Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 793: There are days outside the sky, there are people outside the people

"Stupid!" Banzhuan cursed viciously, flew up again and said quickly: "I don't have time to care about you, listen carefully, [Tianqi] people want to arrest you, the purpose is to lure your father out to kill Go home quickly, don't **** wander around outside!"

Ding Songran was still slashing with a knife. Hearing Brick's words, he was stunned for a moment, and then asked in surprise, "Really?"

"Fake, fake, fake! I'm **** fooling you, so just keep going outside!" Brick was irritable, and quickly turned away, preparing to return to the bar.

Although Ding Songran is muddy and arrogant, he is not stupid. He knows that Brick won't come to deceive him, so is Wang Qianchen reminding himself behind his back?

Ding Songran never had a good impression of Wang Qianchen, and even if he reconciled before, he did not develop deep feelings. But he knew that Du Hong, Tan Zuo and others could get so close to Wang Qianchen, and even Bai Feiyang moved closer to him later, which was enough to show that this person must have merit.

Listen to people's persuasion, have a full meal, and then go home first!

Ding Songran quickly looked to the left and right, and faintly saw that someone was running towards him, his heart tightened, and he believed more in the words of the bricks, and quickly headed towards the opposite alley, during which he continued to cast several Ding family uniques. The spells, such as clone, escape, etc., but the footsteps follow him closely.

How to do?

In a hurry, Ding Songran called his father immediately.

As he got older, the estrangement between him and his father became deeper and deeper, and he often had a big fight if he didn't speak more than three sentences. Therefore, under normal circumstances, he is not willing to disturb his father, and it seems that he is not capable enough.

But in such a situation, those hypocritical faces are not to be taken care of.

Under the pale moonlight and in the dark alley, Ding Songran finally spoke to his father.

"Hey, Dad..." Ding Songran quickly recounted the previous experience.

"Well, I know." Ding Jianjun, who was slightly drunk when talking to Ding Yizhen before, now sounds very calm.

"You know?!" Ding Songran looked surprised.

"Well, after Chen Wanhe attacked Longhu Mountain at night, Commander Song and I both guessed that his next target might be me. But we both felt that at such a time, it would be impossible for Chen Wanhe to act rashly, at least until we relax. Be vigilant before taking action. But just this morning, Commander Song suddenly called me and said that Chen Wanhe might do the opposite. The more we think it is impossible, the more he will do it! At the same time, we also analyzed , if Chen Wanhe can't get into Beijing, he will take you down and lead me out of the city... With his character, he decides what to do, and he will do it quickly, so 80% is tonight, because you go to the Blue Devils bar every Wednesday. !"

"So you knew I would be targeted?"


"Why didn't you tell me?"

Ding Jianjun was silent for a while before he said, "I have to make sure who is eyeing you, and then I can counteract. Yan Qing brought people over to find you, which is also part of the plan, the purpose is to lure them to attack as soon as possible."

"You...you use me as bait?!" Ding Songran's voice trembled.

"...Yes." Although he knew it was cruel, Ding Jianjun had to admit it.

Before Ding Jianjun said, "But it's fine, we'll keep you safe", Ding Songran laughed hahaha: "It's exciting, it's really exciting, I've been a monster slayer for so long, tonight is the most exciting day! Dad! , thank you for adding a shot of stimulant to my dull life!"

Ding Jianjun: "..."

Ding Songran asked again, "So Captain Yan isn't angry with me at all? He also thinks it's right for me to help Qin Kai test his fiancee?"

Ding Jianjun gritted his teeth and said: "Don't talk about these dirty things in front of me! Yan Qing can't wait to kill you now, but the overall situation is now, and he doesn't want to care about you! When this matter is over, he will settle the account with you, and don't come to find it then. I, I don't care! I'm really ashamed of you!"

Ding Songran said: "How can this be like this! I really have a good heart, Qin Kai's fiancee is not a good thing at first glance..."

Before he finished speaking, Ding Songran heard the footsteps coming closer behind him.

Ding Songran said nervously, "Dad, someone has been following me!"

"Well, it's a thin head Tuo, we have already figured it out." Ding Jianjun said slowly: "Yan Qing and the others have surrounded the fat head Tuo, and it's time for us to do it."

"...Dad, be careful, this thin-headed Tuo seems to be very powerful. I used many different spells during the escape, but he can keep up every time!"

"Normal, I secretly guided him and let him continue to follow you."


"Let you know that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people. Don't think that you are the eldest son of the Ding family and can do whatever you want!" The voice fell, and there was a sound of "crashing" in the air, and a figure descended from the sky. .

"Dad!" Ding Songran suddenly looked excited.

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