Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 122: , I have long seen him extraordinary

"Mr. Ye, Di Lao is waiting for you in the office. I wonder if you would like to meet? After getting the signed documents, Liu Jie asked Ye Chen respectfully again.

"Since the old gentleman has been waiting for so long, if I don't go, wouldn't it be rude, let's pass now!" Ye Chen said.

After seeing Ye Chen, Di Guangyuan couldn't help being extremely excited!

"A hero is a boy! A hero is a boy! Is this calligraphy your work?" Di Guangyuan asked Ye Chen excitedly.

"This is not calligraphy." Ye Chen said.

"Yes! To you, this is not calligraphy, but to me, it is! In this calligraphy, I feel that I have seen another peak!

If I can climb above this peak, I think I can see a different world! "Lao Di said to Ye Chen.

Everyone was surprised! Could it be that Di Lao really had something wrong with his brain...! Otherwise, why is this situation always happening today!

"In ancient times, Wang Youjun asked the fan to change the geese! Today, Ye Chen wrote down the IOU to eat! I believe that this will become a story in the ages!" Di Lao said to Ye Chen.

"Lao Di, you passed the award!" Ye Chen said to Lao Di.

"No prize, no prize at all!" Di Lao waved his hands and said.

Then, take out a red bronzing certificate! It is the status symbol of the deputy leader of Qingyun Provincial Book Association!

"Lao Di, what are you doing?"

"Mr. Ye, I know that this certificate may not matter to you, but it is my sincere heart!

It's sad that all horses are studying together!

Now, the entire calligraphy world is such a scene!

You will be the one who breaks this silence! I hope that you can stand up as soon as possible! "

This...Lao Di, did this for Ye Chen?

"Could it be that this calligraphy really... has such an impact?"

Not to mention those ordinary people, even Zhuang Mingyue was completely stunned at this moment!

However, in the face of this sincere invitation, Ye Chen refused!

"Why?" Teacher Liang pulled Ye Chen's corner and said softly.

"It's all a bunch of old men, I don't want to be surrounded by a bunch of old men all day long!" Ye Chen said helplessly.

Seeing the idiotic expression just now made Ye Chen really scared. If they are all such people in the Book Association, and surrounded by these people all day, what fun is there for me!

Hearing Ye Chen's explanation, Li Zixuan couldn't help but smile, but Teacher Liang couldn't help rolling her eyes!

She knows that in calligraphy, what she needs most is someone to promote herself!

No matter how good one's calligraphy is, if no one appreciates it, it will still be buried!

Therefore, the first thing many younger generations have to do is to find a respectable tree!

With the help of this big tree, in the future, it will be able to gradually become popular in the industry and gradually accumulate fame!

What an opportunity is this today?

Di Lao, the first calligrapher of Qingyun Province, is highly admired, and even willing to be the next generation!

No matter whether this is true or not, as long as it is spread out, what awaits him is fame and fortune!

Put it on many young people, I am afraid they can not refuse!

However, with such a great opportunity, in the eyes of Ye Chen, it was not even a fart, and it was thrown away after saying that it was thrown away!

See Ye Chen refused!

Di Guangyuan was also regretful!

Then he said to Ye Chen again: "As long as you want, you can come to our book association at any time! Even if you want the position of the president, I can also consider letting Xian!"

"Okay! I will definitely consider this suggestion if I have the opportunity. Thank you for your appreciation too!"

Seeing that Ye Chen was so neither humble nor overbearing, polite and respectful, Zhuang Mingyue's eyes flashed approval!

As expected of Mr. Jiang and that man's son!


the next day!

Teacher Liang took Ye Chen and Li Zixuan in a special car sent by Zhuang Mingyue to Jingyang County!

Qingshan City is very close to Jingyang County, and it takes more than three hours to drive at normal speed!

But, driven by the car and driver dispatched by Zhuang Mingyue, two hours!

It only took two hours!

"The car is good! The drive is good! The most important thing is that the license plate is good!" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Yes! Crossing the highway, not only can you pass through the special vehicle passage, but there are even police officers saluting!" Teacher Liang said in shock.

She had already checked the identity of Zhuang Mingyue last night. She knew that it was the secretary of President Jiang of the Huaxing Group and she was known as the housekeeper!

Although he is only a secretary, he has been reused by President Jiang. It can be said that he only covers the sky in the business world!

But such a person actually accompanied them all the way last night!

Today, another car like this was sent to see off!

This is really flattering!

Looking at Ye Chen's face that made women jealous, he couldn't help but think about it!

"I have been caring for Ye Chen throughout the whole process, shouldn't it be... This Zhuang always looks at this kid..."

However, afterwards, she shook her head and denied it!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Although Zhuang always focused on Ye Chen's body, his eyes were very pure, without those messy things, even like an older sister looking at his younger brother.


The car is fast!

After getting off the high-speed intersection and turning a curve, you entered Jingyang County!

"Let's go to school first! I took you away from the school, and I will bring you to the school intact! It can also be regarded as returning to Zhao and completing the task!" said Teacher Liang.

Ten minutes later, he has come to school!

The brakes are very stable!

The car stopped at the entrance of Sanzhong!

Get out of the car!

"Finally back!" Teacher Liang looked at this doorway, feeling full of emotion in his heart!

The exams these days have seemed like a dream!

I thought it was just an escort, but I didn't expect to get a double first!


"Uncle! Trouble, please open the door!" Teacher Liang said.

After all, it is not time for school, so the school gate is closed, and you must get permission from the guardian to enter!

"Who are you looking for? Register first..." However, as soon as the uncle had finished speaking, he saw Teacher Liang!

"Are you Teacher Liang?" The doorman looked surprised.

This situation makes Teacher Liang a little flattered!

"Uncle, do you know me?" I am just a little teacher intern, just coming here not long ago. How could the uncle know himself!

"How could you not know each other! You are a great hero of our school!"

Take our students and defeat all the elites in the city! How could I not know it!

Not only me, but now, in the whole Jingyang Third Middle School, I know you! "

Teacher Liang's face is a little hot!

"Uncle, you have passed the award. These are the contributions of the students. I dare not be greedy!"

"I not only know you, but also two of them! This is Li Zixuan, the winning general of our school! This kid is Ye Chen! I know! Back then, when they were poisoned in Class 36, I knew you kid Extraordinary!" said the uncle doorman.

"Oh, isn't it? How did you see it?" Ye Chen asked with a smile.

"That's not easy! In that case, others were too frustrated to enter, just like he was fine, not only rushing in and out, but also able to rescue people!

Do you say this can be done by ordinary people?

Just rely on this kind of energy that is more tolerant of not talking in that poisonous fart! What is he doing, he can't do it! "The guardian uncle said.

"..." Ye Chen, who wanted to hear some good things, was speechless after listening!

Uncle's logic is very strange!

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