Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 794: Goto has arrived

Ten minutes ago, in the Blue Devils bar.

Under the coordination of the bar, the guests had almost dispersed. The Ding family followed in Ding Songran's footsteps, and when they were about to jump over the glass that was smashed by the fat head, there was a sudden cry from behind.



Tian Hu, with a big shoulder and a round waist, instinctively turned his head, but saw a flash of knife light, and then his body was directly broken in two from the shoulder to the waist, and fell to the ground with two sounds of "bang dang" and "bang dang", and the blood splashed like a fountain. on surrounding walls and floors.

This guest Qing of the Ding family has been designated by Song Chongjian as a member of the [Guangfuhui], so Wang Qianchen will definitely not let him go since he has the opportunity to attack.

Today's Wang Qianchen is already at the peak of the peak, and with the sneak attack, it is naturally easy to clean up Tian Hu.

The moment Tian Hu died, all the members of the Ding family turned around at the same time, and they were all dumbfounded when they saw the **** scene. However, Wang Qianchen kept doing nothing, first put Tian Hu's body in the Qiankun bag, and then rushed towards Lao Nuo and Ding Yizhen.

Thin Head Tuo went after Ding Songran, and his task was to hold back the Ding family.

At this moment, Brick flew back quickly and drilled back into his waist again.

"How is it?" Wang Qianchen asked in consciousness.

"It's done, that kid Ding Songran ran away, and the thin head Tuo should not be able to catch up with him!" Brick answered quickly.

"Okay!" Knowing that this operation failed, Wang Qianchen would soon receive the news of the retreat, so he took care of the Ding family and waited for the fat and thin head Tuo to return.

In the bar, Wang Qianchen beat the crowd with one opponent, but he did not lose at all, and the fight was so lively.


Outside the bar, in an alley.

Fat Tou Tuo looked at the front, then looked at the back, and fell into silence.

His purpose was to lead the Demon Slayer Team in Beijing, but not long after he came out, he ran into another wave of Ding family members, there were seven or eight, all of them in the peak realm.

It looked like a long-planned siege.

"You can't run away." Yan Qing walked over step by step, holding the pitch-black Demon Slayer Sword. The [Qingming Space] had been set up, and Fat Toutuo would definitely be arrested this time.

"Try it-" As soon as the fat head Tuo gritted his teeth, his body suddenly swelled several times, forming a mountain of meat with a height of several tens of meters. His huge head hit the top directly, obviously wanting to use brute force to break open the [Qingming Space] ].

Of course Yan Qing would not give him this chance. He slashed towards "Roshan" with a knife in one hand, and grabbed the ground with the other in the air. , The sound of "puff puff" kept ringing, and countless fine wounds appeared. Although he quickly recovered as before, the fat head Tuo also grimaced in pain.

At the same time, the Shangjing City Demon Slayer Team and the Ding Family also rushed forward, each holding a sword and using various means, frantically attacking this seemingly incomparably strong Roshan, all kinds of swords, Sword energy and elements were flying, raging wildly on Fat Toutuo's body.

Fat Tou Tuo's ability to resist damage is extremely high. He is a natural flesh man, with rough skin and thick flesh, stronger than the Black Bear King.

Back then, at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, he entangled Ge Ye with his own strength. No matter how Ge Ye stabbed him with his sword, he never hurt him in the slightest. Human attack!

Fat Toutuo almost fainted from the pain, and his hands and feet soon lost strength, and he was about to collapse in this alley. A violent beating sound suddenly came from the edge of the [Qingming Space] above his head.




Who is here?

Everyone raised their heads one after another, and at the same time, they heard a "click", [Qingming Space] was hit open, and a figure descended from the sky. This person is extremely tall, at least two meters above, and in the process of descending, his body is getting taller and taller, and even his hands and feet start to stretch.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

At the same time as this man stretched his hands and feet, he was waving in the alley like a big pendulum, and he heard the screams of "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?" Got messed up.

"Gao Toutuo, why are you here?!" Fat Toutuo looked surprised.

The person who came is Gao Tou Tuo, one of the four super captains of [Tianqi]. He is also a notorious and ruthless criminal. He can stretch his body and hands and feet very long, and can even be used as a weapon.

"Commander Chen guessed that Song Cepeng could guess our actions, so let me investigate the movements of the Monster Slayer and the Ding family secretly." Gao Toutuo explained concisely and at the same time beat up a lot of people.

The only person at the scene who could stabilize the situation was Yan Qing. His body kept jumping between Roshan and his long hands and feet, while manipulating the sand to protect himself and other partners.

"This Yan Qing is a bit difficult to deal with, his attack power and defense power are very strong, don't waste time with him, thin head Tuo probably caught Ding Songran, let's go first!" Gao Tou Tuo said quickly again.

"Okay!" Fat Tou Tuo immediately agreed with the decision.

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