Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 988: He will also change seventy-two

But at this moment, the mysterious man rushed out, standing in the air dozens of meters away and said, "Commander Song, the speed of your tying up is not as fast as yours!"

Song Cepeng held the immortal-bound cable in his hand, and his face was a little embarrassed.

"What's the matter?" At this moment, Wang Qianchen finally caught up, and he still maintained the appearance of Bai Feiyang.

"Can't cut him, this guy can't die..." Song Chongjian quickly talked about what happened just now.

"One has a ghost pen, a Tiangang knife, the other has a Taiji talisman, a map of mountains and rivers, and the four artifacts can't handle me, aren't you angry?" The mysterious man smiled, still looking like Wang Qianchen.

Looking at that familiar face, Wang Qianchen never felt that he had been beaten so badly.

"Who are you? You don't even dare to show your true face?" Wang Qianchen frowned slightly.

"Hehe, this is my true face." The mysterious man said boldly.

"..." Wang Qianchen was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and asked again, "He Jun, how are they?"

"Don't worry, He Jun and the others are fine." The mysterious man paused and said, "Come with me too, I need you!"

After speaking, the mysterious man suddenly rushed towards Wang Qianchen!

Wang Qianchen suddenly opened the map of mountains and rivers, and several huge mountain peaks, as well as neighing birds of prey, and the vast sea surging out. Song Cepeng also waved his Tiangang sword again, trying to block the mysterious man's path.

The mysterious man holds the Qingyun Sword in his left hand and the Hunyuan Yiqi Taiqing Talisman in his right, so he can resist two attacks at the same time in a leisurely manner. The sound of "Rumbling Rumble" is constantly sounding in the sky. It is impossible to say that he will not fall into the wind at all, but this The guy seems to have a lot of spells, so although the two of them have strong offensives, they can't hurt him.

Song Cepeng kept teleporting with the soul hook pen, trying to wrap the immortal-binding rope around him, but he was escaping every time.

This guy can be invisible for a while, clone for a while, and can even create heavy fog, heavy rain and strong winds, plus the two artifacts in his hand, it is indeed very difficult to deal with, but Wang Qianchen still seized the opportunity and lowered a mountain peak on top of his head .

But the mysterious man actually carried the entire mountain up, with astonishing strength.

Wang Qianchen's eyebrows twitched, and several mountain peaks descended in succession before he was completely pressed to the ground.

"Nice job! If you can't kill him, there's no problem with pressing him! Come on, I'll count one, two, three, you take back the mountain, and then I'll tie him up!" Song Chongjian took out the immortal-binding rope again.

"one two Three!"

Wang Qianchen retracted the mountain, and Song Cepeng immediately rushed up, only to see that the bottom of the mountain was completely empty.

"Is this gone?" Song Chongjian frowned.

"I'll go after him!" Wang Qianchen also fled to the ground, following the scent of the mysterious man.

Song Cepeng listened to the sound to identify his position and quickly followed.

It didn't take long for Wang Qianchen to get out again.

"There is an underground river, he is gone..." Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth.

"He guessed who you are?" Song Chongjian carefully analyzed.

Just flying in white, it is impossible for the mysterious person to try to block his own smell.

Wang Qianchen didn't speak, and looked worried.

"He will change seventy-two, right?" Song Chongjian said suddenly.

Wang Qianchen was silent.

Every skill displayed by that mysterious person before is a good match in [Seventy-two Transformations].

False shape, wind control, fog, disintegration, clone, invisibility, carrying mountains, escaping the earth...

"Besides you, another one with seventy-two changes has appeared..." Song Cepian said with his hands behind his back, his eyebrows fixed, "This guy is very difficult to deal with!"

Wang Qianchen did not ask Song Cepian how he knew that he would change seventy-two.

Du Hong and Tan Zuo both saw it, how could he not see it?

What makes Wang Qianchen care is that the mysterious person will also have [Seventy-two Changes]. Although [Seventy-Two Changes] is not his patent, he still feels very uncomfortable, and has a feeling that he is no longer unique.

"But he doesn't seem to have any malicious intentions..." Song Chongjian recalled the previous battle, "He didn't want to kill us, he showed mercy everywhere..."

"I didn't see it..." Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth.

"He Jun and the others should really be fine." Song Chongjian carefully analyzed again: "The most urgent task is to figure out his purpose. I don't know when he will show up again..."

Just as he was talking, Song Cepeng's cell phone suddenly rang.

"What's the matter?" Song Chongjian picked it up immediately.

"Okay, I see, I'll go right there!" Not knowing what the other side said, Song Chongjian hung up the phone, turned to Wang Qianchen and said, "Si Yao is in trouble, let me have a look!"

Song Cepeng took the lead and flew away, and Wang Qianchen immediately followed.

As the commander-in-chief of [Monster Slayer], Song Cepeng was always very busy. For more than a week, when he was hiding in the vase, whenever he had a job, he always asked Siyao to do it.

A few days ago, Song Epee arranged for Siyao to go to Sichuan and Shu for a business, but he was attacked by a man in black robes on the way.

"Guang Fuhui?!" Wang Qianchen immediately recalled the few men covered in black robes he had seen outside the country when he became Yuan Tianpeng.

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