Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 764: I will breathe fire

Jiangnan, Nie family.

After Nie Rong hung up the phone, he was also not feeling well. He was indeed a businessman who took the lead in the word "li", but it would be a lie to say that he had no relationship with Wang Qianchen. Lots of contacts.

Seeing Wang Qianchen become what he is now, Nie Rong felt heartache, regret, and even a little resentment, the kind of hatred that iron can't become steel!

"Okay, it's better to cut off contact with this kind of person as soon as possible, the situation is no longer under our Nie family's control." Nie Jiao comforted.

"Well, I have discussed it with the ancestor, and he also thinks that this relationship can no longer be maintained." Nie Gang said solemnly.

When Wang Qianchen just called, the three of Nie's father and son happened to be talking about things together. Nie Rong wanted to pick it up from the beginning, but was stopped by his elder brother and father. After some discussion, he went back and said what he said before.

Nie Rong originally wanted to hear the explanation, but Wang Qianchen was silent again, so he had to follow the "script".

Nie Gang and Nie Jiao comforted each other, but Nie Rongcai said helplessly, "If you break it, break it!"

Nie Gang nodded and said, "That's right! It's what a man does when you break it! Okay, I'm going to Hui Province. I have a business to discuss. You brothers, watch the house."

After Nie Gang left, the brothers also went back to their respective rooms.

Nie Rong sat on the sofa, took out the phone, put it back, and so on, and finally sighed and threw the phone on the coffee table.


Huangfeng Town, inside the hotel.

As the twilight gradually subsided, when the afterglow of the sun completely subsided, Wang Qianchen finally received a call from Nie Ren.

"Captain Wang, I'm at the hotel, which room are you in?"

In fact, Wang Qianchen heard it as soon as Nie Ren entered the hotel, but he pretended not to know, smiled and said, "Come on, I live in room 304."

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Wang Qianchen opened the door and saw a young man under thirty standing outside the door. His eyebrows and eyes were a bit similar to Nie Jiao and Nie Rong. Of course, it could also be a psychological effect. Knowing that they were related, he would be unconscious. think about these.

"Captain Wang, how are you!" I don't know if it was fake or not. Unlike Nie Jiao and Nie Rong's arrogance, Nie Ren looked quite peaceful.

"Captain Nie, hello!" Wang Qianchen turned down and let Nie Ren in.

In the room, the two chatted casually for a while, and decided on the next action plan: take a rest here for one night, and go straight to Huangshan the next day. Anyway, the location is already there, and it will be fine to dig directly at that time.

The address given by Fatou Tuo is a coordinate. Wang Qianchen masters the first half, and Nie Ren masters the second half. Only by working together can we find the exact location.

"Okay, that's settled, I'll go back to my room first." Nie Ren got up and left, his room was next door.

Wang Qianchen got up and sent them off.

Nie Ren just walked to the door, suddenly remembered something, turned around and asked, "By the way, Captain Wang, what are your abilities?"

Wang Qianchen was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "I can breathe fire, how about you?"

Nie Ren said with a smile, "I can see through. I can see clearly what is hidden in ordinary people."

Wang Qianchen's expression froze, and instinctively wanted to clamp his crotch.

Nie Ren smiled again: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in men! I mean, when we arrive at Mount Huangshan tomorrow, we'll be able to dig up the Tai Chi seal soon!"

Nie Ren pointed to his eyes, meaning that he could see deep into the soil.

Compared with the excavation process of Immortal Slaying Sword and Tiangang Knife, this ability of Nie Ren is indeed very useful.

Wang Qianchen smiled and said, "That saves a lot of effort!"

After Nie Ren left, Wang Qianchen closed the door, lying on the bed but felt a little uncomfortable. He always felt that Nie Ren was watching him next door - he has a see-through eye, can he see himself easily?

Fortunately, he can monitor himself, and he can monitor him.

Nie Ren through the eyes, Wang Qianchen through the ears and nose!

Wang Qianchen was lying on the bed, playing with his mobile phone for a while, and washing up to go to sleep, but heard the voice of answering the phone next door.

"Are you sure that old man Nie Gang has arrived in Hui Province?"

"Okay, gather the brothers and kill him directly!"

"Well, you stare at him first, I'll be there in a while..."

Nie Ren hung up the phone and immediately got dressed and went out. After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Wang Qianchen immediately went over to open the door. Nie Ren stood at the door and said with a smile, "Captain Wang, I'm going to do something outside."

Wang Qianchen pretended to frown and said, "Won't you delay tomorrow's action?"

Nie Ren said, "No, I'll be back in a while!"

After Nie Ren left, Wang Qianchen broke out in a cold sweat, and immediately dialed Nie Rong's number, while muttering to himself, "Pick me up! Answer me!"

Although it is okay to send a message, there is no guarantee that Nie Rong will receive it. It is more reliable to call him and tell him!

Because the two had just "broken up" before, Wang Qianchen was really worried that Nie Rong would not answer his calls.

Fortunately, he thought too much, the bell rang only once, and Nie Rong picked it up, as if he was waiting for him.

"Why are you calling me again?" Nie Rong's voice was full of impatience.

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