Urban Demon Slayer

: Drilling at the end of the month + regular chat

At the end of the month, my friends, as usual, came to chat with you while seeking drilling.

Say something?

The plot of [Urban Slayer] is developing in an orderly manner. It seems that there is nothing to talk about. Let’s talk about it.

Recently, my novel "Dragon Heads Up" from a few years ago has suddenly become popular again. I don't know if you still remember this book. The protagonist is Zhang Long, his father is Nan Wang, and his mother is the Red Flower Empress...

Do you remember?

Remember, we will continue to say.

This book was serialized in 2018 and finished in 2019. It recently ranked first on an app's completion list. As a result, my social accounts received various news about the sequel, and many people said that it was a sequel. The best novel he has ever read.

Then I started to get emotional.

What are you feeling? I remember that when I serialized "Youth and Madness", I published my Sina Weibo. So far, as long as I post a Weibo, there must be comments below: Still young and frivolous and good-looking / When will I write a young and frivolous sequel / Only young and frivolous nice, nothing else...

Later, when I wrote Who and ZF, I announced my QQ account and WeChat public account. So far, I only need to post a talk and the official account, and the comment must be: Who is Z and Z is good/When will I write who is Z and Z’s sequel / Borrow I have five bucks...

Now "Dragon Heads Up" is on fire again, and all kinds of news are related to Dragon Heads up again...

This profoundly shows that it is not which one of my books is particularly good, but which one is the first one that you come into contact with. When you come into contact with a certain book, this book will become a masterpiece that cannot be surpassed in your heart. After all, it is preconceived and vivid. After reading other books, it always feels almost meaningless.

In any case, many creators spend their whole lives, and maybe only one work can spread...

I can have several copies, and I am very satisfied.

In the future, I will work hard and try to write a few more widely circulated novels.

Alright, that's all for today, don't forget to cast a drill!

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