Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 987: Fighting Mystery Man

At the same time, Song Heavy Sword also swung out.

The dazzling streamer of the Tiangang Knife roared towards the mysterious person who became Wang Qianchen together with the mountains and peaks. The mysterious man saw that there was no way to avoid it, he pulled out a radiant sword in his left hand, and opened a jade-like rune in his right hand.



The sword light of Qingyun Sword rushed out together with the countless swords transformed by Hunyuan Yiqi Taiqing Talisman. The left side blocked the streamer of the Tiangang sword, and the right side blocked the overlapping peaks, making a deafening explosion sound of "Rumbling Rumble". The terrifying aftermath quickly spread around, and the entire Longhu Mountain was experiencing a catastrophe. It was as if the end of the world had reappeared, and the land for several miles was almost overturned.

—The same sentence, thanks to this is the Qingming space, otherwise the disciples of Longhu Mountain will suffer completely.

However, the Qingming space that Song Cepeng used also covered the entire Longhu Mountain. Although the terrifying aftermath of the battle did not cause damage to the real Longhu Mountain, it easily broke through the edge of the Qingming space, and the mountains outside immediately collapsed. Broken and turned into powder in an instant.

The Qingming space was destroyed, and the mysterious man quickly flew out of Longhu Mountain.

Seeing that he didn't use spiritual tools or foreign objects to fly, he seemed to be able to fly by himself. I don't know if he learned the relevant spells or awakened his ability in this area. Wang Qianchen definitely didn't have time to care about this. Seeing He Jun's Qing Yunjian and Tan Zuo's Hunyuan amulet too clear, his eyes turned red, and his brain completely lost his mind.

"Don't fight here, let's go out of Longhu Mountain!" Song Cepijian reminded, and immediately flew in the direction of the mysterious man.

Wang Qianchen would also like to come over, it is easy to accidentally hurt others in this battle, and immediately used the [Royal Wind] skill to chase after him.

Compared with the speed of Mystery and Song Epee, Wang Qianchen must be a bit worse, and he was thrown away almost instantly by the two of them. Fortunately, there was still their scent in the air, and Wang Qianchen still chased after him without abandoning or giving up.

He really wanted to catch the mysterious man and ask, where did He Jun and others go?

Song Epee was always in pursuit, less than 100 meters away from the mysterious man. Seeing that the environment and timing were almost up, he raised the Tiangang sword again and slashed it fiercely, the dazzling streamer dashed straight to the mysterious man's back.

The mysterious man still maintained the appearance of Wang Qianchen. After feeling the vast murderous aura behind him, he suddenly turned back and slashed out a sword, and then swung out a magical rune.

He only has two hands, otherwise the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover would have to be taken out.

The sword glow wrapped in the black wind and fiery fire, and the cobweb-like sword roared out. Song Heavy Sword's sword can only block one of them, Qingyun Sword's sword glow disappeared in the air, but the sword on Hunyuan Yiqi Taiqing Talisman still wrapped him.

Front, back, left and right, there is no way out!

Seeing that Song Chongjian was about to fall into a cruel strangulation, his figure disappeared in an instant.

"Huh?" The mysterious man frowned slightly.

"Here." Song Cepeng suddenly appeared behind the mysterious man.

The mysterious man was startled, and was about to turn around when Song Chongjian slashed down with a savage slash.

If he wants the mysterious man's life, he can behead directly, but he definitely wants to live, so this knife cuts to the mysterious man's arm.


The mysterious man's left arm separated and fell on the spot, and the Qingyun Sword also fell along with it.

But what makes people strange is that there is no blood at all. Just when Song Chongjian thought that the knife was too fast and the blood was too late to pour out, an even more shocking scene happened. The mysterious man's left arm that had already fallen turned back and received his arm.

Intact, as if it had never been chopped off.

Song Chongjian was stunned, and the mysterious man had turned around and stabbed with a sword.

But the next second, Song Epee disappeared again.

"Is the soul hook pen? In his hand?" The mysterious man frowned slightly and muttered to himself.

In the next second, Song Cepeng appeared behind the mysterious man again.


Song Heavy Sword slashed down, and the mysterious man's other arm also fell.

But as before, the arm just fell, then came back and reconnected the arm.



Song Cepeng used the soul-eating pen to keep flashing and teleporting in the air, appearing behind the mysterious man again and again.

Slash, slash again.

The mysterious man's arms, body, and even the head on his neck were separated again and again, but reassembled again and again.

"You can't kill me." The mysterious man simply stood still in the air, doing whatever he wanted.

Song Cepeng took a few steps back, gasping for breath.

He had seen similar abilities before. There was a man named Xi Wu in "The Mountain Man", and he awakened the limb separation technique, and he was not afraid of any slashing at all.

To deal with this kind of person, binding the immortal cable is a very good way.

So Song Chongjian teleported again, moved behind the mysterious man, and took out the immortal binding rope and tied it to him.

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