Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 135: , Has withered before blooming

"If you miss me, you can find me! Anyway, your home is not far from mine!" Ye Chen said.

"Who misses you!" Hearing Ye Chen's words, a red cloud flew up on Xiao Hong's face, she was shy, and ran away with her face!

"..." Ye Chen.

"If you don't want me, just treat it as if I didn't say it."

Xiao Hong, who had just run a few steps away, couldn't help but stop.

Looking back and smiling, he said: "Fool!"

Then, ran away again! Run to home, then stop!

The face is red, like a blooming water lotus!

"Sick Nizi, what are you doing running so fast? Being chased by a pervert?" Yu Ping couldn't help but scolded her when she saw her sister running panting.

"You were chased by a pervert!" Xiao Hong said.

After speaking, thinking of Ye Chen's words, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but flashed a sweet smile again!

Although the cover-up was good, she was still caught by her sister Yu Ping!

"Xiao Nizi, are you happy again?" Yu Ping couldn't help but said.

However, it suddenly dawned on me!

"That kid went to see you, right?" Yu Ping asked while looking at her sister.

"Don't deny it, just look at your splendid spring look!"

"This kid just broke the curse that we cannot enter the global elite trials in Qingzhou City. With absolute strength, he knocked all the elites from all over the province to the ground and won the province first!

Completely start their reputation as Jingyang No. 3 Middle School! Give the school and the city a big face!

It must be the spring breeze now! "

Next to him, Xiao Hong, who was originally unwilling to say more, heard her sister talk about Ye Chen, and her mind suddenly became alive again.

Especially when she heard that Ye Chen won the first place in the province, she was extremely happy, as if she was even more happy than she was first!

"I heard that after a while, he will go to the finals of the Pearl's Global Elite Trial Tournament! Tsk tsk tsk! In less than a month, he won the first place in the county, the city, and the province. What a pervert!" Yu Ping couldn't help but said.

"Sister! He is a genius, not a pervert! It depends on how ugly you say!" Xiao Hong couldn't help but retorted.

"I said Nizi! You two haven't written these characters yet, are you just protecting him like this?"


Seeing her sister doing this, Yu Ping couldn't help but sighed and said, "Little Nizi, don't be stupid!

His good results are a good thing for him, and definitely a bad thing for you! "

"You think, if he is accepted by that world famous school this time, you will be from two worlds in the future. Do you think it is possible for you in the future? Are you still here stupidly happy for him?"

Yu Ping raised some points to her sister angrily.

Hearing what her sister said, Xiao Hong felt like a bolt from the blue!

The body couldn't help shaking, and the whole person was stunned there instantly!

It's as if the soul has been taken away all at once!

Xiao Hong couldn't help but looked at the nuclear sculpture in her hand, and sadness flashed in her eyes!

"Is the distance between myself and him going further and further?" Xiaohong couldn't help muttering to herself.

"When you miss me, you can go to my house to find me!" Ye Chen's voice sounded in her mind!

At that time, when I heard this, it was sweet and shy, but now, there is a bitterness!

If yes, you are not at home, what should I do? If you wait for you at home and you don't come back, what should I do?

Yu Ping sighed in her heart when she saw her sister doing this, but did not comfort her.

What should be faced, sooner or later, it is painful now, better than a broken heart in the future!

"Our teacher commented that he is not a thing in the pool. Now he is just a Qianlong in the Yuan, and sooner or later he will fly in the sky!

The entire Jingyang County cannot tolerate him. You... Think about it. "

Yu Ping looked at her sister, feeling a little unbearable!

First love, has not blossomed, but has withered!

This is cruel to her, but she has to face it!

"Why didn't I study hard in the first place? Why didn't I pay attention? Why was so lazy? Why so stupid?" Xiaohong's expression was painful, and tears rolled from her beautiful eyes!

Now, she hates her poor academic performance!

If it weren't for such poor academic performance, how could there be such a gap with him? How could it be possible to just watch him leave without seeing his back!

Originally, she still had hope on this sculpture, but now he has thrown himself so far away! How could I catch up!

"What should I do? What should I do?"


the next day!

Ye Chen came to the school again!

"Let's go, today the chief in the city came to inspect, and the one named by name said he wanted to see you!" Gao Lin said.

"See me for what?"

"You are a model of the success of education in Jingyang County. Who do you see without you?" Gao Lin said.

"..." Unexpectedly, one day I would become a role model!

Sure enough, when I arrived, there were already many people waiting there. Seeing Ye Chen coming over, they were all very interested!

"Secretary Li, this is the Yechen of our Jingyang County! Before, it didn't show mountains or dew water. Now, it has accumulated a lot and has come from behind! Not only did it take the first place in the city last time, it also won the first place in the province not long ago. Good ranking! Tomorrow, we will represent Qingyun Province again to participate in the Pearl’s Global Elite Trials!” Next to him, Gao Lin said with a smug look.

Ye Chen's achievements are also his achievements! Can you be surprised?

"Okay! Okay! It really is a talent! I have heard Director Zhou a long time ago that we have a pair of peerless double pride in this education! Especially Ye Chen, it is not to be heard, a blockbuster! Not simple! No! Simple!" Secretary Li nodded and couldn't help but admire.

Then, he said to the people next to him:

"Who said that our children must be the product of exam-oriented education, who said that our children will definitely lose to those students in the big cities?

Isn't this a typical example? "

When other people heard this, they couldn't help but nod!

Principal Zhang of Jingyang No. 3 Middle School and Gao Lin of the Education Bureau almost laughed.

The principals of other middle schools in Jingyang County can only envy and hate there!

Knowing this a long time ago, they should have dug this kid over at all costs!

"Work hard! Try to set a good example for all the students in Qingzhou City!" Secretary Li said to Ye Chen.

Then he asked kindly: "Are there any difficulties in study and life? Is there anything we can help solve?"

"No difficulty! It's just that we still want Teacher Liang to lead us to the competition! After all, she already has experience in leading the team before. We followed her, she is also very dedicated and can take the exam more assured!" Ye Chen said.

"Director Zhou, have you arranged this?" Secretary Li asked.

"This hasn't been arranged yet, mainly because of the lack of experience in leading the team, and he is going to change the substitute teacher! If Ye Chen and another classmate want to continue with Teacher Liang, of course we will respect their choice!" , Zhou Wenzong said.

"We think Teacher Liang is pretty good, no need to find other people!" Ye Chen said.

Then, turning to Li Zixuan:

"Zixuan, what do you think?"

Li Zixuan also nodded.

"We send teachers to serve you. Your opinions are the most important! During the exam, we will do everything we can to meet your requirements! If you think Teacher Liang is the best, then we will take this burden and To Teacher Liang! I hope you can play well! Get a good result!" Secretary Li said.

"Then thank you! As for the exam results! I promise to give you a surprise!" Ye Chen said confidently.

"Oh? You have enough self-confidence! Good! We will wait and see! Waiting for your good news!" Secretary Li said with a smile.

Seeing this, the other teachers were all envious!

Sigh Teacher Liang Yuqin's good luck!

Now, everyone knows that following them to the Pearl to participate in the competition is not only a rare experience, but more importantly, you can also take the opportunity to add points for yourself! If there are no problems, the promotion of professional titles in the future will definitely be given priority!

In addition, you can also take the opportunity to give yourself a vacation, have fun!

The good thing that kills three birds with one stone fell on a teacher Liang Yuqin who had not yet passed the internship period. Why not let them be envious!

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