Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 126: , Fatty Lai is here again

Ling Zhichao was silent, as if he hadn't noticed the other party's displeasure!

After a long time, he said: "It is still in such a short period of time that the student can get full marks. It can be seen that the ability of the person who wrote the question has regressed."


"However, in any case, it is not a small skill to be able to get the top spot in this Qingyun Province." Ling Zhichao commented again.

"I just hope he can be as enchanting as this time in the next competition!

No, it is a blessing to be able to have this half evildoer! "

"Our best result in Qingyun Province was your promotion to the top sixteen. Do you want him to achieve this result now? Isn't it difficult for a strong man?" the teacher said.

"He can't even keep up with me, so what qualifications are there to get my approval. It's still the same sentence just now, 90 and a half of a hundred miles! It's no use to enter the finals and fail to make the top 16!"


"In addition, you help me find out about Ye Lingxiao, who is sitting on the gods, and see when he will come back. He came back and told me that the disciples of the Nobel Prize winner wanted him to engrave a painting for the Nobel Prize winner." Ling Zhichao Said proudly in his tone.


Ye Chen walked on the road and received a call from Bao Wensheng.

"You boy can really toss, I have only left for a few days, and you made such a big movement."

First of all, the local snake was beaten, and then a major case was solved. Now, it is the first in the province? Good boy! "

"General! How are you? How are you in Huadu now?"

"Hehe... Little Day Sai Shen! The whole shop is full of girls, all vying to be brothers and girlfriends!

Hug left and right, sooner or later, brother will enjoy the blessing of the same people! I'm not telling you anymore. Little girl No. 8 is looking for me again. Let me look at her sign tonight! "

When the phone hung up, Ye Chen couldn't help but shook his head and smiled, speechless to this kid.

After returning from school, Ye Chen went straight back home.

Seeing his son come back, the eyes of the old couple were full of joy!

"Lean!" Feng Guizhi looked up and down Ye Chen, his eyes filled with distress.

"Can you not be thin? The food that those people cook is not as good as your mom's. If it weren't for hungry and thin, I'll be back with a daughter-in-law!"

"Just you kid!" Feng Guizhi looked at his son with love in his eyes!

However, he quickly pulled Ye Chen and said:

"Mom made you your favorite braised pork, braised eggplant in oil, fried pork liver in sauce...Go, hurry up and eat it."

"How was your test?" Next to him, Ye Zixiang asked Ye Chen casually.

"Does that still need to be said? Who will fight for the son? He must be the first in the province?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Won the first place? How did I hear those people say that this test is difficult, and it's not bad to be able to advance.

Fatty Lai also said that this topic is more difficult than the college entrance examination, and it is also asking for hardships. Xiaochen. You really got the first place? "Feng Guizhi asked Ye Chen casually while serving soup.

Recently, the neighbours who have children for the college entrance examination at home are all talking about this exam, which is as difficult as the sky, and if you go there, you will die.

These words made the old couple's heart very bottomless.

They are not worried about their children's grades, they are mainly worried about their son's psychological pressure!

"Look, parents, this is the certificate, this is the transcript! This is the medal! It's all here!"

Ye Chen took things out of his schoolbag and put them on the table at will!

The old couple quickly picked up those things, looked and looked at them, and finally confirmed that their son hadn't lied, and couldn't help but smile!

In the past, it was all other parents who posted their children's transcripts in front of them. Now they are also eligible.

Afterwards, Feng Guizhi hurriedly put these things away carefully!

"These are your honours. Keep them well."

At this time, the door rang.

"You eat first, mom will open the door." Feng Guizhi said.

After a while, Fatty Lai's laughter sounded at the door!

"Xiao Lai, why are you here? Come in, come in!"

"Auntie, hello! Is Xiao Chen back?" Fatty Lai smiled like a big chrysanthemum.

"Come on, what do you carry?"

"It should be right. To celebrate Xiao Chen is also a show of heart." Fatty Lai said to Feng Guizhi with a drooling face.

"Uncle Ye, you didn't go to the gods to sit today? I heard that your business is very good! Uncle Ye, Aunt Feng, you have a good son! Filial and smart and capable! There must be a great future!" Fatty Lai Said with a smile.

Ye Zixiang and Feng Guizhi were very happy when they heard Fatty Lai praise their son!

"Xiao Lai, have you eaten? Eat more if you didn't. I'll get you a pair of chopsticks again!" Feng Guizhi said.

"Auntie, don't have to work, I have eaten, you eat quickly. I came here to find Xiaochen something." Fatty Lai said.

"What? What?" The old couple wondered.

Ye Chen ate as usual, smiling without speaking!

Fatty Lai glanced at Ye Chen with a smile, and then continued to say to the old couple: "Good thing! It's good thing! I want to ask Ye Chen to be an endorsement for me!

I told you about this last time.

Just don’t do anything, just hang Xiaochen’s photo in my bookstore. You’ve seen it before, just like a celebrity endorsement. Besides, you know, Xiaochen buys books from me at the best prices. "

When Fatty Lai said this, he really regretted that he wanted to go out and hit himself to death!

What a great opportunity was before me, I didn't seize it, so I just ran away! Now it is not easy to bring Ye Chen in again!

He now realizes again what it means. Yesterday you were indifferent to me, but today I make you unable to climb high!

However, there is still a chance.

Afterwards, Fatty Lai didn't wait for Ye Chen to speak with the old couple, and directly took out a few dozens of money from the bag!

There are also thirty thousand!

Looking at the money, the old couple was stunned for a moment, a little uncomfortable.

Sitting at home and doing nothing, someone will take the initiative to send the money?

You know, before they had worked hard for half a year, they might not be able to earn so much money!

My son is really getting better and better!

However, the old couple was not dazzled by the money. In their eyes, there is nothing more important than Ye Chen!

"We don't care about this, you can discuss it with Xiaochen." Ye Zixiang said.

Hearing this, Fatty Lai was a little disappointed, but then he looked at Ye Chen with a wry smile.

He complained endlessly!

Know that this kid is not easy to deal with! He also wondered in his heart, how can someone as honest as Ye Zixiang have such a cunning son like Ye Chen!

However, he couldn't help it, no matter how cunning Ye Chen was, he had to stand it up!

"Fatty Lai, you are really a ghost! Knowing that I was number one in the province? But, how did I hear my mother say that when I went, your kid said I was overpowered?" Ye Chen said.

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