Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 125: , Different from my prediction

All the high school students in Jingyang County knew the news: Ye Chen won the first place in the Qingyun Province Trial!

This result broke the curse of Qingzhou City students not being able to qualify for the trial, and also completely rewritten the history of the trial-for the first time, a non-Qingshan City student won the first place in the trial!

While the teachers and students were celebrating, the first thing they thought of was the senior brother Ling Zhichao who had vowed to tell them that all this was impossible!

"Don't think about participating in any elite trials, that's not something you should consider!"

"You are far from those people!"

These words are still in my ears, but now, Ye Chen and Li Zixuan have used actual results to slap him in the face!

On the contrary, the words of their head teacher, Li Weihong, greatly encouraged the students: every student has infinite possibilities!

What is even more amazing is that Ling Zhichao is still in ZY County!

What is even more surprising is that he is waiting for Ye Lingxiao, who is waiting for the gods to sit on!

He heard that Ye Lingxiao's character engraving is very exquisite, so he wanted to engrave a pair as a gift to his future mentor, Professor Smith.

However, when he waited, he was told that Ye Lingxiao had already left and would not be back a few days.

He wanted to give up, but in order to win the favor of Professor Smith, he decided to wait in the fairy sitting!

Ye Zixiang was a little embarrassed to see this kid so persistent.

"Lao Chen is a master sculptor and Ling Xiao's master. You can ask him to see if you have any gains!"

When Ling Zhichao heard this, he was immediately overjoyed!

Unexpectedly, Ye Lingxiao's master was here!

Then why bother with yourself?

However, when he saw Chen Wang, he did not get the result he wanted!

"Those flowers, I won't." Chen Wang refused directly.

"Isn’t he taught by you? How could you not? Don’t worry, I won’t be less rewarded! In addition, you have to know that this time your engraving object is a world superconductor master and a Nobel Prize winner! If you can Serving him, I believe that your popularity will be much higher, and you can even open up the upper market!" Ling Zhichao said.

"Isn't it normal that students are better than teachers? What's surprising? In addition, I don't know what constipation professor you said, and I don't need to borrow his name!" Old Chen said impatiently to Ling Zhichao. .

My mouth is Smith, and my mouth is U.S. Yelu University!

People dare to forget their roots before they go? Did he forget who taught him from childhood to adulthood? How many teachers did he remember before, how many teachers now?

Does it look honorable to keep talking about Smith who has never met?

Once Chen Wang met, he didn't wait to see this kid.

Ling Zhichao is not a fool, and naturally knows that Mr. Chen is not waiting to be seen.

But even if I felt unhappy, I still endured it! Also had to wait here.

After waiting for a few days, I was a little impatient!

He decided to wait two more days, if two days later, if Ye Lingxiao did not come back, he decided to leave!

"The trials in Qingyun Province are over?" He got news from a teacher and friend in Jingyang County.

"Well, all five students in Qingzhou City have been eliminated!"

"This incident was as expected." Ling Zhichao said.

"Qingzhou City cannot be compared with Qingshan City.

If not unexpected, the first place this time should also come from the students of Qingshan No. 1 Middle School and Qingshan No. 16 Middle School. "Ling Zhichao said.

"Did you forget that there are three students from Jingyang County?"

"The three of them? Humph! The self-righteous, self-reliant, self-inflicted students, don't ask! If what I expected is good, they haven't even passed the first level?" Ling Zhichao said with absolute certainty.

He has been busy with other things these days, so he didn't pay attention to the game at all, let alone there is nothing to pay attention to.

"Possessing yourself? Insulting yourself?" a teacher on the other end of the phone asked in surprise.

"Isn't it? It's ridiculous that they asked me about my exam skills before.

It's a nonsense, even if I teach them, do they have the skills? Can you pass the first level? "Ling Zhichao's face flashed with disdain.

The teacher on the other end of the phone was completely speechless.

"This time, you really missed it!"

"Huh? Why? They really can still take two steps here?" Ling Zhichao asked in surprise.

"No, taking two steps is a lot! Taking one step at most and being able to pass the first level is a great fortune!"

Upon hearing this, the teacher on the other end of the phone was speechless!

"Ling Zhichao, do you think you are self-righteous? Do you think you are insulting yourself?

Do you know what grade he got in the exam? "

"Huh?" Ling Zhichao frowned when he heard this, a little unhappy.

"Why, can they still break the sky? Even if they almost made it to the finals, what about it? Half a ninety miles! The result is the same, or they missed the elite trials!" Ling Zhichao said indifferently.

"Look at what I sent you? Take a good look!" Then, the teacher directly sent a picture to Ling Zhichao via mobile phone!

"How many is this? What result is this?

Is this what you said can’t be compared with those in Qingshan City? "The teacher on the other end of the phone said angrily to Ling Zhichao.

Ling Zhi clicked on the picture casually!

Originally a slightly lazy expression, after seeing the picture, the expression suddenly stiffened!

"First place? How is it possible? Did they make a mistake!"

"My grades are so good, I only scored 98 points in the exam at that time! It took 68 minutes! The record has been maintained until now, no one can break it, how can he...

I finished it in 20 minutes and got full marks! "Ling Zhichao looked horrified and inexplicable! Some could not believe it!

"Do you think that you are the best in Qingyun Province? Look at his other achievements!" The teacher on the other end of the phone said angrily.

Hearing this, Ling Zhichao's eyes moved again!

Second round results! the first! Full marks!

Twenty minutes!

"This..." Ling Zhichao was not calm, his face was full of shock.

It is precisely because I took this exam that year that I knew the difficulty and the tragic!

First in two rounds, and there is still so little time!

how can that be! I can't believe it!

Then, look at other results!

The third round of exams, full marks!

In the fourth round, full marks, calligraphy was collected by Master Li Yitong in the name of the examination committee!

Frozen, Ling Zhichao froze completely!

"This is different from my prediction, is it... a mistake?" Ling Zhichao couldn't help asking.

"Different from your prejudgment? Wrong? Do you think you have better grades than you, it is all wrong, it is all wrong?" The teacher on the other end of the phone, with a mocking tone, said to Lexus Chao said unceremoniously.

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