Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 777: embarrassing brick

Then, Wang Qianchen selectively talked about several previous experiences, such as Liu Jin and Shen Jiang in [Monster Slayer], and Qu Da in [Tianqi], all of which had been quickly upgraded in a short period of time, and then the key The big demons were released at all times, and it was later confirmed that they were all undercover agents of the [Guangfuhui].

"You...you spit your blood...sir Nanhuang, I'm not, please help me..." The blood was flowing, Zhu He was about to be unable to hold it, and he begged Feng Jiujiu.

"The upgrade soon indicated that it was from the [Guangfuhui]? Isn't it too abrupt?" Feng Jiujiu frowned slightly. Although she was not going to defend Zhu He, she felt that such assertion was a bit rash.

Wang Qianchen said: "These [Guangfuhui] undercover agents generally have several things in common, one is that they have spiritual pills on their bodies, which are the things of the evil god, the leader of the [Guangfuhui], not made of medicinal materials, but directly with spiritual power. Condensed, and you can reach a small realm by taking one! The second is the container that carries those big demons, there are porcelain vases and gourds, but most of them are porcelain vases..."

Wang Qianchen described the shape and color of the lower porcelain vase in detail, and then said: "If nothing else, he also has these two things on him!"

After speaking, Wang Qianchen immediately leaned down and searched Zhu He. After a while, he found a white porcelain bottle and a translucent white pill.

Feng Jiujiu frowned, looking at the white porcelain bottle, then at the white pill, and finally her eyes fell on Zhu He.

Zhu He's face was ashen, and he couldn't say a word.

Feng Jiujiu believed most of it at first, but seeing Zhu He's state, she was even more certain that what Wang Qianchen said was true, she immediately charged with anger and kicked him fiercely.

Just this kick directly kicked Zhu He's head off, and then a burst of black smoke rose up, and a red-crowned crane with a severed head fell to the ground, completely losing its vitality.

No matter whether she kills or kills demons, it doesn't matter to Feng Jiujiu, even though she has a fourteen-five-year-old face, she is more ruthless than anyone else.

"So... Wan Yaohui, Monster Slayer, and Tianqi were all infiltrated by the [Guangfuhui]?" Feng Jiujiu frowned.

Wang Qianchen was noncommittal because it was obvious.

Feng Jiujiu directly took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"Master Yaozu..."

Just as Feng Jiujiu called out, something suddenly flew out of Wang Qianchen's waist.

Brick leaned against Feng Jiujiu's phone and said excitedly, "Brother, do you remember me?"

"Who are you?" came an inexplicable voice over the phone.

"Me, you can't hear my voice anymore? We swore hundreds of years ago! Think about it, a blue brick!"

"...Psycho, when did I swoop with a brick? Ah Jiu, who is by your side?"

What else did Brick have to say, Wang Qianchen grabbed it back.

"Let go of me, he doesn't remember, let me remind me a few more words!" Brick struggled hard.

"Stop talking..." Wang Qianchen was embarrassed for it, and quickly exerted some soul suppression, and then shoved the brick into the lower back.

Feng Jiujiu glanced at Wang Qianchen, motioned him to take care of his subordinates, and then rushed to the phone and said, "It's okay, a monster who drank alcohol has already been executed by me! Lord Yaozu, I suddenly disturbed you because there was something wrong with you. I have to report to you..."

Feng Jiujiu quickly recounted what had just happened, but did not mention the Tai Chi talisman, only said that she had worked hard and finally killed the big demon.

——If it is mentioned, I am afraid this thing will have to change hands.

"The Demon Ancestor" really attached great importance to stepping on Kyushu, and said in a serious tone: "More than a year ago, I fought a battle with the Baqi Orochi in the East China Sea and won by a small margin. At that time, it mentioned the organization [Guangfuhui]. ... Later, I also specifically reminded Song Cepian, the commander-in-chief of [Monster Slayer]. I didn't expect the other party to be out of control, but to be dark again. In just over a year, it has penetrated to this level! From now on, everyone will investigate individually. My subordinates, find out all these undercover agents! Ah Jiu, let go of the infighting beforehand, and I will notify the other three demon emperors as well."

The matter of Feng Jiujiu and Bai Kuanghai is of course well known in Jiuzhou.

"Okay, I see." Feng Jiujiu hung up the phone, first looked at Zhu He's body, and then turned to look at Wang Qianchen.

"...You killed another mountain master of me." Feng Jiujiu said quietly.

"..." Wang Qianchen was speechless.

Obviously you killed it, I just stabbed him!

"If you don't come under my hands to be the demon king, let's see how I'll deal with you!" Feng Jiujiu gritted his teeth, where is the little girl's anger and innocence from before?

"..." Wang Qianchen still had nothing to say.

"Is this thing really able to raise you to a small realm?" Feng Jiujiu looked down at the spirit pill that Wang Qianchen had held in her hand before.

"Yes!" This is not the first time Wang Qianchen has eaten this thing. Naturally, he is familiar with the road, and shoves it directly into his mouth. In less than a minute, his body really exudes the breath of the late peak!

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