Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 121: , Still a little insight

"From now on, up and down five hundred years, calligraphy style, unique, unique!"

Upon hearing this, Liu Jie was shocked.

This evaluation? It's as high as the sky!

"Lao Di, are you... kidding me?"

Di Guangyuan is angry!

"I just said! I never make a joke about calligraphy. This is the most sacred thing in my heart."

"But, his age is..."

"Why do you always judge heights by age? Do you know calligraphy?" Di Guangyun shouted angrily.

"This..." Liu Jie was speechless for a while!

He is really unacceptable.

It is unbelievable that a person who has not graduated from high school has received such a high evaluation.

"Are you the person in charge here?" Di Guangyuan's expression became gentle again, and he asked Di Guangyuan.

"Um! Yes! Old Di."

"I'm willing to buy this IOU for 260,000 yuan, how about it?" Di Guangyuan asked Liu Jie.

"This..." Liu Jie felt embarrassed!

"Are you too small? Although I know that this character is very valuable, and even this will become a good story in the calligraphy world, but I really don't have so many now. If you feel less, you can give me a price and wait for a while , I have savings, and I will pay you back." Di Guangyuan said.

Liu Jie was stunned again when he heard this, and the people next to him were also completely suppressed!

They didn't expect that Di Lao would be so determined to buy this IOU.

This time it is obviously inevitable!

A randomly written IOU of 180,000, in less than an hour, unexpectedly rose to 260,000, even if it is a usury, it is not so powerful.

"Lao Di, it's not a matter of price. So, wait a moment. I'll report to it first, how about?" Liu Jie said.

If it's other things, Liu Jie can decide directly.

Although 180,000 yuan is not a lot, Liu Jie still has this right as the supervisor!

But now, the matter involves Lao Di, so he must be more cautious!

This Di is always a real celebrity, and his influence is greater than those of the businessmen. He really offended him, perhaps even more serious than offending the big business men.

"Okay! Trouble you! But, please as soon as possible! I think if I continue to study, my calligraphy level should be able to leap and improve again." Di Lao said seriously.

Hearing this, Liu Jie couldn't help but shocked his whole body!


"Manager Zhuang, I have something I want to report to you."

Afterwards, Liu Jie reported the matter to Zhuang Mingyue.

"Want to buy this IOU at a higher price?" Zhuang Mingyue was also puzzled!

"Have you read those words?" Zhuang Mingyue asked again.

"I've seen it, that word... really amazing!

I can only see that it is good, but I don’t want a higher judgment. After all, I have limited calligraphy skills.

I will take a photo for you and pass it on, you can also take a look. "Liu Jie said.

"it is good."

A minute later, Zhuang Mingyue saw the photo of the IOU.

Just a glance. Take a breath!

This... Is this a high school student's handwriting? This skillful technique and sophisticated brushstroke, even a calligrapher who has invaded the law for many years, may not be able to reach this level.

What is even more surprising is that this skillful driving ability makes people not feel rigid, and even has a clever and dusty breath.

Like a fairy.

What is even more incredible is the style of this calligraphy!

Bo Zhongjia's director, melted in one furnace, unique!

What is the most difficult thing about calligraphy now?

Is it innovation? It is able to go beyond the bounds of the ancients and open up a new realm in calligraphy!

But how difficult it is!

First imitate, and then innovate. Only by completing all the paths that the predecessors have crossed, can we go further than our predecessors.

However, many people have stopped on the way to search for the sages. Some people even found a different way, using the so-called ugliness to show off their individuality, but in the end it was just a failed attempt.

Now, this Ye Chen, only how old, has been able to master the skills of those calligraphy masters in calligraphy.

"Genius! This is really a genius!" Zhuang Mingyue admired!

As expected of Mr. Jiang and that person's child!

Zhuang Mingyue then solicited Ye Chen's opinion.

"Is the IOU you want? He still has some eyesight." Ye Chen said.

Hearing this, Zhuang Mingyue was a little bit dumbfounded.

This Qingyun Province is the most famous, and even the person who has a place in the entire China, in front of Ye Chen, he only got a "a little bit of eye" evaluation!

I really don't know what to say about him?

"If you are willing to buy it, give it to him. However, at the same time, write on it. The account has been cleared."

"it is good."

Afterwards, Zhuang Mingyue said to Ye Chen.

"This old man Di has a good reputation and likes you very much. If you can become friends with him..."

"Thank you, Sister Xiao Zhuang, for your kindness, but I don't think it is necessary. Friends with interests are not friends. I have no time to deal with that kind of hypocritical entertainment." Ye Chen said.

Hearing this, Zhuang Mingyue stopped saying more.

Yes, the little boy in front of you, do you need to force yourself to do things you don't like to do? Do you need to spend time doing socializing that is meaningless?

No need!

At least not needed now!

With Mr. Jiang and that person holding on to this sky, even if the little son does nothing, who would dare to do anything to him.

Next to him, Li Zixuan's expression was always faint, even if Ye Chen's calligraphy sold for so much money, he did not show much surprise. It seems that she is surprised at this expression, she can't do it.

It was Teacher Liang who was silly all of a sudden.

She was still wondering whether to share a little for Ye Chen, after all, the cost of 180,000 was not a small amount.

However, as a teacher, she was also merciless when she was eating, which made her feel a little sorry.

But now, I got news that Di Lao actually wanted to buy his calligraphy at a high price.

It is also said that the calligraphy world will be the only one who will dominate from today?

How high is this evaluation!

Messy! Teacher Liang is completely messed up!

What kind of enchanting student did they have in Jingyang County this time!

When I went back at night, there was a lot of room in the hotel.

In the lobby, Liu Jie was waiting, seeing Ye Chen and the others greet them respectfully!

"Hello Manager Liu! Hello, everyone!" Liu Jie said hello to several people with a smile on his face!

Liu Jie bowed his head respectfully this time, his eyes were full of respect, and he never despised Ye Chen because of his clothes and age.

"Mr. Ye, after you sign here, this IOU will belong to Lao Di!"

Ye Chen moved his pen again, waved his hand, and signed his name!

Seeing Ye Chen's chic dragons and phoenix dancing there, Liu Jie was envious!

They are also writing, why are they so good?

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