Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 136: , Idiot, crazy?

Alliance headquarters, office of the president of the World Economic and Trade Organization!

"Mr. Jiang, he has returned home safely and will soon go to Mingzhu to participate in the elite trials! Do you have any arrangements for you?" Zhuang Mingyue asked Jiang Yuqing.

"I will be there soon? When is it?" Jiang Yuqing couldn't help asking again.

"The World Economic and Trade Forum will be held in China soon. The time of the Economic and Trade Forum coincides with the time of this competition. At that time, if you have time, you can meet the young man!" said Zhuang Mingyue.

Hearing Zhuang Mingyue said that he could meet his son, Jiang Yuqing's heartbeat suddenly accelerated a lot!

Naturally, she was extremely happy to meet her son, but she was terrified and afraid!

I'm afraid of what I'm doing badly, and I will disgust my son!

The last video call caused her emotions to fluctuate for a long time, and this time to meet face-to-face, it made her feel unsure!

"Xiao Zhuang, last time you had dinner with him, how did you think he...?" Jiang Yuqing asked Zhuang Mingyue.

Hearing Mr. Jiang's words, Zhuang Mingyue smiled!

Unexpectedly, if the command is determined on weekdays, President Jiang, who is not chaotic when he is in danger, is quite a general, once he talks about his son, he will... immediately show his timidity!

"Mr. Jiang, the young man is very good, easy to get along with, handsome, handsome, elegant, humorous, and polite, making it easy for people to have a good impression!" Zhuang Mingyue said to Jiang Yuqing.

"Really so easy to get along with?" Jiang Yuqing asked Zhuang Mingyue.

"Well, yes, I think we can become friends if we get along a few more times!"

"Become a friend?" Jiang Yuqing paused.

Then he sighed. It may be easy to become friends, but to become a mother and child, I am afraid... it will be as difficult as heaven!

Jiang Yuqing's heart is still full of worries!

Although she didn't have much contact, she already knew her son's stubborn personality!

Last time, when he ate at Qingyun Hotel, he would rather pay an IOU than let himself pay, which was enough to show his pride and stubbornness!

Now, wanting to make him accept his mother, I am afraid... not so easy!

"Mr. Jiang, don't worry, he is your son. This is a fact that can't be changed anyway. Besides, back then, you also had a lasting problem here. I believe he will understand in the future!"

"Well, you are right, you can let him accept me first, don't worry." Jiang Yuqing said.

"By the way, as a care for the students of Qingyun Province, you are responsible for all the expenses incurred during our contracting process! The highest standards must be required!" Jiang Yuqing said to Zhuang Mingyue.

"Okay, President Jiang!"


"Xiao Chen, I went outside and listened to the teacher. Don't mess around, don't mess around, don't be impulsive, you know? Big cities are no better than our small county towns. If you can bear it for a while, don't be impulsive! You know?" Feng Guizhi prepared clothes , While instructing Ye Chen.

My son is going to the Pearl Competition. This is a great happy event! Neighbors in the neighborhood know it! She also has light on her face, but she is also worried about her son!

After all, I am unfamiliar with my place and I am away from home for fear that my child will be wronged outside and not adapt to it!

"Understood, Mom, during the time I am away, you take care of yourself at home. If you have any problems, go to my master. He is a local snake in our county, and things can be settled!"

Hearing this, Ye Zixiang couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Old Chen has a great kindness to you. It's your master. You must respect it."

"Hehe... I know Dad!" Ye Chen stuck his tongue out.

No matter how good he is outside, in front of Ye Zixiang and Feng Guizhi, he is still a child.

"The weather in Mingzhu is much hotter than here. This is the clothes I bought for you yesterday. You can put on them there, and you have this card."

"Mom, didn't I tell you? I don't need these! Don't you believe in your son's means of making money? You have no money, just write a few words, sell a few bamboo carvings and get them back. You take the money .

Last time I told you to bring your daughter-in-law back, but I didn't meet a beautiful one. This time I went to Mingzhu to meet the modern girl of Da Mingzhu. Someone fainted and brought one back. "Ye Chen said.

"It's so big, and everyone is in shape." Feng Guizhi smiled and hammered his son.


Qingshan City!

One thing is spreading throughout Qingshan City!

Words are crazy!

The chairman of the Calligraphy Association, Di Guangyuan, is really crazy this time!

It cost more than 200,000 yuan to buy an IOU!

"It's just an IOU, and I actually spent 260,000! Is this person completely out of his mind? Or is there really money to spend!" Many people are accusing it!

They have already inquired clearly that this time the word crazy spent 260,000 yuan to buy the IOU, not a pre-rehearsed script, but an actual occurrence!

Not to mention the handwriting of a little-known kid, even if it is the original work of Mr. Liao Yixing, chairman of the Calligraphy Association, it is not worth so much money!

This stinky kid can sell such a high price!

Moreover, if the people who make such transactions are those arty businessmen, they may also understand, are they laymen after all? They do not understand the identification of these handwritings, and mistake some ordinary people's things as master handwriting, which is excusable!

But who is this Di Guangyuan? Is the chairman of Qingyun Provincial Book Association!

It is the calligraphy authority of many Qingyun provinces, and it is called idiot!

Now that he does something like this, it is simply unacceptable.

"He is not afraid to ruin the atmosphere of the entire Qingyun Province!"

"Have you read that IOU?" someone asked.

A certain teahouse, several members of the book association, kept discussing!

"Do you need to see it? Don't you think it's not as shameful enough?"

"Yes! We have lost all the face of Qingyun Province!" said a member of the book association.

"I heard that some people suspect that the word is really demented!

Someone wants to jointly boycott the calligraphy to prevent the word crazy from recommending calligraphy works to participate in this year's book association competition! Even his own work is not allowed to participate! "

"Let me say that it is better not to participate! This year's Book Association competition, Qingyun Province, will definitely become the biggest laughing stock!

The dignified chairman of the Book Association went so far as to spend a lot of money to buy a high school student's work, and even shamelessly said that he wanted to be a student for this student!

Are you ashamed? Shame? Doesn't he think that he is a scum of our book association? "Someone shouted!

"Such a person is not worthy to be the chairman of the Book Association!" someone shouted!

After saying this, many people responded, and the sentiment was very angry!

And Di Guangyuan, who is the shame of calligraphy in Qingyun Province, is now at home, like a treasure, trying to appreciate those handwritings!

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