Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 134: Heirloom

"Old man, are you confused? Why have I never heard you say that when you carve, you also calculate the knife method and record the knife style! Besides, the time for carving is too little, right? Twenty Eight minutes? Old man, have you remembered wrong?" The old lady asked Chen Wang.

"I am not mistaken! You said a sentence just now!" Chen Wang turned to the old lady and said.

"What?" The old lady felt that the old man was a little abnormal today!

"This thing can become a family heirloom! Moreover, it may even become a treasure that can enter my China Museum, and even the World Museum!"

"Old man, are you talking nonsense? This thing is good, but if you want to become a treasure of the Huaxia Museum, or even a treasure of the World Museum, it doesn't seem to be enough?" The old lady said with some confusion.

"No! Enough! Absolutely enough!" Chen Wang said confidently.


"Because, the person who sculpted this work, he was just eighteen years old this year! And he has been studying nuclear carving in less than a week!"

"What? Less than eighteen? The time to learn nuclear carving, less than a week? This... how is this possible?" The old lady was shocked!

She couldn't believe what her husband said!

Her husband has been dealing with these things all her life, and she can be regarded as a half circle insider. Now, in this line, she can make small achievements before the age of thirty-five. Before the age of forty-five, she has achieved great skill, which is already regarded as complete merit. Up!

As for the age of eighteen! Even the children of the sculptor family, who can enter the house when they are eighteen years old, are already considered incredible geniuses!

Now, my husband even said that the sculptor of this work was just eighteen years old! Moreover, the time to learn to carve is less than a week!

This... this is so sensational!

Completely subverted my own perception!

"You...you don't believe it, do you?" Chen Wang said, looking at his wife.

My wife shook his head!

"To be honest, I don't believe it either. If anyone tells me this, I'm afraid I can't help but smoke him! But... now, such a person appears in front of me alive!

And, more importantly, this person was actually taught by me! It makes me wonder whether I had lived for nothing before! "Chen Wang said helplessly.

"The student you taught?" His wife was taken aback, but then he remembered Ye Chen who had just gone out!

Shock flashed on his face again!

"You...you mean Ye Chen! Is this thing carved by Ye Chen?"

"Yeah! Not bad! He carved it! I was right next to him when I was carving just now!"

Afterwards, a trace of self-deprecating flashed across his face: "I am still his master? Unfortunately, my knowledge and understanding of the carving techniques of this spiritual school is too far from him!

His performance gave me a lot of inspiration!

In fact, just now, it was not so much that I taught him as he taught me!

A trace of loneliness flashed across Chen Wang's face!

But then, it was full of joy!

But he is still my spiritual school, he is Chen Wang's disciple!

"What you said is true?"

"Do you think I would lie about this kind of thing?"

Chen Wang was stunned for a long time, and finally couldn't help but said: "Today Fang believes that there is a genius in the world!"


Yes! Only a genius can explain why it is so fast! Only geniuses can explain why they learn so fast!

"Old man, congratulations! For being able to have such an excellent apprentice, your craftsmanship from your ancestors will not be lost!" The old lady said to Chen Wang.


Chen Wang's face is full of excitement!

Over the years, this thing has always been a heart disease of my own!

Now, this heart disease is completely resolved, not only can it be passed on, maybe it will be carried forward in his hands!

There is such an apprentice, how can I be unhappy in my heart!

"Who are you calling?" Seeing Chen Wang picking up the phone, his wife couldn't help asking.

However, the call was quickly connected!

"Old He! My apprentice called my master today! More importantly, within a week, our spiritual school of nuclear carving of the 1808-style knife technique, he has practiced thoroughly! More importantly, he is still Created a style, wind knife! And, it was given by me! What? You don't believe it?

When my apprentice is free, watch me find you! Those group of disciples and grandchildren who are keeping the pressure can't look up! "Chen Wang said domineeringly.


When Ye Chen came out from Chen Wang, he did not rush home!

But came to the studio!

Many people in the studio are practicing clay sculptures there!

Among these people, the best practiced is Xiao Hong!

But she doesn't seem to be satisfied!

For the compliments around, it was just a polite smile, and after that, it ruined the remodeling again!

"The progress is not small! In such a short time, you have been able to make such a big progress!" Ye Chen stood there, watching Xiaohong's plasticine in his handle, making it look like a puppy. Live said with a smile.

This is the truth, except for herself, she learns faster than anyone else!

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Xiao Hong was taken aback for a moment, then a hint of surprise flashed across her face!

Turning around suddenly, saw Ye Chen standing next to him!

The bright face glowed instantly, and the fat guy next to him was stunned!

"Are you back? When did you come back?" Xiaohong said happily to Ye Chen.

"I just came back today! No, as soon as I come back, I will come to see you!" Ye Chen said with a smile.


The two of them were walking on the street, the moonlight on their heads scattered, they looked very soft!

"Have you even learned that nuclear eagle?" Xiao Hong asked Ye Chen with a look of surprise.

"It's not a learning, you also know that there is no end to learning this thing, even if it is a lifetime of learning, there will be no end, my level can only be said to be a beginner!" Ye Chen said.

"That...that's also...very pretty powerful!" Xiao Hong said.

Ye Chen smiled!

"This is for you!" Ye Chen said.

"This is..." The moment Xiao Hong saw this nuclear carving, her eyes lit up!

"You carved this?" Xiao Hong asked when looking at the nuclear carving.

"Well! Carved according to you!" Ye Chen said with a smile.

"Look, are you pretty?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

Above the nuclear sculpture, there is a girl in the moonlight, like a fairy!

Looking at this nuclear carving, Xiao Hong was attracted instantly!

Every piece of nuclear sculpture is invaluable!

She is engraved above! She who even thinks she is pretty!

"This...the gift is too expensive! I..."

"What is precious or not! It's just a walnut carved thing, if you want it! I can carve another one for you at any time!" Ye Chen said.

"By the way, I originally gave you the first one, but the first nuclear carving work was snatched by the master! So, this can only be the second one," Ye Chen said.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, Xiao Hong's face flushed, and a trace of sweetness flashed in her heart!

Reached out and put the nuclear carving in the palm of his hand, his eyes were full of joy!

"Do you have less time to come in the future?" Xiaohong asked Ye Chen.

"It's estimated to be so." Ye Chen said.

"Oh." A trace of sadness flashed across Xiao Hong's face!

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