Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 796: that's my son

But how to save Wang Qianchen, there are four super captains around, even if he kills him, he can't be saved!

After a while, Fat Tou Tuo and a few people rushed to the mountain where they separated from Chen Wanhe.

After falling to the ground, Doutou Tuo threw Ding Songran in front of Chen Wanhe.

"Very smooth?" Chen Wanhe, who had been waiting for a long time, looked at a few people with a smile.

"It didn't go well, but the results were good." Several head Tuo quickly talked about the previous situation separately.

"Okay, I finally won a game against Song Cepeng!" Chen Wanhe's face was full of spring breeze, then he squatted in front of Ding Songran, rubbing his head lightly and said, "Don't be afraid, I will kill you when I kill your father. Let it go!"

Ding Songran was still trembling, his face was extremely pale, and he couldn't say a word.

Chen Wanhe fumbled around him for a while, took out his phone, unlocked it with his fingerprint, and called Ding Jianjun.

"Patriarch Ding, long time no see!" Chen Wanhe smiled evilly, just like when Wang Qianchen spoke to him for the first time.

In addition to being gentle to his real self, Chen Wanhe seems to have this attitude towards everyone. That feeling of "not treating you as a human being at all" seems to be able to hold your throat at any time, and connect your throat with The intestines are pulled out together.

"Chen Wanhe, the disaster is worse than the family!" Ding Jianjun resisted his anger.

"Hey, tell me this, do you think it's useful? Who am I? I'm Chen Wanhe, who does all kinds of evil and is morally corrupt. Isn't this the evaluation you gave me when you jointly signed the letter? I'm just practicing this standard. "Chen Wanhe laughed for a while, and then said: "Yuelongjian in the north of Linglong Mountain, if you want your son alive, come here. Oh, if you don't come, your son will die."

Chen Wanhe hung up the phone and left the phone beside Ding Songran.

With a "ding", Chen Wanhe pulled out the Tiangang knife again and stuck it on a rock next to him.

The blade tip sank into it, and the blade swayed.

The night wind blew, brushing Chen Wanhe's black hair and robes, and the four super captains and Wang Qianchen stood behind him, waiting for the next storm...


Shangjing City, in a certain lane.

After receiving the call from Chen Wanhe, Ding Jianjun gritted his teeth lightly, hesitated for a while, then dialed a number.

"Commander Song..." Ding Jianjun said in a low voice, what happened just now.

"How could this be?!" Song Chongjian was a little angry: "I didn't tell you, Chen Wanhe is very likely to follow you, but if he can't enter the Beijing market, he will let his subordinates catch your son and let you take care of Ding Songran. , don't go out?!"

"I... I wanted to take this opportunity to win the two super-captains... but I didn't expect that all four of the super-captains would show up!" Ding Jianjun, who was always able to collapse the mountain in front of others without changing his color, When talking to Song Epee, he finally showed a look of shame.

After all, he is his immediate boss.

"Confused! How confused! Do you think you have any ability to fight against Chen Wanhe?! I have to be careful and careful so that I don't suffer from him! Others can't avoid him when they meet him. The son is the bait! Who do you think you are, Emperor Shun?!" Song Chongjian couldn't control it and cursed loudly.

According to legend, Emperor Shun used his own son as a bait in order to lure Jiuli.

Ding Jianjun said nothing, knowing that he really did something wrong this time.

...Although he didn't want to fight Chen Wanhe at all, he simply thought that the opponent was the two super captains.

"Commander Song..." Ding Jianjun sighed and said, "My fault, I will bear it myself, I will go to Chen Wanhe!"

"How do you find it? He has an artifact in his hand. You are the entire Ding family and you are not his opponent!" Song Chongjian couldn't restrain his anger at all.

"No, I definitely can't let everyone die..." Ding Jianjun said solemnly: "I plan to go alone, he wants my life, then give it to him..."

"What are you talking about?"

"I can't help it, that's my son!"

Ding Jianjun usually scolds his son, but it is his own flesh and blood after all.

Song Chongjian finally fell silent.

"Commander Song, I'm sorry..." Ding Jianjun was about to hang up.

"Wait." Song Chongjian stopped him and said, "I'm working out of town, and I can't go back for a while. But don't worry, it's not completely helpless... Let me think about it, maybe there are other people who can do it. Save your son!"


"Just wait!"

Song epee hung up the phone.

Ding Jianjun was helpless and had to stand in place and wait.

At this moment, there were crackling footsteps, and it was the Shangjing City Demon Slayer team and a group of people from the Ding family.

"Patriarch Ding, what's the situation?" Yan Qing asked immediately.

Ding Jianjun spoke again and said, "Commander Song told me to wait."

Yan Qing nodded and said, "Then wait for the news from Commander Song."

After a pause, he said, "If not, I will accompany you to Linglong Mountain!"

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