the monsters looked at Brick in surprise.

Banzhuan scolded and said, "I know you don't remember! Forget it, I didn't expect you to remember what happened hundreds of years ago, otherwise I would have gone to Feng Jiujiu! Stop talking nonsense and go up the mountain first. Bar!"

——Actually, Banzhuan doesn’t remember Bai Kuanghai. He didn’t see it a few times back then. He still remembers ghosts.

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