Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 108: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

"Is it Li Weihong?" Zhou Wenzong guessed.

But then he shook his head and denied it!

Although Li Weihong is an education expert and enjoys a great reputation, he has nothing to do with Lao Li. Moreover, with Li Weihong's current status, it is impossible to invite Lao Li to come out!

"Is it... Ye Chen? Or, this Ye Chen is not as simple as it seems?" Zhou Wenzong guessed.

Afterwards, Zhou Wenzong got through Gao Lin's call!

"Old Gao, let me ask you something?"

"Last time, I told you about people and asked you to pay attention to Ye Chen's family. If you have any difficulties, please help! Has this matter been implemented?"

"It has been implemented! His family conditions are indeed not good, but we have given corresponding help..."

Afterwards, Gao Lin told Zhou Wenzong about the matter!

"Oh! I see, we still have to care more about such families in the future, and don't make the children difficult because of poverty!" Zhou Wenzong finished speaking and hung up the phone!

"Ordinary family? My father is disabled, my mother is waiting for work at home, living by selling vegetables at a stall, and no important relatives. Could it be that I think too much?" Zhou Wenzong wondered!


Alliance headquarters!

Jiang Yuqing is watching Ye Chen's video, that is Ye Chen's fight for Feng Guizhi!

Feng Guizhi saw that his son was alone against so many people, and his face was full of pride!

"As expected of my son! As expected of... the son of that bastard! He has been able to fight like this since he was a child!"

However, at the same time it is full of distress!

My own child was actually bullied!

And, more than once, was bullied!

I have never been around to help!

I have never exerted much effort!

Are you competent? Is he a qualified mother?

When seeing the video in which the adoptive mother instinctively wanted to block the blow for Ye Chen, Jiang Yuqing was even more ashamed!

However, when he saw that Ye Chen was madly alone for his foster mother, fighting against those people, he was also envious!

When can I get such treatment in front of my son!

At this time, Zhuang Mingyue called!

"How are things going?"

"President Jiang, don't worry, things are done! The teacher who forced Ye Chen to retire has been expelled from the teaching team! And the people behind him have also been suspended!

Lao Li came forward to personally help him regain his qualifications. Moreover, Lao Li seemed to admire him! "Zhuang Mingyue's voice came over the phone!

"Well, I know. Keep an eye on the competition and report to me in time! But, don't interfere with the fairness of the game! I believe that my son's strength will win even if he wins!"


"Go, I hope your boy's performance in a while will be a little impressive, old man, I don't come out easily, don't let me down." Li Yi said to Ye Chen.

"Um, I will try my best to be better than my errant Kung Fu!" Ye Chen said.

"...Haha!" Old Li pointed to Ye Chen with a cane, and then walked towards the judges' bench!

In the arena, there are already many students at this moment!

Because of the different ways of expression, the auxiliary equipment prepared is also different, and they are all placed next to it!

"I heard that you were forced to retire. I was a bit regretful that I couldn't beat you head-on! Now that you can play again, I feel more relieved! This time, I will completely suppress you!" Wang Chenglin walked to Ye. In front of Chen, his eyes were murderous and said.

"Yell, so confident? This is what I want to tell you! No matter what skill you are! I will crush you! Uh, no, there are several skills, I may not be as good as you, even if you just perform , I'm willing to bow down?"

"Oh? You are also humble and fearful?" Wang Chenglin was aroused when he heard Ye Chen's words, but now, when I heard that Ye Chen was also afraid, he couldn't help being aroused again!

"Yes! Why not? If you do belly dance, striptease or pole dance or something, I... absolutely raise my hand to surrender, and I'm willing to go down!" Ye Chen said.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Wang Chenglin's face twitched!

"Your kid... has always been so owed!"

"The truth is not good, what I said is the truth!" Ye Chen said.

"However, what I said is true! As long as you don't dance the ones I mentioned, you can only be second! If you have to dance striptease or something, I will really bow down!" Ye Chen said again.

"You just danced a striptease!" Wang Chenglin said angrily.


Game start!

The first performer was a girl who sang an English song!

The singing is loud and clear, listen softly, and the song falls, ushered in bursts of applause!

Many boys, after listening to this song, feel that their hearts are almost sung!

The second one is a boy who is actually singing!

Moreover, not only does the singing work well, but also the bodywork, footwork, eyes and gestures are all in place!

Obviously, I got the guidance of professional teachers and professional training!

But in the process of performing, he blended his own insights and deduced them with a different flavor!

Even many people who didn’t know much about drama thought this performance...very good!

"These kids are so versatile!" a teacher said with a sigh.

"I don't know, who can get the first in talent!"

"This is not good! After all, Wen is not the first! But one thing is certain! Students from the county town can't compete with our students here in this round! Quality education, the county town has always been inferior to Qingshan City!" A teacher said.

This is not pride, but a statement of fact!

Beside, Teacher Liang is also a little worried!

Soon the opera singer finished singing!

Later, some students were performing martial arts!

Moreover, more than one person performed martial arts!

There are Korean Taekwondo, Japanese Karate, Thai Muay Thai, and Chinese Kung Fu!

When every student performed, they were very fierce and alive! Different from the elegant gentleman's style they just showed!

"Able to be a literary and martial artist, there is a degree of relaxation! The children nowadays are amazing!" A teacher of judges nodded in praise.

"Yes, among our teams, Hidden Dragons and Crouching Tigers! The next generation is so good, it is gratifying!" A teacher said happily.

The comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical beauty, this is not empty talk!

Everyone has unique skills! It's dazzling!

Those leading teachers kept nodding their heads! Cheers for the performance of these children!

Then, a girl came up!

Raised a small proposal! The song of Liang Zhu is over, and the people who listened to it were intoxicated!

The show is over!

Soon it was Li Zixuan's turn!

piano! A piano tune is down!

The whole hall is quiet!

Many people are impressed by it!

"She is worse than me!" A student who played the same instrument sighed to himself.

Soon it was Wang Chenglin and Ye Chen's turn!

"Do you know calligraphy?" Wang Chenglin asked Ye Chen.

"Understand slightly." Ye Chen said.

"That's good! Why don't we just show off in calligraphy? How about music and piano? You probably don’t have many senior teachers, so even if you didn’t learn well, it’s not your fault! Even if I get lucky, I should Victory is not martial!" Wang Chenglin said confidently.

"Calligraphy is calligraphy, I have no objection!" Ye Chen said.

"Okay! But, I have to tell you in advance! I will soon become a member of the Qingyun Provincial Book Association! If you feel that you are a bit bullied than calligraphy, I can listen to you and let you choose the duel project! I don't care!" Wang Chenglin said.

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