Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 127: Sixty thousand six

"Fatty Lai, you are such a ghost! Knowing that I was number one in the province? Why did I hear my mother say that when I went, your kid said I was overpowered?" Ye Chen sandwiched a piece of braised pork. Said with a smile.

"Aren't my eyes bad? You know about this!" Fatty Lai said in embarrassment.

If his eyes were good enough, how could he let Ye Chen not accept this endorsement until now.

"I think about it now, it's still my short-sightedness, I didn't see the uniqueness of your dragon." Fatty Lai complimented.

Ye Chen smiled and said nothing, then looked at the money and asked, "How much is this?"

"Thirty thousand!"

"Less!" Ye Chen said.

"A lot! Thirty thousand yuan! A lot of one point! Don't believe it!" said Fatty Lai.

"I remember telling you that it was sixty-six thousand and sixty thousand. This is only thirty thousand, not even half of it! How could it be a lot?" Ye Chen said.

Sixty thousand and six!

puff! Ye Zixiang, who had just taken a sip of tea, heard this and spewed it out!

Feng Guizhi also has a weird face!

Sixty thousand and six!

Before, their family's annual income was not so much!

Ye Zixiang and Feng Guizhi looked at their son, wanting to remind him, would this be too...devilish! However, in the end he held back.

He believes in his son, and there must be his reason for doing so.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Fatty Lai also froze there suddenly.

After that, Qiang smiled and said: "Xiao Chen, are you kidding me?"

"No kidding." Ye Chen said. "I promise you are worth the money!"

"Value for money?" Fatty Lai's face instantly became bitter!

Thirty thousand yuan, or his determination behind his wife! If you take sixty thousand and sixty thousand, or buy a student endorsement, let your wife know this, not to smoke yourself a little fat!

"...Xiao Chen, I sincerely want your endorsement. Don't make fun of me. Okay?" Fatty Lai said.

"I'm not kidding you. You will find next time how worthy this endorsement is!

And, tell you, even if it is sixty thousand, I still offer a friendly price, if it is someone else, I will not connect! "

Ye Chen said.

"Auntie, uncle, you can speak for help." Fatty Lai pretended to be pitiful there.

"This price is too...outrageous! We flat-headed people, how can we have so much money!"

"This..." Ye Zixiang and Feng Guizhi were a little embarrassed.

They are all honest people. Although they think their son's requirements are a bit high, they still want to see him. Said: "Xiao Lai, we really can't handle this. You can talk to Xiao Chen."

Ten minutes later, Fatty Lai stood up.

"Xiao Chen, if you let go, the sixty thousand is still too much. I can't afford it, my little shop..."

"Fatty Lai, don't cry for me to be poor. You think I don't know. How much did you spend on advertising for the city's college entrance examination champion last year?

Sixty-six thousand, no discussion!

If you procrastinate this time, when I return from Mingzhu, it will not be the number! You have to think about it! "

"This...I...I'll go home and think about it!" Fatty Lai said.

Sixty-six thousand, his rent for a year is only so much! Now it was handed over to Ye Chen, and he didn't even know the effect of doing so, he had no idea!

If the time comes, Ye Chen is invited to make an advertisement, but the effect is not so good, then his own money, isn't it a waste of money.

"Xiao Chen, you... are you..." Feng Guizhi looked at Ye Chen and wanted to persuade him.

"Mom, you don't have to worry about this. If he is willing to pay, I will take it. If he doesn't want to, I will refuse. We don't lack that money now!" Ye Chen said.

"Well, good. You decide for yourself."

Fatty Lai came out of Ye Chen's house, did not go to the bookstore, but went home directly.

"Why did you come back so early today? The door was closed early?" A fat woman was chatting on the computer while bowing her head.

Fatty Lai did not speak, but looked at his wife and asked, "How are you doing today? How are sales?"

"Half dead!" Jin Lan said disappointedly.

"However, don't worry! I bought another five thousand yuan for the promotion, and it may be better next! Moreover, once the sales are up, it will be good for our shop to have credibility."

"Another five thousand! Have you cast four to fifty thousand, right?" Fatty Lai said a little displeased.

"What do you know? You invest more and earn more! Take a look at the top bookstores in sales. Which one is not the first to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Take a look at their current list, they sell tens of thousands of orders every month!

As long as we promote our online store, the money earned in one month is enough for you to open the store for several years! "Fatty's wife Jin Lan said full of hope.

"By the way, now, Jianbao.com has launched a new marketing model. This issue requires an investment of 80,000 yuan! I am going to bite my teeth, buy this marketing product, and launch our online store."

"What? Eighty thousand! Are you crazy!"

"What's your name? I didn't spend money indiscriminately! This is an investment! It's just a preliminary investment. As long as it can be promoted, it is definitely not enough to make a big profit!" Jin Lan vowed.

"Let's think about it first, the money is too much."

"That's a lot, and there is a whole network promotion of 200,000 yuan. I didn't choose that one." Jin Lan said unhappily.

"The more you invest, the greater the return! Now the physical bookstore is not working anymore. We have to transform as soon as possible, otherwise, we will have to close the door in the end!

At that time, our family will drink northwest wind! That's it. "Jin Lan said.

"No, we don't have much money now, I have to use good steel for the blade!" Fatty Lai shook his head.

"Isn't it a knife to use for promotion? Look at those movies, special effects for 50 cents, and 50 million promotion. We are far from it!" Jin Lan said.

"What I want to say to you is also a promotion. I am going to ask someone to be an endorsement."

"I know, your city's college entrance examination champion? But isn't it still a while before the college entrance examination?" Jin Lan said.

"This time is even more powerful than the city champion in the college entrance examination, and the first place in the province's elite trials."

"The name is not small, how much does the endorsement cost."

Fatty Lai made a six gesture.

"Six hundred?"

Fatty Lai rolled his eyes.

"Six hundred? What do you think? Why don't you say sixty?"

"It won't be six thousand, right? We can't start this. If the price is raised, then the price of the city's first place in the college entrance examination will be difficult to discuss."

"He was the number one in the city last time, maybe he was the number one in the college entrance examination."

"It's not the number one in the college entrance examination, it doesn't count! Maybe there are too many factors." Jin Lan waved. ,

"Before I asked you to sign Li Zixuan, you don't have the ability. Now, I don't think it is very reliable!" Jin Lan said with some worry.

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