Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 763: friend, break up

It turns out that Nie Ren and the Nie family still have such a relationship!

Although Nie Ren was this surname, Wang Qianchen didn't really think about that at first. Song Chongjian knew that Wang Qianchen and Nie Rong had a good relationship. When he killed Ge Ye before, the Nie family had also helped in secret, so he deliberately mentioned this issue to let him know.

"Okay, I understand." Wang Qianchen knew Song Epee's good intentions, and naturally agreed.

"That's right." Wang Qianchen thought of something again and said, "Is this Taiji talisman one of the 'seven artifacts'?"

Song Chongjian said, "It should be, otherwise it won't reach Chen Wanhe's ears."

"But I remember that you said before that the seven artifacts are all offensive, and this 'Tai Chi Talisman' seems to be defensive and protective!"

"Well, I am also speculating, there may be misinformation. Anyway, since it is an artifact, it must be obtained, and must not fall into the hands of the [Guangfuhui]." Song Chongjian reminded again.

"Okay." Wang Qianchen agreed.

Not long after hanging up, an unfamiliar number called on his cell phone.

"Captain Wang, how are you!" A laughing voice came from the phone.

"Nie Ren?" Wang Qianchen asked tentatively.

"Hey, it's me, Captain Wang is very smart!" Nie Ren continued to smile.

After Wang Qianchen joined [Tianqi], his rank was naturally the captain. Fat Tou Tuo also said that he would have a few team members for him, but he politely refused, saying that he liked to go it alone—the main reason was that he didn’t want to have too much trouble with these criminals. too close.

He doesn't bother He Jun, it doesn't mean he doesn't bother other [Tianqi] people, especially A Fei and Liu Xiazi who left him with a very bad impression.

But Nie Ren is also a peak and a team captain. Logically speaking, there is no need to be so polite. Wang Qianchen always sounded hypocritical.

But in terms of hypocrisy, who can be more hypocritical than him, a salesman?

Wang Qianchen also smiled and said: "Captain Nie is very polite, I have been waiting for your call, I don't want to eat, I finally waited!"

Nie Ren laughed twice and said, "It's our first time sharing a class, and I hope we can work together happily... Where do we meet?"

Wang Qianchen said: "I'm in Hui Province... In this way, there is Huangfeng Town at the foot of Huangshan Mountain. Let's meet there."

"Okay, then see you soon."

The two agreed on a time and place, and then each went to their own place.

Wang Qianchen was in Qianrenling, which was too close to Mount Huangshan, and he was good at flying, so he arrived soon after.

At the foot of Mount Huangshan, in Huangfeng Town, Wang Qianchen found a hotel to stay.

Nie Ren came from out of town, and it would take some time before Wang Qianchen lay on the bed and called Nie Rong bored.

After calling twice in a row, Nie Rong didn't answer. When Wang Qianchen was about to give up, Nie Rong came back.

"What are you busy with, why don't you answer the phone?" Wang Qianchen asked with a smile, he already regarded Nie Rong as a good friend.

"...I'm thinking about it." Nie Rong was silent for a while, and finally replied.

"Considering what?"

"When you killed Ge Ye before, I was still thinking, maybe you will be useful in the future, so I stood by your side. As a result, you turned around and killed Hong Xiaohao and Huang Wei... Brother, can you stop being so cruel? Well, I think it's hard for you to return to [Monster Slayer], why don't we keep in touch in the future? Thank you for the Spirit Pill you gave me before, let's just pretend we don't owe anyone anything. ?"

"Fuck, are you too realistic?"

"Is this a reality? Your cruelty is about to catch up with Chen Wanhe. My dad and my brother have told me again and again, don't interact with you! Xiaochen, Xiaochen, kill Ge Ye, I will be you Excusable, what happened to killing Hong Xiaohao and Huang Wei? They provoked you to mess with you? Even if Xiaowei is resurrected, he can't forgive you, right?"

Nie Rong scolded, but after all, he answered Wang Qianchen's call, obviously wanting to wait for Wang Qianchen to give him a reasonable explanation.

Wang Qianchen couldn't explain it.

He can tell Du Hong, he can tell Tan Zuo, but he can't tell Nie Rong, because Nie Rong is behind the entire Nie family, so it's not a good thing for too many people to know the secret.

——He took the blame, but this is also the foundation of his foothold in [Tianqi]!

Wang Qianchen didn't speak, Nie Rong became more and more irritable: "Okay, don't contact me in the future, you can't be my friend!"

After speaking, Nie Rong hung up the phone directly.

Wang Qianchen originally wanted to ask Nie Rong about Nie Ren's abilities, characteristics, etc., but Nie Rong had this attitude, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

He thought it didn't matter before, anyway, Song Chongjian knew that he was innocent, and one day he would be able to show up. But Nie Rong's remarks finally made him realize the difficulty of taking the blame, presumably Li Qianqiu, Zhou Weiguo, Solanum vulgaris, Zhong Xin...

They all know about this, what do they think?

He used to be everyone's pride, but now he has become a notorious and wanted criminal with many evil deeds!

Wang Qianchen was lying on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, the whole person has never felt so powerless...

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