Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 123: , The scene is a bit awkward

"Master, can you open the door for us now?"

"Of course." The guardian nodded!

Then, I pressed down the remote control in my hand!


The tall door in the middle opened slowly, like a big mountain, separated from the middle!

"Master, did you open the wrong door! We just go in through the small door!" Teacher Liang said.

No matter how shallow the experience is, she also knows that this door is generally opened for leaders who come to guide and inspect, and students rarely enjoy this kind of treatment!

"That's right! It's the gate! This is what Principal Zhang specially confessed, saying that you return in triumph, and when you come back, you should walk through the triumphal arch!"

When Teacher Liang heard this, he was taken aback, and he didn't expect the school to give them such a grand arrangement!

"Uncle, thank you." Teacher Liang thanked the uncle doorman.

"Go in!" The uncle smiled and nodded.

Seeing Ye Chen's three people enter, the uncle's face once again smiled!

"I hope you will go further in the future!"

Many years later, the doorman has retired, but he still remembers the scene!

He always likes to proudly say to his grandson: Back then, the dragon hadn't had Tengfei, and I was their gatekeeper!


As soon as I walked into the door, I heard the hurried get out of class bell!

"It's really time for us to come back, just in time for get out of class." Teacher Liang said with a smile.

"Then you can enter the class naturally in just a while, without interrupting the teacher's lecture, let alone attracting the attention of the whole class." Ye Chen said.

"Are you still afraid of your classmates?" Teacher Liang asked.

"No! I just listen to you and want to keep a low profile."


The students are all over, and most of them walked out of the class!

"I'll report to the principal, you should go back first!" Teacher Liang said.

The two nodded!

But at this time!

The school broadcast suddenly rang!

Inside came the excited voice of the principal Zhang Deguang!

"Classmates! Our heroes are back! Our warriors are back! Let us welcome them together!"

Hearing this sound, the students were dumbfounded!

What hero? What warrior? Why are you welcome?

The campus, which was a little noisy after class, suddenly became quiet!

Even the air seems to be still!

This scene is a bit... awkward!

Seeing this scene, Principal Zhang was also stunned, but then he coughed a few times and smiled wryly on his face!

"Students, you probably don't know the great news!"

"Good news? What good news?"

"Don't you need to take the college entrance examination this year?"

"What's so happy not to have the college entrance examination? Is it that the college entrance examination questions, I added my favorite, Japanese small movie appreciation?" A thin boy said with a wretched expression.

"Ms. Liang led Ye Chen, Li Zixuan and Gao Jianwen to participate in this year's Global Elite Trial, Qingyun Province's screening contest!" Principal Zhang said again.

"Cut! I thought there was something good? It turned out to be this! It's boring!"

"Yeah! What's so happy about? Didn't Senior Ling Zhichao talk about it that day? This topic is particularly difficult. It is only a shame that we have passed our education level!"

"Yes! Two days ago, Gao Jianwen was brushed down because of his failure, and they came back too. Isn't it normal?"

After Principal Zhang said, the students in the school said so.

"This time, they and his party have shown the confidence of our Jingyang No. 3 Middle School and the reputation of our Jingyang No. 3 Middle School!

Let us welcome their return with applause! "



There was a few clapping applause in the campus! Obviously, everyone does not particularly agree!

Even some students are already playing their own games!

"I have lost, come back, what is welcome!" Some students said unwillingly.

"Senior Ling Zhichao has reminded us that with our strength, to participate is nothing more than self-humiliation! Now, it really happened! I was driven back." Some students said.

"This time the opponent is very strong! Well-trained and well-prepared! However, our students are not afraid! In the end they achieved good results!" Principal Zhang's voice sounded again on the radio!

"If I can't do it, I start to blame the opponent for being too good?" After hearing the broadcast, a student couldn't help laughing!

"Good grades? How can it be considered good? Dare to share the results? If it is really good, why were you driven back?" Some students sneered again.

However, what they didn't expect was that there really were results!

"Gao Jianwen, who was eliminated halfway, lost beautifully even if he lost! He advanced to the top 40!"

"If you lose, you lose. No matter how beautiful you are, you also lose!" Some students couldn't help but complain again.

"Li Zixuan, our ever-victorious general, this time achieved the eighth result in the province!" The voice on the broadcast, continue to play!

And after those students heard the broadcast about Li Zixuan, one by one they thought that she too failed!

"What about General Victory? Isn't it a loss?... Hey! No! Wait! No. 8 in the province, I rely on! What is this concept? Is there any promotion?" A student asked with a puzzled expression.

"In the whole province, a total of ten people were selected, so they ranked eighth and successfully advanced!" President Zhang announced excitedly during the broadcast.

Everyone in the school, after hearing this, after a short silence!


Then there was thunderous applause!

"Eighth? Eighth in the province?"

"My wife is amazing!"

"Strength fight face! The senior Ling Zhichao said that we did not have the strength to compete with those people, but what happened? My daughter-in-law successfully advanced!"

"Ling Zhichao senior is not a god! The prediction is wrong, it's normal, besides, my wife is not an ordinary person!" A boy said shamelessly.

"Student Zixuan performed very well and was successfully promoted! Do you want to know, Jingyang No. 3 Middle School, the biggest dark horse, how many students did Ye Chen test this time?" the principal said on the radio.

When they said this, they suddenly remembered that in addition to Li Zixuan and Gao Jianwen who participated in the competition, there was also the most controversial Ye Chen!

At that time, many people looked down on him, thinking that he must have failed the exam!

"How is his grade?" a student asked.

"I guess he should take the exam pretty well!"

"Later than Gao Jianwen came back, at least he was promoted to the top 20!"

"Well, it should be! Maybe, in the top 20, they are all relatively high results!" Some students guessed.

"I heard that when he went there, he even contradicted Ling Zhichao's seniors. This time he got this result, and he has recovered a fairness for himself!" Some students guessed.

"How are everyone's guesses? Is there an answer already? However, I believe that although everyone has their own guesses, I believe that no one should guess the result!" Principal Zhang said.

Hearing this, everyone suddenly became interested!

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