Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 759: nine girls

"It's not an alien, it's a woman, or it's a sublime!" The monster replied.

woman? topsy-turvy?

Hearing these words, Brick took a breath, and Wang Qianchen had already walked over.

"Take me to see!" Wang Qianchen waved his hand.

A group of monsters followed Wang Qianchen down the mountain mightily and came to the middle of the mountain. Sure enough, they saw a woman lying on the ground. She also broke the surrounding trees and rocks. Her body was also covered in blood, and she was obviously seriously injured. .

And she really exudes a sublime atmosphere!

Looking at the clothes on the woman's body, it seemed familiar, but because she was stained with too much blood, she couldn't be sure. Wang Qianchen walked over cautiously, turned the woman's face over, and when she could see her appearance clearly, she immediately called out "ah" came out.

Brick also called out with a "fuck": "This is not that that that..."

The fourteen- or fifteen-year-old little girl who I've seen several times.

Wang Qianchen's expression was first surprised, then solemn, and finally silent.

"Looking at it like this, she seems to be a little familiar..." Banzhuan seemed to think of something.

Wang Qianchen hesitated for a while, but finally picked up the little girl and walked towards the mountain.

When he came to the cave, Wang Qianchen put the little **** the stone bed, and then carefully inspected her wound. There were at least seven or eight blood holes, and there were sawtooth marks on the edges, which seemed to be bitten by some monster.

"There are not many people who can hurt her..." Brick said quietly.

Wang Qianchen took out the wound medicine on his body - different from the crude herbal medicine of monsters, his wound medicine was distributed uniformly by [Monster Slayer], which had an excellent healing effect.

But when he was about to take the medicine, Wang Qianchen remembered something, turned to Banzhuan and said, "Go and call a female monster in."

"What is the female monster called, take this opportunity to give her quickly..."

Before Brick had finished speaking, Wang Qianchen turned back and glared at it.

Banzhuan stopped talking nonsense, and immediately went out and called a banshee in.

Wang Qianchen patiently taught the female monster how to disinfect, apply medicine, and bandage, and then grabbed the bricks out. After all the female monsters were dealt with, he did not go in, but sat at the entrance of the cave and thought about something.

Another day and night passed, and finally a rustling sound came from the cave, apparently the little girl woke up.

Wang Qianchen called the female monster over, let her go in to check the situation, and explained a few words on purpose.

in the hole.

When Feng Jiujiu woke up, she first looked left and right, then turned over and sat up with a bang.

She didn't know this place, but it seemed to be a cave.

Looking at myself again, the wounds were basically bandaged, and it was obvious that someone had saved me!

Before, she had fought fiercely with Bai Kuanghai, the "East Demon Emperor", for three days and three nights. After all, she was in the opponent's territory.

Fortunately, Bai Kuanghai was also injured and was temporarily unable to chase her—even if there were other monsters that could be summoned in his territory, Bai Kuanghai wouldn't do it, so he would have a heads-up.

Feng Jiujiu originally thought that she could reach Qingluan Mountain, but unfortunately she was exhausted halfway, and she didn't know where she landed, let alone where it was.

At this moment, footsteps sounded, and a person who looked like an aunt walked in.

Feng Jiujiu saw at a glance that she was a monster!

"Nan... Lord Nanhuang..." The aunt called out nervously.

"You know me?" Feng Jiujiu frowned.

"Well... what our ling master told me..." Auntie trembled more and more.

"Who is your mountain lord?"

"Qianrenling, Lord Dog Mountain!"

"..." Feng Jiujiu fell silent for a moment.

Is it such a coincidence that it happened to fall into his territory?

After a long while, Feng Jiujiu said, "You bandaged my wound?"

"Yes..." The aunt said tremblingly, "I have been taking care of you..."

If it were someone else, Feng Jiujiu would definitely not believe it. With her perfect body, which man is not envious and unmoved?

But that person, she believed.

While she was in a coma, she could neither hide her demonic energy nor her realm, and then thinking about some of the things that happened before, it was not difficult to guess her identity.

Feng Jiujiu was silent for a while before saying, "Thank you, let your ling masters come in."

"Our Lingzhu is not here." The aunt said, "He said thank you for not killing him before. This time, I saved your life, so it's clear."

After Wang Qianchen explained it before, he did avoid it first.

Feng Jiujiu said no more, got up and walked out of the cave, the sun shone on her face, and instinctively blocked it with her hand. When I got used to the light and opened my eyes again, I saw a group of monsters crawling outside the cave, all of them shivering and trembling.

Feng Jiujiu was used to this scene for a long time, and didn't even bother to say anything. After looking around, she really didn't find that person.

If you don't see it, you won't see it, it's not all the way.

Feng Jiujiu was about to fly away when a blue-green slab suddenly floated slowly over.

"Nine girls, do you still remember me?" Banzhuan said with a smile.

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