Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 133: , Do you want to smoke him too?

"This Lai Jingang is a local snake here, relying on the crowd, threatening to move his family! So, this kid is angry! You saw it!" The teacher said to Ling Zhichao.


Ling Zhichao felt that his mouth was a little dry and couldn't help swallowing!

Both legs are a little disobedient!

The most tragic battle he has ever seen was the battle between various martial arts associations when he was in college!

Sometimes, in order to compete for the first place in martial arts, it will be too heavy! But no matter how hard you fight, seeing the red and shock is the top!

But... now this... breaks a person's leg alive!

Beat these forty or fifty ruffians holding wooden sticks with bare hands!

This...how spicy! This...combat power...

"Let's go, to be honest, just now, although it was a bit too much compared to other people, but compared to his previous treatment of others, he is already merciful!" The teacher said again.

"I don’t believe it, if you look at this video again, it also happened that day. He slapped someone else’s three teeth! He smashed a Land Rover with his pedals and smashed them, you This damage is really not serious!"

Hearing this, Ling Zhichao couldn't help but rolled the teacher.

Is it possible that I was slapped in the face by someone, and I still have to thank others for the light?

"Remember, don't threaten him next time! This kid is a lunatic! Can't afford to offend!" said the teacher.

Hearing this, Ling Zhichao's eyes were gloomy!

Touched his face, then sneered!

"Huh! Can't afford to offend? When he watched his future ruined, he would understand what it means to be offended!"


"You guy is really a violent temper! People just say you! How can you treat them like this?"

After Ling Zhichao left, Chen Wang said to Ye Chen as if a little angrily.

"I'm heavy?"

"Isn't it? Just slap it! Why do you want to teach others? Will this not cause a psychological shadow to them?" Chen Wang said.


Dare to love this old man is also black belly!

"Do you want to smoke him too?" Ye Chen asked.

"Yes! I missed it too much! I knew you didn't want to see him so much! I had already taken him away! Teacher Zhangkou! Teacher Shut up! This bastard, after going out, is probably a guy who eats inside and out!" Chen Wang couldn't help but said angrily . .

However, afterwards, he said with some worry: "As the saying goes, you would rather offend a gentleman than a villain!

You are not afraid that this kid will really stumble you behind!

In case, after this kid goes back, he really puts you on small shoes in front of his history. At that time, during the exam, won't he just find obstacles for himself? "

"Obstacles? Obstacles just crush it!

If you dare to stumble me, I will kick his leg off! "Ye Chen said.

"You... your kid has always been like this, I'm afraid you will make many enemies in the future! This is not conducive to your future development!"

"No way, we just love and hate so clearly!" Ye Chen said with an expression of pride.

"I think your kid is a violent man!" Chen Wang couldn't help rolling his eyes!

Then, the conversation turned!

"However, I like it! Only this way is relieved and comfortable! Otherwise, you have to swallow your anger when you see it! In order not to hurt your anger, let yourself be angry! This is not the style of our spiritual school!"

With that said, he stretched out his hand to put the nuclear carving away!

"Hey, I said Master, what are you doing!"

"Why don't you take it back to sovereignty! This is me, and it should belong to me!"

"You are only incidental, you forgot, you let me carve a dog!"

"I'll kill you bastard!" Chen Wang was about to fight.

"These dragon cores, if you want to take them back, you can give them to you! They are rewards for you!" Chen Wang said.

Ye Chen can only hehe!

Even if the nuclear carving that I carved by myself is worthless, it cannot be replaced by a few dragon nuclear materials!

"Master, let's just say it if we want, I'm not not giving it to you!"

"Isn't it? I just don't want your kid to throw me on the dragon core at random! What if your kid throws me in the pit! Doesn't it affect my luck?" Chen Wang looked at Ye Chen said furiously.

Got it! It's unlucky to meet such a master! You can only leave with the dragon core!

After Ye Chen left, Chen Wang held up the nuclear carving that he held in his hand like a baby.

Bring your reading glasses, then, take the magnifying glass in your hand and start to study carefully!

However, the more he studied, the more frightened he became! The more you study, the more pleasantly surprised!

This apprentice... is a genius! A genius like a monster!

This knife... clean and neat! All in one go!


An absolute masterpiece!

"Old man, what are you looking at?" At this moment, Chen Wang's wife came over!

Looking at Chen Wang holding a nuclear sculpture there, he couldn't help asking.

She knew that the old man hadn't had any new nuclear sculptures for a long time!

Mainly because there is not enough energy!

Now, this nuclear sculpture...is it a new sculpture again?

"How about coming over to see this nuclear carving?" Chen Wang asked his wife next to him.

"Hey...Is it really a newly-carved work?" His wife glanced roughly, and said with some surprise.

Later, on the table next to me, I found my reading glasses to put on!

After putting it on, I couldn't help but be surprised when I saw this nuclear sculpture at first sight!

"Old man! You...you...you can sculpt again? This is even higher than the level when you were young! Look at our Ah Huang, who was carved so vividly by you, and yourself... The carving is great!" The wife couldn't help but exclaimed at Chen Wang.

She couldn't think that the old man was not old! Now, there are amazing works appearing at the first move!

"This effort, even those nuclear carving masters who are in their prime of life are not there!" Chen Wang's wife said to Chen Wang again.

"You think it's good too?" Chen Wang asked his wife again.

"It's more than good! It's so good!" The wife couldn't help but admired again.

"Hey..." A proud smile flashed across Chen Wang's face!

"This... I didn't engrave it!" Chen Wang said as he went and took a red sandalwood box inside, carefully putting the dragon core in it!

That expression is like holding a newborn baby! For fear that a little effort will cause him harm!

"What? Didn't you engrave it? Could it be someone else gave you? This... but a big gift? It's better than your previous works!

If this is kept, maybe it can become a family heirloom! Who would give you such a precious thing? And, look like this, or is it carved with you as a template? "The old lady was puzzled.

Chen Wang ignored the old lady’s speculation, and said directly to himself: “This work uses a total of thirty-six styles of Lingpai swords! One thousand nine hundred and seventy-two dollars! It takes 28 minutes. !"

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