Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 798: Siyao in tears

Wang Qianchen looked around, and saw that there was no sound in the barren mountains and wild mountains. It was indeed Siyao who came alone, and he couldn't help but worry a little about her.

With Chen Wanhe and four super captains, killing her can be described as easy!

When there were still two or three meters away from Chen Wanhe, Siyao finally stopped.

"Master." Si Yao raised her head, her slanted bangs hung down, covering half of her eyes, so she couldn't see her expression clearly.

Master? !

Hearing this title, Wang Qianchen was extremely horrified, and he almost thought there was something wrong with his ears.

"You still know that I'm your master?" Chen Wanhe's face was gloomy, and the four super-captains also showed anger.

Wang Qianchen was sure that he heard correctly, Siyao and Chen Wanhe really had a master-disciple relationship!

"One day as a teacher, as a lifetime teacher, you will always be my master." Siyao's tone was sincere, but he never put down the knife in his hand.

Chen Wanhe snorted softly.

"Master, stop, let the past pass, don't increase the killing and resentment!" Siyao said again.

"What qualifications do you have to persuade Commander Chen, what qualifications do you have to call him Master? When he was kicked out of [Monster Slayer], did you say a word?!" Fat Toutuo seemed to be unable to bear it, and scolded.

"At that time, I was still the captain of the demon slayer in Yuezhou. First, it was too far from Shangjing, and secondly, I was not qualified to speak..." Siyao said calmly.

"Okay, even if you couldn't help at the time, what happened later? Commander Chen asked you to join [Tianqi], why didn't you come?"

"Because it was wrong for Master to form [Tianqi]."

"What did you say?!" Fat Toutuo was furious, and was about to do it immediately, but was stopped by Chen Wanhe.

"Do you think I'm wrong?" Chen Wanhe looked at her gloomily, but for some reason, Wang Qianchen always felt that when he talked to Siyao, there was a little tenderness in his eyes, which was an attitude he had never had before.

"Master, you were right at the beginning. You were kicked out of [Monster Slayer], and I think you were wronged. Not only did I think so, but Commander Song also thought so, but he had no choice at the time, and [Monster Slayer] internally treated you. His opinion is too big, and in order to calm everyone's anger, he has to do it. Over the years, for your smooth return, he has been making all kinds of efforts, including the one in your hands..." Having said this, Si Yao suddenly stopped. He stopped, seemed to realize that he was talking too much, and turned to say: "But later, you set up [Tianqi], took in those wanted criminals and evil elements, and allowed them to do all kinds of bad things, it was wrong, wrong. Outrageous, horribly wrong, and sighing..."


Before he could finish speaking, Chen Wanhe suddenly took a step forward, stretched out his hand and pinched Siyao's neck!

"You dare to say I'm wrong?!" Chen Wanhe raised his brows and showed blue veins on his forehead.

"Kill her!" Fat Tou Tuo gritted his teeth, and the other super captains also showed disgust.

"Master, you can kill me. You brought me into the industry, and you gave me my life..." Si Yao was pinched so badly, her face turned pale, and she couldn't breathe well, but Still working hard: "But if my death can awaken your conscience, it will be worth it! Master, how good you were in the past, although your behavior is sometimes extreme, but you are passionate and loyal to the country, and now you have become like this , Commander Song and I both feel sorry..."

"Don't say it!" Just as he was about to strangle Siyao to death, Chen Wanhe suddenly let go and slapped her chest with a slap!

"Wow—" Siyao spat out a mouthful of blood, and stepped back with a "dengdengdeng", but in the end, unable to support it, she fell to the ground with her buttocks.

"Master..." Si Yao covered her chest and raised her head again, her eyes slightly red.

"Go away, go as far as you can!" Chen Wanhe put one hand behind him and scolded.

"Master, stop it, stop killing people! You also know the horror of the [Guangfuhui], they have penetrated into many corners of Daxia, and there will be **** storms in the future. Now is the time when we need to join hands, too. Your opportunity to change your evil ways! Master, let's work together to get rid of the cancer of the [Guangfuhui], and no one will be able to make irresponsible remarks about the mistakes you have made! Master..." Si Yao sat on the ground, her voice choked up , every word with tears.

Chen Wanhe walked towards her step by step.

Standing in front of Siyao, he bent down and said word by word, "First is the face card, then the emotional card... In order to stop me, Song Cepeng really worked hard... But I wondered why he didn't personally Come on, how can you tell me?"

"...Because he's out of town, he's not finished yet." Siyao told the truth.

"Oh, no wonder..." Chen Wanhe suddenly realized: "Let's just say, it's too easy to take down Ding Songran, so it's because he didn't sit in charge! Haha, how can those cats and dogs who just went to Beijing be my opponents?"

Chen Wanhe grinned and turned into that evil look again, and then took out his mobile phone and checked the current time.

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