Urban Demon Slayer

: Looking for a drill at the end of the month, by the way, let’s talk about the role of Feng Jiujiu

Well, the end of the month, as usual, first ask for a drill, and friends who have drills will give it a shot, and help "Urban Monster Slayer" to make it to the list.

Then, it's customary to chat and talk about why I don't want Wang Qianchen and Feng Jiujiu to have an emotional entanglement.

As I told you before, before writing this book, I set three rules for myself: I don’t write about emotional entanglements, I don’t write about my cultivation process, and I don’t write about martial arts competitions.

Because I have written these things before, it is still fresh once or twice, and it is indeed a bit of writing a lot...

Mmmm, headache.

So at the beginning of this book, the heroine was quickly set, and it was quickly hidden and rarely appeared. Later, female characters are rarely involved. Even if they are written, they are other people's girlfriends, or superiors, partners, etc., such as Yin Luoluo, Siyao, etc., as well as Feng Jiujiu.

No reason, I'm really scared.

I have also written female characters before, and they are a bunch of female characters, each with their own strengths and characteristics. At the end, it will be difficult, neither is the harem, nor is it single-minded, and I have a huge head. It can be said that the plot is cool for a while. field.

That being the case, it's better not to write female characters or messy emotional entanglements, and it's good to be a partner and friend in a down-to-earth way.

When I wrote the character of Feng Jiujiu, my heart skipped a beat. I had a premonition that this character would be very popular. The old monster who has lived for nearly a thousand years is a foodie, and the man will blush when he gets too close. The key is her. It's not evil, it's even a little cute, capricious, innocent, and careful...

I also have a hunch that many readers will definitely put a knife on my neck, hoping that she will have some emotional entanglement with the protagonist...

So let me tell you in advance, don't have any expectations in this regard.

Although this is a novel and fiction, there is no need to fall in love with everyone, and it is also good to treat Feng Jiujiu like other partners, isn't it?

The above are my thoughts, welcome to discuss and advise.

When you see friends here, don't forget to cast diamonds!

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