Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 124: ,well done

"First! First in the province!" At this time, a deafening and ecstatic voice came from the radio!

"Did you guess it? Did anyone guess it? Did most of my classmates feel that they didn't have any hope like I guessed! But now, they use their strength to prove that they have this strength!"


Hearing what the principal said, the campus was frying!

"the first!"

"Damn! Did I get it wrong!"

"Hurry up and remind me!"

"You heard that right! This Wolong, which has been hidden for 18 years, is finally on the verge of taking off!

Elite trials! In the preliminary contest of Qingyun Province, Ye Chen won the first place in the province! Principal Zhang said loudly again.

Senseless! Completely confused!

Many students can't believe it! Even more unacceptable!

"This Nima... beyond the sky! It's completely beyond the sky!"

"He... he is a monster!"

There is a teacher there, and the expressions of the students are like hell!

Especially those students who have taught Ye Chen before, now, one by one is even more incomprehensible!

Before, why didn't I find that this kid could be so guarded!

"Because of his outstanding achievements, we also won the first place in the preliminary competition of Jingyang No. 3 Middle School!" During the broadcast, the principal said again to everyone.

"Qingzhou City, five people preparing for the exam for one year have been wiped out!

On the contrary, it is the miscellaneous army of our school, a blockbuster! Even the province knows that we have a train in Jingyang County!

This is our glory!

Students, teachers! Let us send them the warmest applause! "


This time, thunderous applause!

The eyes of the school students looking at Ye Chen changed completely!

From the ridicule at the beginning, to the doubts afterwards, to the doubtful ones who came back, to the complete admiration now!

Yes, as one sentence says: When you are a little taller than a person, he may be jealous of you! When you are one level taller than a person, he may taunt you! But when you are one day higher than others, he can only look up to you!

In less than a month, Ye Chen completed his current look up from everyone's questioning and ridicule!

The three of them gradually walked into the principal's office to the warm applause of the teachers and students!

Principal's office!

Teacher Liang Ye Chen and Li Zixuan sat there.

The principal made tea for them himself!

"Good job! Beautiful!

Why didn't I realize that you have such great potential! ,

Almost missed your huge chance! "Zhang Deguang said.

He remembered that at the beginning, almost everyone opposed it!

"Teacher Li still has vision and courage!" Zhang Deguang said sincerely again. At the beginning, so many people opposed it, only he agreed!

"In a few days, you will go to Mingzhu to prepare for the next game, you are ready, if you have any needs, just ask! We will do our best to satisfy you!

The order has also been issued in the bureau!

"At all costs, create the best conditions for you!"

"In the future, you will no longer represent our Jingyang Third Middle School, but the entire Qingzhou City!" Zhang Deguang said.

At this moment, his face is full of brilliance!

The global elite trials!

A competition that they could not even think of before, now they have students who can reach the finals!

Even, still inside, overwhelming major key middle schools, becoming the first in the province!

"This is our Jingyang young dragon! Be sure to protect it! When it soars into the sky in the future, it will be a great honor for our Jingyang County!" Jingyang's top leader also spared his own words of praise!

Now, I have even more lingering fears, and I almost expelled this student by being obsessed with it!

After Li Zixuan and Ye Chen left!

Teacher Liang and Principal Zhang are left in the office!

"Xiaoliang, you did a good job! Very good! Unintentionally smashed into the willows! You really gave me a big surprise! I heard that the coaches of the elite training camps in the key middle schools in the city praise you for leading the team!"

"Principal, please don't say that, I really didn't do anything, I didn't do a lot of it!"

"You have seen your hard work in the school, and the results this time are unmatched!

Brought three students, two students reached the finals, won the province first, personal first in the province! Double first!

With this experience, you can easily find a good position in any school in Qingzhou City! "

"Principal Zhang, you have won the award! I'm not going anywhere! Right here!"

"Okay! Hahaha..."

"This time the bureau issued several quotas. The leaders of the county and the city have unanimously suggested that you have one of these quotas!"

"Really?" Hearing this, Teacher Liang seemed to be hit by a happy event, and the whole person was instantly overwhelmed with joy!

"it is true!"

Then Principal Zhang took out a document from it!

"As long as you sign here, your name will definitely appear in the next establishment quota!"

"Okay! I sign! I sign!" Teacher Liang said happily.

Seeing Teacher Liang like this, Principal Zhang couldn't help but nodded!

"Go back and prepare well. You will also need to lead the team to participate in the elite trials in a few days! Perform well!" said Principal Zhang.

"What? Let me lead the team? This... I don't think I can take on this important task!"

"After we deliberated, this is the result! No one has more experience in leading the team than you! What's more, compared to other people, no one in the school has more experience in leading the team than you!

What's more, the two of them are very accepting of you. "

"But... I'm afraid... I won't be able to give them corresponding guidance!" Teacher Liang said.

"Guide? Do you think people like them still need guidance? Who has the ability to guide them?" Principal Zhang said.

"Relax, as long as you lead the team well! The school believes in you! It also believes in them!" Principal Zhang said.

"Okay! Since the school trusts me so much, then I will do my best! Hope... this time I can achieve better results!"

"I didn't say that we must achieve good results. This is not realistic. I just hope that other provinces will not be left behind too much." Principal Zhang said.

How can it be so easy in national competitions, not to mention having not achieved good results before! Qingyun Province is a large poverty-stricken province, and the same is true in terms of education. How does it compare with the first-tier cities of the Imperial Capital and the Pearl Flower Capital.

"Principal, I think our students still have a lot of potential. For this exam, I don't think Ye Chen has done his best!"

"I didn't use all my strength? What do you mean?" Principal Zhang asked Teacher Liang.

Then Teacher Liang told him about the situation of Ye Chen's exam. After listening to it, he was stunned!

"Monster! This is really a monster! Our previous assessment is useless at all! This is not an ordinary person at all, how can it be measured by ordinary people's standards!"

After a long time, Principal Zhang Deguang said again: "Could it be... he really wants to...shove something out this time?"

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