Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 130: , Please give me a name

I just saw Ye Chen sculpting with the spirit school knife method in a big way there, thinking that this kid is a genius, only a few days to learn this carving, and even reached the point of perfection! He has some doubts about life!

But now that I see this walnut, I can't help being angry!

This...this has been going on for a long time, but there is no change at all!

"Old Chen, you forgot!"

"I just said that this carving requires thirty-six styles, but it was only thirty-five styles just after the tail of the blue dragon was swayed!"

"There is no way to carve out this sculpture in the first thirty-five styles. Do you still want to create a miracle in the last style?"

Chen Wang can see through it, his student is good at everything, but he is too smart!

"Old Chen, I created my own style! Maybe it can really create miracles?" Ye Chen said.


Chen Wang unceremoniously slapped Ye Chen on the head.

"I think you owe it! Even if you haven't learned the craftsmanship of the ancestor, you dare to tamper with it!"

Slap flew, and was avoided by Ye Chen!

"Old Chen, after I show it, if you think it's time to fight, it won't be too late."

"Huh! Do you think you still have a chance to comeback? These swordsmanship moves are all accumulated and summed up by our spirit school ancestors for generations! Do you create by creating?"

Ye Chen no longer argued!

Instead, he took the carved dragon core from Chen Wang's hand!

"Old Chen, you can see clearly!"

"Look at it! I think what tricks your kid can do?" Chen Wang said with some dislike.

Ye Chen smiled!

After that, after taking the thirty-five styles, carved with 1,871 knives, the dragon core remained the same, and then placed the dragon core in front of you!


Ye Chen puffed up his mouth and blew it out in one breath!

"Blowing your breath can create miracles? When you are playing magic?" Chen Wang's face was full of disdain!

However, with this breath!

The dragon core that appeared to be complete just now changed drastically!

I saw the original long and narrow walnut, under this breath, it turned out to be like a gust of wind blowing away the dust of the years, revealing a magnificent building!

This scene of nuclear carving is revealed in an instant!

A puppy is running happily, and behind him, there is an old man with a smile on his face!

At their feet, there is a grass, and not far from the grass, there is a lake! After careful observation, I discovered that there are still swimming fish and lotus flowers in the lake!

The scene is harmonious and full of rhythm!

Old Chen was completely dumbfounded when he saw this scene!

After a long time, I still can't hide the shock on my face!

"Wonderful! It's really wonderful!" Old Chen couldn't help but admire!

The puppy looked back at the nuclear head and cleverly used the shape of the dragon core! The old man is behind with a smile on his face!

After Chen Wang saw the old man clearly, he was shocked instantly!

That old man... turned out to be himself!

Even he himself has to admit it!

This old man on the sculpture restores and condenses his height!

The smile on the elephant's face at that moment made him even infected!

"Boy, you...you are really a monster!" Chen Wang said to Ye Chen.

I heard someone call myself a monster again!

Ye Chen couldn't help rolling his eyes!

"Old Chen, if you want to say that I am a genius, just say it directly without scolding!"

Chen Wang pointed at him with a smile, but then all his eyes were on the nuclear sculpture!

The more I look, the more I am surprised!

"Flawless, there is no trace of a knife and axe! It seems to have been polished and rubbed countless times! How did you do it?" Chen Wang asked Ye Chen in surprise.

"This is the last effect!" Ye Chen said.

"The last formula?"

"Yes! I call it a wind knife! However, I haven't named it yet!" Ye Chen said.

"Wind knife?" Chen Wang frowned!

But then nodded!

Only the power of wind can complete the last step of this carving to make it round and lovely!

"Monster! What a monster!" Chen Wang said again.

It has only been a long time before I have fully grasped the essence of those sword techniques, not only that, but also created a brand new sword style!

My previous prediction for him was ten years! Ten years can make good achievements in this nuclear carving art!

But, now it seems...hehe...I underestimated him!

"Old Chen! I don't have a name for this wind knife! Give me a name! I think in the future, all my works will end with this knife!" Ye Chen said.

"All ended with this knife? And let me give this style a name?" Chen Wang was stunned!

"Yeah! It's you! Others don't have this qualification!" Ye Chen said.

Chen Wang was silent!

Nuclear carvings have been passed down for so many years, and many things are mature and completely fixed. It is really difficult to create something else!

However, this kid took a different approach and directly created a wind knife! And, in the future, it will end in this way!

How could Chen Wang not know the importance of this style!

Obviously, if this is true, in the future, in the history of carving, this style will surely become a powerful stroke!

Now, I gave myself this opportunity to name!

Let Chen Wang both surprise and gratify!

"Okay! Then I'll... think of a name for you. If you feel unsatisfied, think about it another way!" Chen Wang said.

Afterwards, he thought a little and said, "As soon as the wind knife came out, the debris was flying, and the originally crude dragon core instantly became exquisite and exquisite! It made my eyes shine! It gave me the feeling, just like a poem. Words: Suddenly, like a spring breeze, thousands of trees and pear blossoms bloom! If not, just use this verse as a quote, and name the wind blowing thousands of trees! How?" Chen Wang said to Ye Chen.

"The wind blows thousands of trees?" Ye Chen's eyes lit up when he heard the name!

"Okay! Just name it! Thank you Master for giving the name!" Ye Chen said very sincerely.

Suddenly hearing the word master, Old Chen couldn't help but tremble!

Then the eyes were instantly wet!

He is the person who came to the new world from the old China!

Although he has been working hard to accept the ideas of the new world, he is still a traditional man after looking for the source!

Especially, he has a master and inherited his mantle!

Some time ago, when I saw Ye Chen, I became interested in talents. Even if Ye Chen didn't want to recognize himself as a master, he was willing to let him join the spiritual school first and pass on his craft!

After all, the concept of mentoring and apprenticeship is not very popular among young people in the current society!

However, in his heart, he never gave up this obsession!

He thought, perhaps in the future teaching, he can rely on his own ability to subdue this unruly student, and let him call himself master in a sincere and convincing manner!

However, when he just saw Ye Chen’s skillful sword technique, and after one time of his own teaching, he was able to make a deeper understanding than himself, he knew that he might no longer be able to do his own in this life. Master!

After a day of teaching and a few days of speculation, this young man has surpassed his decades of hard work!

What qualifications do you have to be his master!

Just...Willing to give yourself a name is already the greatest respect for yourself!

However, what Chen Wang didn't expect was that... this kid turned out to be... at such a time... called himself a master!

This master made him have mixed feelings!

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