Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 128: , Just carved this dog

"This kid is evil, I think it may be more surprising than Li Zixuan! This time, I have to gamble on everything." Fatty Lai said.

Seeing Fatty Lai so determined, Jin Lan no longer objected!

"Well, it's up to you, just gamble. But six thousand yuan is not a small amount. Then, you will have to ask for more services. For example, when you promote, he has to come to the platform or something?"

"Six thousand? Do you want him to come to the platform? Do you choose your own lady?" Fatty Lai was speechless!

"I tell you, the endorsement fee is sixty-six thousand! And it can only endorse for one year! As for the platform you mentioned, it is even more unlikely!"

"What? Sixty thousand and six!" Jin Lan jumped up!

"Sixty thousand and six are you willing to come out? Are you crazy or stupid! No, absolutely not!

It's just a student, and not a star, where is such a high endorsement fee? Not to mention sixty thousand, even six thousand I think it is expensive! "

"Women's opinion! Short-sighted! Some time ago, he just won the first place in the county! Then he won the first place in the city again! Now he is the first place in the province!

Do you think such students have unlimited potential? Let's vote for him, don't lose! "

"No matter how great the potential is, it is also potential, not strength! I don't agree! I want to promote my network." Jinlan said.

"I'm in charge of this matter!" Fatty Lai resolutely said.

"You decide on the bed, and I decide under the bed! You said." Jin Ran said.

"Today, I want to unify the sovereignty. I will call the shots under the bed!"

After speaking, he rubbed against his wife, and then stretched out his hand without honesty.

"Rogue, let go, um... first draw the curtains."


After some in-depth exchanges, finally, "shui" was taken!

"I'm telling you, if you lose this time, let's see how I can deal with you!" Jin Lan threatened Fatty Lai.

"I lost it, I paid it!"


At more than seven o'clock in the evening, Fatty Lai reappeared at Ye Chen's home with sixty thousand sixty thousand in his hand and a contract.

"You kid really have such great courage?" Ye Chen was a little surprised to see that Fatty Lai was really willing to sign him for sixty-six thousand dollars.

After all, in such a small county, it is not much to get 60,000 yuan to find endorsements at once.

"My endorsement has to add another online shop." Fatty Lai said.

"Do you still have an online shop?"

"Of course, which store is not operating both online and offline now!"

"Okay, no problem. I spoke for you. As long as you don't mess around with my name and picture, you can toss as you like." Ye Chen said.

After signing the contract, Fatty Lai looked at Ye Chen.

"You have to take the exam, this is all my wealth." Fatty Lai said bitterly.

"Don't worry, you won't suffer." Ye Chen vowed.


the next day.

"Mom, this is for you." Ye Chen took out a card and came over.

"How much?" Feng Guizhi asked.

"One hundred thousand!" Ye Chen said.

"What? One hundred thousand?"

Ye Zixiang and Feng Guizhi were stunned when they heard this.

"Xiao Chen, where did you get so much money?"

"I just did the endorsement, sixty thousand!"

"And the money for selling characters before?"

"Money for selling characters?" Both of them were taken aback.

When will my son be able to sell words?

Then Ye Chen told them the matter again.

Selling words? And even selling at such a high price shocked the old couple!

Promising! My son is really promising!

At first, those bamboo carvings were sold out, but now they are words again!

This time the exam has achieved such good results, even the owner of the bookstore came over and wanted to ask him to advertise!

When did their family ever have such a person!

Good son! Good son! The old couple couldn't help laughing, and they kept talking.

at night.

Ye Chen came to Chen Wang's home again.

"You kid is a long face! It's just that you are busy with other things every day, and don't practice nuclear carving. When will you be able to learn?" Chen Wang looked at Ye Chen with some worry.

"Although I have not practiced, but I have been meditating these days, and I feel that my level of nuclear carving has improved again."

"Meditation?" Old Chen frowned, and then said: "In the later stage, after you are proficient in the technique, you can rely on meditation, but now, it is better to practice more, after all, you must first master the knife and technique!" Said.

"Come on, let me see how much progress your meditation has made?"

Afterwards, the two prepared their knives and started carving.

"Carve the simplest object first, let's come to this dog." Chen Wang pointed to a dog in the family and said.

Looking at the puppy, Ye Chen smiled, then picked up the carving knife in his hand.

The carving knife was as small as a needle, with only a slightly flat surface.

Because the walnut is a dragon core unique to Qingyun, the core body is long and narrow, and the texture is hard. Before the walnut is formed, the texture is slightly brittle and will break if accidentally, and the whole work will be completely scrapped.

Therefore, it is the most difficult to control the strength, but also to control the performance of the walnut and the control of the knife.

"Huh? Your hand?" The layman watched the excitement and the expert watched the doorway. With just a glance, Chen Wang could see the difference between Ye Chen and the previous few days.

Fingers are as firm as iron!

When this nuclear carving is engraved, it depends on the strength of the thumb and index finger to control it well!

And this is the hardest.

But now Ye Chen was pinched in his hand, giving people a feeling of complete control.

"I ate several king crabs in the last two days, especially their claws!

Even the shell is not left, and after eating, it feels particularly powerful.

It feels very stable now, writing feels much more stable than before, but without losing flexibility. "Ye Chen said.

"Eating king crab?" Chen Wang frowned. "This thing makes your hands strong?"

"Yes! It is very effective to fill the shape with shape!" Ye Chen said.

He also wanted to say that he ate the geoduck and raised the table! But think about it or shut up!

"I ate twenty-four at once! All of them were eaten without scum, so I didn't bring them back for you." Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Hmph, I hope to eat your king crab, I still have to starve to death!" Chen Wang said.

Ye Chen laughed awkwardly.

After that, he looked solemnly, closed his eyes and thought!

Seeing Ye Chen's seriousness, Chen Lao didn't bother!

"You have bamboo carving skills, drawing, and shaping shouldn't be a problem. The difficulty lies in your control of the intensity. The techniques that can be taught to you have been taught to you. Whether you can use it well depends on whether you can control it. "Chen Wang said in his heart.

One minute later!

"Okay." Ye Chen suddenly opened his eyes, his tone full of confidence!

Then he looked at Chen Wang, and said again: "To carve this walnut, thirty-six kinds of knives should be used, and one thousand nine hundred and seventy-two knives are needed to carve! The first type, the blue dragon comes out of water to lay the foundation. The second type , The white crane pecked at the sky and washed the face with a knife. The third style, the silver snake flying stream, the slightest appearance. The fourth style..."

Seeing Ye Chen doing this, Chen Wang was completely stunned!



A slap on the back of Ye Chen's head.

"You kid can fool you, even I dare to fool you? You know how many knives you use and how many knives you need before you move the knife!

Even grandpa doesn't have this ability, what kind of big tail wolf are you pretending to be with me! Do it for me quickly! "

Ye Chen smiled, no longer... pretending to be forced!

"Old Chen, why don't you count now?"

"Count the farts! If I count it, I will be fooled by you! Hurry up!" Chen Wang urged.

"..." Ye Chen was speechless and could only use the knife honestly.

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