Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 797: Master Pan, save me

Linglong Mountain, Leaping Dragon Stream.

The mountain wind kept blowing, Chen Wanhe looked at the dark mountains, his eyes were deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Ding Songran was **** with five flowers, and sat at his feet shivering.

The four super-captains were patrolling nearby. Wang Qianchen stared at the Tiangang sword stuck on the rock, thinking that if Song Heavy Sword could come, he would steal the sword and give it to him.

But drawing a knife under Chen Wanhe's eyes would be difficult.

Just when Wang Qianchen was thinking about it, he heard the sound of "咻咻咻" from the ground, obviously something was approaching fast!

Chen Wanhe pulled out the Tiangang sword with his backhand, and several super captains rushed over quickly.


The ground split open, and an old man with white hair and a white beard came out with a cane in his hand.

Chen Wanhe was stunned for a moment, then gave a bow: "Master Pan."

"Xiao Chen, how did you come to my site at night!" The person who came was Mr. Pan, the land **** of Linglong Mountain. He was short and raised his head hard.

"Master Pan, I'm here to do something... I thought you were resting, so I won't bother you." Chen Wanhe said respectfully.

This is the first time Wang Qianchen has seen Chen Wanhe respect people so much, although with his strength, he can kill Master Pan with a wave of his hand - this kind of land master who was conferred a **** only after his death and could only maintain his spiritual power by relying on incense, his strength is quite equal. He is weak, and some local monsters do not take him seriously.

Wang Qianchen and several super captains also greeted Master Pan.

"Okay, okay, they're all acquaintances!" Master Pan looked at a few people one by one, and his eyes finally fell on Wang Qianchen: "It's you kid, the disc you sent last time was good, and I'll go back and send me a few more. what!"

"...Okay!" Wang Qianchen agreed with a complicated expression.

"What are you doing?" Master Pan looked at Chen Wanhe again.

"Master Pan, save me!" Ding Songran, who had been silent for a while, seemed to be unable to bear it, and finally called out.

"Oh, isn't this the kid from the Ding family? Why is he tied up! Come and come, I'll help you loosen it!" Master Pan seemed to have just seen him, took a few steps forward, and lowered his head. Untie Ding Songran's rope.

Chen Wanhe lowered his head to stop him: "Master Pan, I tied it up."

"Ah? Why?" Master Pan looked confused.

Chen Wanhe was silent for a while, and said, "Master Pan, you know it well! I understand who asked you to come here."

Master Pan didn't deny it, he smiled and said, "Xiao Chen, it's better to resolve the enemy than to end it, it's been a long time, why are you still holding on to it? Besides, you dare to ask yourself, it was really all wrong at the beginning. Don't you? Listen to my old brother's advice, let the people go, and don't ask Ding Patriarch to come, why not..."

Master Pan wanted to untie the rope on Ding Songran's body, but was stopped by Chen Wanhe again: "Master Pan, you are not me, I don't know how much humiliation I suffered! Master Pan, I know you are well-intentioned... But don't interfere in this matter!"

Master Pan's face sank: "Chen Wanhe, don't you give me this old brother's face? When you went on a mission and came to borrow a cane from me, I said 'no' once?"

Chen Wanhe said: "That's because I sent you a lot of discs, and you were not satisfied a few times, and you returned it, saying that there were no Chinese subtitles."

Wang Qianchen: "..."

Several super captains: "..."

Master Pan coughed lightly and said, "I don't want anyone's plate either. I just accepted it because you're pretty good! In short, you can say whether you want to let it go or not!"

"Don't let it go." Chen Wanhe shook his head.

"If you don't let it go, you have to let it go! I am a dignified earth god, can you still hold it?" Master Pan was suddenly furious, grabbed Ding Songran's collar, and quickly pushed the cane with the other hand. drill.

At the same time, Chen Wanhe also grabbed Ding Songran's back collar.

"Zi La-" With a sound, Master Pan grabbed half of Ding Songran's collar and quickly disappeared.

"Hahaha, isn't this in my hands..." Under the ground, Master Pan's voice got farther and farther.

"..." Ding Songran, who was still in Chen Wanhe's hands, turned ashen.

Wang Qianchen also helped his forehead helplessly.

Chen Wanhe put Ding Songran on the ground and looked back at the dark mountains.

someone is coming.

Wang Qianchen not only heard it, but also smelled it.

As the figure got closer and closer, the expressions of several super-captains became solemn.

The person came with a graceful figure, not the appearance of a top beauty, but it made people feel comfortable for no reason.

Like a big sister next door, like a beam of light in the darkness, a breeze blowing in the mountains.

Before people arrive, it is already intoxicating.

The deputy commander of [Monster Slayer], Siyao.

Dressed in a red dress, the demon-catcher cloak behind him rattled, walking from the pitch-black mountains, the demon-slaying knife in his hand was silent.

Chen Wanhe stared straight at her, his eyes did not change at all.

He didn't do anything until Si Yao got closer.

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