Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 107: I can't wait to strangle you

Mu Sheng watched Li Yi regain the qualifications for Ye Chen and Li Zixuan for the exam, and the whole person was stunned!

"Lao Li, you are abusing your rights by doing this! This competition should be fair and abiding by the rules! The rules say..." Mu Sheng shouted at Li together!

When other people heard this, they couldn't help shaking their heads!

This product has completely lost its sanity!

"Who drove this person out! He doesn't deserve to be here!" Li frowned together, not even looking at Mu Sheng!

Hearing this, the two security guards next to him walked up and were about to expel Mu Sheng!

However, at this time, Ye Chen walked up!

"No trouble! I'm coming! I'm coming! I like cleaning and throwing out garbage!" Ye Chen said with a smile.

Then, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he walked in front of Mu Sheng!

See Ye Chen coming over!

Mu Sheng was silly there!

"You...what are you doing! Let go of me!" Mu Sheng said with a horrified expression.

But Ye Chen ignored it at all!

The arm stretched out and directly picked up his neck, as if carrying a garbage bag!

Mu Sheng was picked up, and then, don't lift it above your head!

"Let go of me! You let me go!" Mu Sheng shouted!

Unfortunately, it's useless!

Ye Chen held him with one hand and walked to the stairs outside!

Then, he threw him beside the trash can!

"Throwing people like you into the trash can, I'm afraid of getting the trash dirty!"

Afterwards, he clapped his hands with an expression of disgust, as if he really threw a very dirty trash just now!

When other people saw this scene, they also mourned for Mu Sheng!

It's not good to provoke, but to provoke him!

Are the previous lessons not enough? Until now, I have to be carried and thrown out to give up!

Mu Sheng, who was thrown there, was extremely angry!

"You wait! Let's wait and see! I don't believe that today I can't cure you!"

Subsequently, Mu Sheng directly took out his mobile phone and prepared to call He Zhenqing!

But just took out the phone, there was an incoming call!

"Uncle! I'm about to call you, do you think of a way? The examination committee has re-qualified Ye Chen and Li Zixuan for the exam! Can't let them succeed! Otherwise, I can't swallow this breath!" Mu Sheng Said gritted teeth.

"You can't swallow this breath?" He Zhenqing on the other end of the phone smiled in anger!

"I can't wait to beat you to death with a club now! You dog! Who told you to withdraw from the game? Who told you to act hard? Who asked you to take over now? You bastard! You bastard! You silly stuff Who told you to do this!

You made me miserable! do you know?

Gone! All gone! Everything is gone! Lao Tzu has worked so hard to climb to this position, and now, because of your stupid bastard, everything is ruined! "From the other side of the phone, an angry roar!

"Uncle! What are you talking about? What are you talking about?" Mu Sheng was also stunned when he heard this!

"What? Huh! I said that because of you **** stuff, Lao Tzu's seat is gone! Now, stay at home! You are satisfied! Happy? How can I have a foolish nephew like you!" He Zhenqing on the phone, Can't wait to run over by phone and strangle this kid!

When Mu Sheng heard this, he was completely stunned!

"How could this be? How could this be?"

Silly! He is completely stupid!

Then he asked on the phone: "What about me? You are not in this position. Can I continue to be the leader of the elite trials next year?"

He Zhenqing on the other end of the phone almost fainted when he heard this!

"Why are you still thinking about being a teacher in your elite trials? I'm not in this position, you can't even be a teacher! Now, you have been cleared of the teaching team! Waiting to come back and take the investigation!"


On the other end of the phone, He Zhenqing hung up roughly!

He no longer wants to talk to this **** nephew, he is afraid that he will be **** off!

Next to the trash can, Mu Sheng, who was still hopeful, now slumped on the ground!

"How could this be? Shouldn't it be this way?" Mu Sheng was nervous, muttering to himself there!

Other teachers shook their heads and sighed after seeing Mu Sheng's end like this!

Heaven's sin is forgiven, it is sinful, and you cannot live!

"Have you always been so rude?" Old Li asked Ye Chen.

"To deal with garbage, you should use this method." Ye Chen said.

"Lao Li, I can see that you want to beat him too! It's just that I didn't do it because of my identity, I just shot it for you." Ye Chen said.

When other people heard this, they were speechless!

"You kid don't behave in my name!" Old Li said.

Then he looked at Ye Chen and asked, "I just hit your three sticks. You didn't refute, but you know you were wrong?"

"No! The reason why I didn't fight back was... because I was afraid that you would ruin me after doing it yourself!" Ye Chen said.

Everyone: "..."

Teacher Liang also quickly grabbed Ye Chen and told him not to talk nonsense!

Li Yitong laughed with a cane!

"It seems that I still have my own age! Then I have to make good use of my advantages and earn two more!" After speaking, Papa picked up the crutches again, and came up to Ye Chen's **** a few times!

Ye Chen is speechless!

"I said, Mr. Li, we're almost done, but we can't get an inch! If you fight again, I will lie down and ruin people!"

"You still lie down and erroneous people, you lie down and try, I want to see, we both lie down for a while, who can err on the other!" Old Li said with a smile.

"Yes! You are the old rivers and lakes, you are older than my little Lai! I am willing to go down!" Ye Chen said.

"Just know it!" Old Li proudly said.

Seeing this old and young fighting in this way, everyone next to them was speechless!

Unexpectedly, communicating with the master can still be used in this way!

Usually they are in awe, and when they speak, they are also cautious and cautious. However, look at Ye Chen, they are familiar directly!

When Teacher Liang saw Ye Chen talking like this, he was sweaty at first, but when he saw that Mr. Li was not angry, he felt relieved!

This guy is always so frightening!

Qingzhou City!

"Director! News from Qingshan City! Ye Chen and Li Zixuan have re-qualified for the competition and enter the final round of competition!" The secretary said to Zhou Wenzong.

"What? Re-qualify for the competition! How is this possible? Doesn't it mean that the procedure is very complicated and all seven committee members must agree to it?" Zhou Wenzong said.

"The examination committee has agreed, and the leader is Mr. Li Yitong, the academic leader!" said the secretary.

"What? Mr. Li Yitong personally come forward?" Hearing this news, Zhou Wenzong was startled!

What is the identity of Mr. Li Yitong? The only surviving master in the turbulent years, he is a national treasure, and all important officials of the country must meet to show respect when visiting Qingyun!

Although the name of the director of the examination committee is hung, but he rarely asks about world affairs, and now he is going out again for Ye Chen and Li Zixuan?

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