Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 129: , Has there been any change?

There was a beautiful spin of the carving knife in his hand, which was dazzling.

"Let's go!" Ye Chen yelled, and then the knife flew in his hand.

The light of the sword lingers, as if dancing in a dazzle!

"The first style, Canglong out of water! Eighteen dollars!" Ye Chen shouted.

Afterwards, the long knife in Ye Chen's hand flew, and the long blade was constantly dancing, and the light of the knife was really like a long dragon.

Chen Wang was a little skeptical and unhappy beside him. After all, he was carving, not juggling! What are you doing so dazzling? Flashy!

However, when he saw that the knife in Ye Chen's hand fell on the walnut, his face was shocked!

Canglong out of water, it is really Canglong out of water. This move is strong and domineering, opening and closing, it is very difficult to control, a little carelessness will cause the walnut to break due to excessive force, which will lead to the failure of the entire carving!

Moreover, this trick is generally used at the beginning to remove some miscellaneous things and make enough space for the following carvings.

Chen Wang watched Ye Chen's knife fall on the walnut, and his heart jumped, because the force was too strong, and every time he felt that the speed was too fast to stop, it would destroy the walnut, like dancing on the tip of the knife.




It's really over 18 dollars!

"The second situation, the white crane pecked at the sky! Twenty-six knives!" Ye Chen shouted.


With the sword blossoms in his hand, he slid his hand and replaced it with a knife with a narrower blade!

The knife is really like pecking on this walnut!


Every time, there is a sound!

"The white crane pecks the sky! The white crane pecks the sky!" Chen Wang trembled!

"I get it! Get it!" Why did the ancestor name this sword technique Baihe Pecking Sky! Comprehend today! "

At this moment, the long knife in Ye Chen's hand is just like the long beak of a white crane, and it quickly pecked on the top of the walnut!

Only in this way can it be clean and neat, leaving no traces!

There was waves in Chen Wang's heart, and his eyes were shocked and inexplicable!

Twenty-six dollars!

Twenty-seven dollars!

Twenty-eight dollars!


"Next cut, Silver Snake Flying Stream! Thirteen dollars!"


The long knife in Ye Chen's hand was held in his hand, and then it swayed quickly! Every time it swings, the blade will pass the nuclear carving!

The light of the knife flicks, like a silver snake flying!


The essence of this sword technique lies!

Only as fast as a silver snake flying stream! Only by taking advantage of the flying blade's momentum, it is like a natural style!

Eleven dollars!

Twelve dollars!

Thirteen dollars!

to make!

"The next cut, one draw opens the sky! One cut!"

Ye Chen drank in his mouth!

After that, the fast-moving arm stopped instantly!

Chen Wang saw this knife slow!

Slowly as if this knife is finished, from the ancient times to the end times!

But it happens to have a different kind of charm!

Chen Wang was completely stunned, he was watching quietly next to him now, lest he disturb Ye Chen's knife!

He thought that these names were just for the sake of elegance or good-sounding, that's why he came up with so many different names!

However, now that Ye Chen is showing it here, he finally knows that he was wrong before! Wrong!

Each of these names is a high-level summary and conciseness of the various moves. I don't understand it because I have not grasped the artistic conception of these sword techniques at all!

"Thirty-fifth style! Canglong swings its tail! One knife!"

Ye Chen's sword force suddenly recovered, and then his gesture changed! The face of the carving knife was thrown on the top of the dragon core, like the tail of a blue dragon, the whole dragon core was shaken!

Under this last swing, it seems that the world is set!

Afterwards, Ye Chen stopped!

However, Chen Wang was stunned, unable to calm down for a long time!

He was scared!

Completely scared!

Not to mention the calculation with the knife that made him unable to see any clues up to now, just the superb knife skills, let him... marvel inexplicably!

These skills were handed to Ye Chen only last week, and how long has passed since then has already reached the point where he reached the top!

Three years of attendance, five years of admission, ten years of small success, thirty years of success! Want to reach the top, look at chance, luck, and personal strength!

Practicing these knives by myself, I have practiced for 30 years, and I have only mastered the tricks. It is not a great achievement, but in the circle, it can be regarded as a small achievement and worthy of pride!

However, this kid in front of me... only learned a few days!

He has completely surpassed himself and reached the top!

Too shocking!

Do not believe! He couldn't believe it! The only explanation is that this kid has learned nuclear carving before!

Even when he came out of the womb, he had already started learning! otherwise! How could it be so fast!

"Have you studied before?" Chen Wang asked Ye Chen with a trembling voice.

"I haven't learned it!" Ye Chen shook his head. "Furthermore, in this entire Jingyang County, no one knows this stuff except you!"

"Then...how did you learn it!" Chen Wang saw Ye Chen so sincere, although he no longer doubted it, he was even more shocked!

Swallowed, then looked at Ye Chen and asked again.

"I also spent a lot of money!" Ye Chen said.

"You... cost a lot? What is the price?" Chen Wang asked quickly. However, there is a slight balance in my heart!

After all, what he learned so hard, Ye Chen learned it effortlessly, and it was too...damaged!

"I have been going for exams these days, and when I am free, I meditate on the moves you taught me! In addition, as I said before, in order to practice the strength of my thumb and index finger, I ate 24 king crabs. Crab claws!" Ye Chen said.

Chen Wang frowned? Why has he never heard that eating crab claws can exercise the strength of the thumb and index finger?

However, he did not interrupt, but continued to listen!

However, Ye Chen stopped!

"What then?" Chen Wang asked Ye Chen.

"Then?... Then there is no more!"

"This... is this what you said to pay a high price?" Chen Wang asked convulsively.

"Isn't it... isn't this a huge price?" Ye Chen asked rhetorically.

"Twenty-four king crabs! I even ate the crab claws! It cost me hundreds of thousands! But the taste is really good! Another day, I will get back some of them to honor you!" Ye Chen said.

Hearing what Ye Chen said, Chen Wang's eyebrows couldn't help but jump!

Big price? This is the so-called big price?

The so-called big price is mountain eating and sea drinking. Then, when you are idle and bored, think about... these moves?

Chen Wang felt like he was going to collapse!

He feels a little doubtful about life now!

I have worked so hard for more than 30 years, and I haven't eaten a ton of king crabs in front of me. When I am idle, I have made a lot of achievements!

God...how could it be so unfair!

"Bring your sculpture over and let me have a look!" Chen Wang said.

Ye Chen passed the walnut in his hand!

"Huh? Are you kidding me?" Chen Wang's face changed a lot when he saw the walnut in Ye Chen's hand!

I saw that the dragon core in Ye Chen's hand was still intact, and it didn't seem to have changed at all!

I just watched his knife and gestures, and his speed was abnormally fast, so I didn't notice the walnut!

Looking at it now, it turned out to be... still the same, no change at all!

"This is what you called the 36-style result after 1,972 dollars! Why hasn't there been any change?" Chen Wang said angrily to Ye Chen.

He felt like he was being tricked!

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