Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 795: At the same time, now in Beijing

Yan Qing can manipulate sand and soil, attack and defend as one, and his abilities are of a more perverted kind. Although the two [Tianqi] super captains can join forces to take him down, it will take some time, and this is Shangjing City after all, [Monster Slayer] ]'s headquarters, the longer it drags on, the more dangerous it will be, so go first.

The two heads hit it off and rushed towards the gap in [Qingming Space].

After escaping, Fat Tou Tuo asked again, "Is there really no problem with Thin Tou Tuo?"

Gao Toutuo said, "He was targeted by Ding Jianjun, but there's nothing wrong with him. Short Toutuo went over to help him!"

The fat head Tuo breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Where's Wang Qianchen?"

Gaotuotuo said, "It's still at the Blue Devils bar."

"Go help him!"

"it is good!"

The two heads didn't have any nonsense, and immediately rushed in the direction of the Blue Devils Bar.


In another alley.

Not long after Ding Jianjun landed, Thin Head Tuo chased after him. Seeing that the Ding family owner, who had a certain reputation in the [Monster Slayer], was also there, his face instantly became extremely gloomy.

"Hey, I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Ding Jianjun reached out and touched his waist, took out the demon-suppressing bell and shook it gently.

There was a slight tremor above the alley, and a virtual space was quickly created.

"Son, let's kill this guy together!" Ding Jianjun pulled out the demon-slaying sword, and the black cloak behind him rattled.

"Okay!" Ding Songran was extremely excited, and also took out the Demon Slayer Sword. This was the first time he had cooperated with his father.

Ding Jianjun alone has already made the thin head Tuo big, and adding another Ding Songran from the peak, there is no possibility of winning at all. Thin-headed Tuo's instinctive reaction was to run, and his body dashed toward the air like an arrow from the string.

"Where are you going?!" Ding Jianjun also rushed out, slashing at the thin head Tuo's body.

The thin head Tuo's body compresses rapidly, becoming as thin as a piece of paper, which can be avoided by Ding Jianjun's knife. However, Ding Jianjun had long known his abilities, and the steel knife in his hand quickly changed from slash to slash, and slashed across it.

"Dad!" At this moment, a miserable cry came from the ground.

Ding Jianjun looked down and saw that his son, who was about to assist him in the attack, seemed to be stuck to the ground, unable to move. On top of his legs, two hands protruded from the ground and were pulling him into the soil.

It's Dwarf!

Although he only saw one pair of hands, Ding Jianjun immediately realized who it was. Only the super-captain in [Tianji] had the ability to escape.

"Let go of my son!" Ding Jianjun hurriedly attacked his heart, so he didn't care about a thin head, and immediately swooped down to save people.

Too bad it's still a step too late.

When Ding Jianjun fell to the ground, Ding Songran had been completely pulled away and disappeared on a flat piece of land.

As the first demon slayer family, the Ding family also mastered many unique spells, and [Escape the Ground] was one of them. So Ding Jianjun didn't hesitate and got in the same way, but the ground was dark and connected in all directions, and he had no idea where his son was dragged.

Not long after, Ding Jianjun emerged from the soil, his eyes red and burning.

The short head Tuo is gone, and of course the thin head Tuo is also gone.

He called Yan Qing at the first time, hoping that the fat head Tuo was caught there, and at least they could exchange hostages.

The phone was connected, and Ding Jianjun's heart sank to the bottom.

Yan Qing's side didn't go well either. Gao Tou Tuo suddenly appeared and rescued the person.

The four super captains in [Tianqi] appeared in Beijing at the same time!


Inside the Blue Devils bar.

Wang Qianchen is still fighting against the Ding family, but it's not that he can't beat him--a step back, even if he can't beat him, he can still run.

But he was on the scene stalling for time, waiting for the fat and thin head Tuo to call him, and then evacuated together.

Not long after, a huge meat ball appeared outside the bar window.

"Xiaochen! Go!" Fattou Tuo shouted.

"Come on!" Wang Qianchen rushed over with a "hoo" sound, and quickly fell on the fat head Tuo.

Fat Tou Tuo sighed with a "hu", and his body quickly flew towards the night sky and towards the bright moon.

Wang Qianchen sat firmly on the body of the fat head, only to find that he was not alone, the thin head, the tall head, and the short head were actually there, and the short head was holding a person in his hand, it was Ding Songran!

Wang Qianchen was shocked: "Captain Gao, Captain Dwarf, why are you here?"

Several heads talked about their own experiences respectively. Only then did Wang Qianchen know that the strong has its own strong middle. Although the Ding family, Yan Qing and others have made sufficient preparations, Chen Wanhe is still superior in arresting people. came out.

Wang Qianchen looked at Ding Songran again.

The usually arrogant and arrogant first son of the Demon Slayer Clan was in a state of embarrassment at the moment. Not only was he tied with immortal ropes, but he was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was bruised.

Wang Qianchen was speechless for a while, thinking that he had reminded him, and he had nothing to do with him if he was caught.

Brick also said speechlessly in his consciousness: "I tried my best, don't blame me."

Ding Songran looked at Wang Qianchen eagerly, obviously hoping that the former classmate would save him.

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