Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 757: East China Sea, a new battlefield

Knowing that the Golden Eagle King actually called the "East Demon Emperor" Bai Kuanghai and the Black Bear King to save himself in Qingluan Mountain, Wang Qianchen was naturally moved, but also more confused, why did he appear here?

"I don't know, they didn't see Feng Jiujiu after they talked about the scene, they only saw the wild boar king who was seriously injured and fell to the ground!" Tan Zuo relayed what he had heard from Lang Baibai.

"The wild boar king fell to the ground with serious injuries?!" Wang Qianchen became more and more puzzled, what happened?

"You really don't remember anything?" Tan Zuo was also very strange.

"I don't remember, the wild boar king knocked me out, and when I woke up again, the person was here." Wang Qianchen didn't say anything about the little girl just now, he didn't think it was necessary, it was just a small episode.

"It's really strange, what happened?" Tan Zuo was also confused.

The two were talking when they heard a "hula la" sound from the sky, and it was Bai Kuanghai, the Black Bear King, the Golden Eagle King and other monsters who had arrived.

"Master!" Brick was the first to fly over.


"Wang Qianchen, are you okay?"

All the demons opened their mouths one after another, and their concern was beyond words. Wang Qianchen quickly expressed his gratitude and told his own story again. Although no one knew what was going on, they were relieved to see that Wang Qianchen was safe and sound.

Taking this opportunity, the Golden Eagle King also introduced other monsters.

It was the first time that Wang Qianchen saw the "East Demon Emperor" Bai Kuanghai and the Blue Whale King. He thought that these two monsters were so perverted, they went out wearing only underpants, but still respectfully said: "Thank you, Lord Donghuang, Thank you Blue Whale King."

Bai Kuanghai nodded and said, "It's alright, a few juniors are quite worried about you."

The Black Bear King said a few words to Tan Zuo, and then said thoughtfully: "Did someone rescue Wang Qianchen and send it here?"

Bai Kuanghai frowned and said, "Who has the ability?"

Feng Jiujiu is in a state of extremes. There are still many monsters on the mountain. It is Bai Kuanghai, who has always been arrogant and arrogant. He brought a few monster kings to the Qingluan Mountain. How powerful is the person who rescued Wang Qianchen?

Wang Qianchen and Tan Zuo both thought, "Could it be Song Cepeng who did it?"

The demons discussed it for a long time, but they didn't say why. Bai Kuanghai said, "Don't think so much. If someone really rescues the little dog, they will definitely show up in the future. Be careful in the future, don't fall into Feng Jiu again. Nine hands, not every time I have such good luck."

Wang Qianchen nodded and said hello.

Bai Kuanghai stepped on the wind shark tent and carried the Blue Whale King and the Black Bear King away, while the Golden Eagle King and Lang Baibai and other demons also said their goodbyes.

There were only Wang Qianchen and Tan Zuo left in the alley, plus a talkative brick.

"If I knew you were fine, I wouldn't shake you!" Ban Bian was complacent.

"You did a good job, continue next time." Wang Qianchen stuffed the brick back into his lower back.

The turmoil had come to an end, but Tan Zuo still had lingering fears and said: "You are too dangerous every day, [Monster Slayer] wants you, and the Southern Demon Emperor is staring at you! Why don't I and Du Hong continue to accompany you? !"

Wang Qianchen didn't take it too seriously. It wasn't the first time he was hunted down, and he said, "No, it's fine for you two to continue to be monster slayers. If you have trouble occasionally, come and help me, there's no need to jump to It came from this quagmire. I didn't know that the Southern Demon Emperor had this idea before, but now that I know it, I can be prepared."

Tan Zuo quite understands Wang Qianchen's character and what he thinks, so he can only say, "Okay, what are your plans next?"

Wang Qianchen said: "I'm still waiting for the task over there [Tianqi]."

Tan Zuo said, "What if they let you kill again?"

When it came to this question, Wang Qianchen also had a headache: "Let's take one step at a time!"

Tan Zuo hesitated to speak, but he couldn't say anything else. He could only complain about Song Epee in his heart. How could Wang Qianchen be allowed to do such a dangerous thing?

After the two separated, Wang Qianchen returned to Qianrenling and immediately called Song Cepong.

After answering the code, Wang Qianchen went straight in and asked Song Epee: "Did you save me?"

Song Chongjian listened to the whole process and said directly: "No!"

If it's not Song Cepeng, who could it be?

Wang Qianchen became more and more confused.


East China Sea.

As soon as Bai Kuanghai stepped on the wind shark tent and came back, he saw a graceful cyan figure standing in the air.

"Yo, isn't this Nanhuang, why did he come to me?" Bai Kuanghai grinned happily.

"You can go to my place, but I can't come to yours?" Feng Jiujiu's face was gloomy, and she looked only fourteen or fifteen years old, but at this moment, she was full of infinite anger and viciousness.

"Hahaha, of course, welcome!" Bai Kuanghai laughed: "Then what do you mean, you want to fight with me?"

On the wind shark tent, Bai Kuanghai stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes flashing with excitement.

The Black Bear King went down from Wuyi Mountain, and only the Blue Whale King stood behind him.

Seeing this scene, the blue whale king waved his hand slightly. The originally calm sea surface suddenly tumbled like boiling water. Countless sea monsters, sea beasts, and sea monsters with sharp teeth and sharp mouths surrounded the water, staring at the sky above. It seems like you can jump up at any time!

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