Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 980: Sweaty bricks

"Is there...is there...why don't I remember?" Brick seemed to be a little flustered, and he kept drinking from the wine glass.

Feng Jiujiu and Bai Kuanghai felt that this scene was a bit familiar, and they must have experienced it back then. Lang Baibai's eyes were in a daze. Of course, he recognized that this brick was the monster beside Wang Qianchen, but he never thought that this thing would be the sworn brother of the demon ancestor stepping on Kyushu.

"Why not?" Before stepping on Jiuzhou, I had no impression of Brick, but now it seems that the valve of memory has been completely opened, and he kept saying: "You were the second master of a cottage back then, and your cottage was shabby and old, I just I was passing by begging for saliva, but I was robbed by you, saying that I must have a lot of money because I was dressed up. Several times, I was beaten to death on the spot! I was shocked at that time, no one beat me to blood for so many years! I was so angry that I turned my head and gave you a shot. You flew out so far back then, I thought you were dead, so I didn't care about you anymore, but it didn't take long for you to wake up again and attack me for the second time..."

Ta Jiuzhou took a sip of wine, grabbed the peanuts and stuffed it into his mouth, and continued: "Back and forth, you attacked me seven or eight times, I burned you with fire, cut you with a sword, chopped you with a knife, Hammering you... I have tried all kinds of methods, but they can only knock you out, not kill you! It doesn't take long for you to wake up each time, and it really shocked me..."

"Hey hey, how could you kill me if you don't look at who the young master is..." Brick said proudly.

"Yes, yes, that's what you said at the beginning! I asked casually, who are you? You said that you came from the heavens, and you have a very prominent position in the sky. Sanqing and Siyu are your friends. Si is your old friend, Qiyuan Baji is your brother, Jiuyao and ten are your buddies... I didn't believe it at first, where did you qualify as a monster? You asked me what happened to the monster, thinking of the old man of Monkey King. You are also a monster. Don’t you also go down and down in the heavens and the earth without hindrance, and then you fought and defeated the Buddha? Then, you talked about a lot of heavenly things, and your words were clear and eloquent, as if you had really stayed in the heavens. Thinking that you are invulnerable to fire and water, and that you are invulnerable to swords and guns, I gradually began to believe. I will ask you, since you are so powerful, can you help me find a position in the sky?"

Having said this, Ta Jiuzhou sighed deeply: "Monster, I have almost done my best, I really don't want to be a monster anymore! Since ancient times, few monsters can become gods, it seems that they are born to be killed, those luck Alright, I'll also be a mount for immortals, or a caretaker for them. There are very few people who can be friends like Xiaotian Dogs, and even more rare who can be like the old man of Monkey King... Hey, As long as you practice cultivation, who doesn’t want to become a **** and become a fairy, and who wants to be a monster for a lifetime? As soon as I mentioned this, you agreed with all your mouths, saying that there is no problem, and when you go to heaven, you will definitely find a position for me, at least a soldier. Marshal Ma! I was so overjoyed that I pulled you into a sworn swastika. We had only just known each other for a while, but I definitely regarded you as a real brother. I also showed you the four demon emperors under my command, and asked you to be [Wan Yao]. The second head of the meeting, praises you for your courage and strategy, and you are born to be a military advisor..."

Brick was drenched in cold sweat.

You can remember that we have sworn in. Who reminds you so much?

Dude, you either don't remember at all, or you remember all, and there's no blur in between?

Even if you listen to the book several times in the human world, you will be able to speak clearly and eloquently about things in heaven!

Who knew you could take it seriously and still remember it so clearly!

Banzhuan complained in his heart, but still pretended to be confused and said, "Is there, why am I not impressed?"

"Yes!" Ta Jiuzhou vowed: "You promised me personally that you will find a job for me in the sky! We stayed together for three days, and you said that you were going back to the sky, and then never showed it again. Face! Later, the heavens and the underworld lost contact. It is said that foreign enemies invaded. I am still worried about your safety. I am relieved to see that you are safe and sound today! Brother, it would be great if you are all right!"

Brick was originally planning to refuse to admit it and deny it to the end. Hearing Ta Kyushu say this, I really want to pat my thighs. I have no reason to worry, so you can find it for me!

Bian Bian said calmly: "You also know about the heaven and the underworld? Yes, there was an accident! After I went to the sky, I ran into trouble soon afterward... One day in the sky, one year on the ground! You may We waited for a long time, but for us it was a matter of white horses. After the accident, a few friends and I fought a **** road, and managed to escape, such as the third prince of Nezha, the judge Cui Jue, and Erlangshen's sister Yang Chan, I have been hiding in the world for many years, but unfortunately I was sucked back not long ago..."

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