Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 758: after the war

At the same time, Bai Kuanghai also secretly observed the surroundings to see if Feng Jiujiu brought help, otherwise how would she dare to break into her own territory?

Bai Kuanghai is crazy, but he is not mindless, even in his own territory, he will not take a demon emperor lightly!

"Don't look at it." Feng Jiujiu said solemnly, "I came alone."

Bai Kuanghai frowned slightly.

As far as he knew, the "Southern Demon Emperor" Feng Jiujiu shouldn't be such a reckless person, but he had already observed the surroundings, and there was no other trace on the boundless sea.

The blue whale king waved his hand again, and the sea monsters, sea beasts, and sea monsters swimming in the water all quieted down, and the sea returned to its calm state.

"What do you mean?" Bai Kuanghai asked again.

"Bai Kuanghai, do you think that if the two demon kings under my command are dead, they can be bullied and slaughtered by you, and my territory can be freely invaded?" Feng Jiujiu's eyes were like knives.

"...I didn't think so." Bai Kuanghai said, "I came to your side to save people."

"Save who?"

"A Lingzhu on Lu Jun's side."

Feng Jiujiu was a demon emperor on an equal footing with him, of course, Bai Kuanghai had to explain the cause and effect clearly.

"For the sake of a mountain master, you are so inspiring..." Feng Jiujiu wanted to question, but thinking of Wang Qianchen's personality and personality, he felt that he should have so many friends.

From the bottom of my heart, if Wang Qianchen is in trouble now, and she bumps into him again, will he help?

Eighty percent.

But Feng Jiujiu still raised her eyebrows and said, "Stop talking nonsense, it's always a fact that you lead people into my territory, right?"

Bai Kuanghai finally got a little annoyed: "Yes, what do you want?"

"Bai Kuanghai, I didn't tell Yaozu about this, and I don't want to be such a scumbag! But I have to get back to this place! If you are a man, just play against me one-on-one, we have a high score here. Let's get down to the real chapter!" After speaking, Feng Jiujiu spread out her hands, and the green skirt on her body began to move without wind.

At the same time, green light flashed around her body. If you look closely, it is a ball of light composed of pieces of blue feathers.

She has a very accurate grasp of Bai Kuanghai.

As soon as these words are spoken, Bai Kuanghai's character will definitely agree, even if it is in his territory!

As expected, Bai Kuanghai agreed immediately, laughed and said, "Okay, come on!"


The voice fell, and a large piece of green feathers roared out towards the Bai Kuanghai, almost covering the sky and covering the sky and the sea.

Seeing this, the blue whale king immediately jumped into the water to avoid it.

And Bai Kuanghai did not retreat, but moved forward, and slammed up towards a green feather, while his body shuttled in the air and dodged, his big mouth opened suddenly, revealing sharp and terrifying fangs that even flashed with cold light, "Kacha. Kacha" biting those green feathers, all of them turned into powder in his mouth.

But there were also some Qingyu who fell into the sea, and there was a shrill scream immediately, and there were many corpses of sea monsters, sea monsters, and sea beasts floating on the sea, and the blood also filled at least several kilometers away.

"Stay away!" Bai Kuanghai shouted loudly, and rushed towards Feng Jiujiu again.

An earth-shattering battle unfolded rapidly over the East China Sea.

Hui Province, Qianrenling.

Wang Qianchen is sitting in his cave, and it is rare to have such a leisurely time. Of course, he must practice hard. It’s a pity that after turning the [Heart Sutra of Slaying the Demon] dozens of times, the spiritual power in the body still hasn’t changed at all. Ordinary people are ordinary people, no matter how talented and magical they are, only he knows that there is no “demon” Big Brother Qi", he is at most a soil realm by now.

"One two one, one two one..."

Outside the cave, deafening slogans were heard. Banzhuan was training the monsters in Qianrenling. Everyone lined up in a series, kicking straight steps, and reporting the number from time to time. It looked like something like that.

Wang Qianchen walked out of the hole and saw the bricks standing in the air, scolding this and that, and saying, "You are the worst class I have ever brought" and so on.

Three days ago, Banzhuan decided to implement militarized management of the monsters in Qianrenling to ensure that they can stand alone and be invincible when encountering foreign enemies, so there is the above scene.

Wang Qianchen didn't bother to care about it either, this guy felt uncomfortable all day if he didn't pretend to be forceful.

Wang Qianchen was leaning against the stone wall, thinking about where to get a few more spirit pills to upgrade himself, when he saw a few monsters patrolling the mountains rushing over.

"Master Dog Ridge... Master Dog Ridge…" Several monsters shouted.

"What are you doing, how many times have I told you, when you report something, you have to call for a report!"

"Report!" Several monsters immediately stood at attention.

"What's the matter?" Wang Qianchen didn't speak, and Brick asked slowly.

"Just now a person fell from the sky and hit the mountainside!" said a monster.

"Grass, what's so strange about a person falling from the sky, could it be an alien?" Brick snorted, making a look of knowledge.

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