Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 132: , That person is the same as you

The teacher who was with Ling Zhichao next to this scene couldn't help but frown!

This Lexus is too arrogant!

Ling Zhichao was choked, his face flushed!

But then he said to Ye Chen again of course: "Since it's you! It's better! I am carving bamboo carvings for my teacher Professor Smith this time! My teacher Smith, you already know enough! It's a modern superconductor. Pioneer, Nobel Prize..."

"Stop! I don't care who you are? In my case, they are treated equally! If you want bamboo carving, let him come here, or he won't portray him!" Ye Chen said.

"Let him come here in person? Haha...you dare to say it! Do you know how busy my teacher is every day? Let alone you, a small craftsman, even if you want to see him in Qingzhou City, you have to send out Formally invite, and then make an appointment to line up! How dare you say that you want him to come by himself? It's really funny!" Ling Zhichao sneered.

"If you are not present, you can't engrave!"

"I have his picture here!" Ling Zhichao said.

"Photos are not good!"

"Why not?"

"I said no, no!"

"You..." Ling Zhichao was choked!

Seeing that Ye Chen was like this, he wanted to turn around and leave, but in order to please his mentor, he still held back!

"I just said that my teacher is very busy and doesn't have time to come over! Be flexible and think of a way!

Besides, it is also your honor to be able to carve bamboo carvings for Mr. Smith! You should know that one of the judges of the finals of this global elite trial is my teacher, Professor Smith!

If you can get his favor, I believe that if you are lucky enough to enter this finals, it may add a lot of help to you!

Moreover, even if you are not able to enter the finals, having a good relationship with Professor Smith will be an opportunity for you in the future. Maybe you can get the favor of Professor Smith and the opportunity to enter his laboratory for internship! "Ling Zhichao said.

"I don't care who he is, if you want my things, you have to follow my rules!" Ye Chen said with a stare.

Hearing this, Ling Zhichao's expression became even more ugly. Then he looked at Ye Chen and said, "You are serious? You know, if these are the words, I will go back and tell the teacher, even if you are lucky enough to enter the finals, to the end , And only the fate of being brushed down!"

"Go out!" Ye Chen said coldly!

"You..." Ling Zhichao looked at Ye Chen, with an angry smile on his face!

"I advise you to think carefully! Don't ruin your future for your ignorance and recklessness!"

"Go!" Ye Chen drank low again!

"The ignorant is fearless! I will make you pay for your actions today!" Ling Zhichao said fiercely.


Slapped out!

Slap is loud! A big handprint appeared on Ling Zhichao's face instantly!

Everyone in the room was stunned!

This is too fast!

Everyone didn't even react, and Ling Zhichao was hit in the face all at once!

At this moment, he covered his face, and he reacted after a long pause!

The eyes were red, as if to spray flames, pointing at Ye Chen!

"You...you... dare to do it?"

"This is the end that threatens me! Something shameless! If you go out, you will only lose the face of the country! My slap, in addition to punishment, also comes with a bonus to teach you how to behave!" Ye Chen's voice was cold!

"I did it for you!" Ling Zhi is super proud and used to it!

Since going to school, they have been the top students of the school, the treasure in the eyes of teachers and parents!

After entering the Imperial Capital University, he is even more sought after, not to mention that he has become a student of Yelu University and a master apprentice of global superconductivity expert Mr. Smith, and he has a bright future!

Not to mention being slapped in the face, there are not many people who give him a face!

But now...

While this made him ashamed, it was even more angry!

Jump up all of a sudden, you must fight Ye Chen!

However, he just jumped up, but was held tightly by the teacher next to him, and then he held it abruptly and hurriedly retreated toward the outside!

"Let go of me! Let me go! I want revenge! I have to teach him today!" Ling Zhichao kept yelling.

He is a magnificent karate 6-dan master! People who usually can't get close to two or three people are now beaten by a high school student!

Can't bear it! Can't stand it!

"You let me go! I have to teach him a lesson today! Let go of me! Don't let me go again, don't blame me turning my face!" Ling Zhichao said to the teacher who was pulling him.

"Don't be impulsive, and then impulsive, I'm afraid you will endure more cruelly than this!" the teacher said to Ling Zhichao.

"What did you say? Say it again!" Ling Zhichao jumped up like he had been stepped on his tail!

"I was attacked by him just now! If I do it again, I must kill him!"

"Shhh! Be quiet!" The teacher's face changed and he warned Ling Zhichao not to talk nonsense!

"What are you shushing! Do you think I need to be afraid of him? Do you know who I am? I am a sixth-dan karate master! I am the chairman of the Tedu University Karate Association! It's easy to clean up him! No! I can't swallow this breath! Today you have to beat him!" Ling Zhichao furiously turned and went back to teach Ye Chen!

It's a pity that I was stopped by the teacher again!

"Don't go first! Don't go first! Go after watching this video!"

"Watch what video, go away! I'm going to beat him!"

"It's not too late to beat up after watching!" the teacher said, opening the video!

Ling Zhichao didn't want to talk about it!

However, when I saw the scene in the video, I was stunned!

In the video, there are forty or fifty big men. The headed one is even more sturdy, with a big waist and round waist. At first glance, he is a difficult master. Such a person may not have learned the fancy, but Ling Zhichao knows the fighting skills of these people. They are all obtained from practice, the most practical!

For him, he would rather face professional players than such people!

What's more, there are forty or fifty people with wooden sticks in their hands behind him!

"What are you doing? Show me the underworld fire?"

"Go on watching!" the teacher said to Ling Zhichao.

Ling Zhichao frowned!

I set my eyes on the phone again!

Then, the pupil shrank!

He saw it on the phone... the **** who just hit him!

"The target of these people this time is him? Humph! They are really the ones who owe a beating! If these people go down, I am afraid they will be beaten!

Are you okay so far? Is there someone behind this kid? "

However, the next scene frightened him!

How can anyone support him? It is himself who is supporting himself!

Bang bang bang!

Quick shot! Clean and neat!

One blow per person, one fatal blow!

Completely disarm!

Across the screen, you can feel... the strength of Ye Chen's fist!

In less than a few minutes, a large area was already lying on the ground!

Then, the sound came from the video!

That is the video of Ye Chen slapped Lai Jingang slapped! The mouth was completely beaten into a pig's head!


Seeing this, Ling Zhichao couldn't help but swallowed!

Then, both hands holding the phone couldn't help shaking!

If you observe carefully, you will find that his legs are trembling constantly!

"He... is he... making a movie?" Ling Zhichao asked the teacher.

"What makes a movie? This is true! The guy lying on the ground got a concussion on the spot!"

"He...he...why did he hit someone?"

"Because that person threatened him just like you!"

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