Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 140: ,That evening

Among these people, Wang Chenglin had the most ugly expression, and couldn't help rubbing his buttocks with his hands!

"What's wrong? Was it hidden?" Ye Chen asked Wang Chenglin.

"Being submerged? Want to be beautiful? Director Mu is so beautiful, his voice is so nice, and so young! Even if I submerge, I won't submerge him!" Li Mujian said with a smile next to him.

Wang Chenglin glared at them!

Then he said: "If you hit me, you care about me! Mu Chu is so beautiful, and I feel comfortable in my heart after being beaten and scolded twice!"

"It's comfortable to be beaten? I think you kid is cheap!" Ye Chen said.

Soon, Teacher Liang came over, his face was not so good.

"You see, even Teacher Liang was scolded. If you want to run, there must be no way!" Wang Chenglin said with a smile beside him.

Teacher Liang approached and said:

"Come on, Chief Mu wants to see us!"

Hearing what Teacher Liang said, Ye Chen felt a little unhappy.

Haven't we met yet, just put on such a big score?

"After going in for a while, don't talk nonsense, don't contradict, you know?" Teacher Liang warned with some worry.

"She is the leader of the team, and everything will be up to her when the time comes. So, we have to cooperate! Moreover, this Chief Mu has a temperament, so don't provoke it." Teacher Liang repeatedly exhorted.

She just received a severe criticism inside, and she has an insight into Director Mu's temper!

Moreover, she was really afraid that Ye Chen's temper would come up, and she would annoy people!

"She won't recruit me, I won't mess with her!" Ye Chen said with a stubborn neck.

Seeing Ye Chen like this, Teacher Liang couldn't help but feel cold!

That's it! That's it!

This student of my own is usually very good and has a good temper, but at critical moments, he is always intimidating!

If others don't mess with him, he won't mess with others. What does this mean?

If Chief Mu was really mad, could it be that Ye Chen still wanted to shoot someone on the table?

If this is someone else, Teacher Liang may believe that person does not have the courage, but Ye Chen is definitely not among these people!

This kid dared to beat up the teacher in public. There was nothing he dared to do!

"You can't be like this. If Director Mu criticizes you, if you have it, you can change it without reluctance. Don't contradict it." Teacher Liang told Ye Chen again.

"Yeah! Okay! As long as it's not too much, for your face, I will bear her temporarily!" Ye Chen said.

"..." Teacher Liang.


"Director Mu, here we are!"

"Well, sit down!" Chief Mu said lightly.

She was looking at some documents without even lifting her head!

Teacher Liang winked at the two!

The two sat on the sofa!

After a while, other students and teachers also came.

"Sit down! Wait a minute! Let's have a meeting later." Director Mu still didn't look up, and casually ordered everyone.

The office is very large, and everyone sits on the sofa honestly and looks very regular.

But his gaze, intentionally or unintentionally, aimed at Chief Mu, showing the beauty and food, even some teachers were secretly watching.

However, Ye Chen...

But he kept staring at him unscrupulously, and even tilted his head to see clearly!

"..." Seeing Ye Chen's behavior, several other boys couldn't help laughing.

This guy is exposed!

It's crazy!

However, there is no reminder!

All waiting to watch a good show!

"What does it look like? Isn't it beautiful? Are you stupid?" Li Mu asked in a low voice, winking at Ye Chen.

"Pretty? I didn't care!" Ye Chen shook his head!

"It just feels like where I have seen it? Very familiar?" Ye Chen whispered.

"Hahaha..." Hearing this, several boys nearby couldn't help laughing!

This is an old-fashioned pick-up routine!

How dare you mention it here?

"Yeah? Have you seen it? It's a fate! Why? Dare to talk to Director Mu?" Li Mu agitated again.

Beside, Teacher Liang saw this scene and couldn't help feeling a little worried!

Stared at Ye Chen!

Remind him to be polite!

However, I didn't expect that it would be okay if this was not reminded. Upon reminding, Ye Chen stood up directly!

I ran straight to the front of Chief Mu!

"It's you! It's really you! You made me find it hard!" Ye Chen yelled.

This sudden scene shocked Teacher Liang and Li Zixuan beside him!

Wang Chenglin, Li Mu and others were stupid!

I'm Cao! I dare to go!

Next, everyone thought he was going to play a routine, saying something we had seen in a previous life, and never expected to see each other again in this life!

But I didn't expect this product to have a 180-degree turn!

"Pay it back! Pay it back soon!"

This sudden turn surprised others again.

What do you mean? Such a young and beautiful and promising Chief Mu, still owes your three beards?

"Ye Chen, what are you doing? Sit down! You admit it! How can Chief Mu owe you money!" Teacher Liang hurriedly grabbed Ye Chen, trying to stop him from continuing!

"That's right! It's her! The necklace in her neck is a small blue diamond whale! I saw her when she took a bath!" Ye Chen shouted!


The voice in the office was suddenly choked!

The necklace in the neck?

Seen in the shower?

Woof! The amount of information is huge!

Everyone was taken aback by surprise!

However, Ye Chen didn't seem to realize this at all!

Still continue to be like a suffering master who was owed wages and came to collect debts, crying out there!

"That night, in bed! She made me half tired! I promised to pay, but I haven't given it yet! I owe it for a long time!"

After saying this, it was like a bomb dropped into a cesspool!


All at once!

Wang Chenglin and others next to him were completely frightened!

Mad! This is challenging my nerves!

Just play for the first time! Spilled dirty water directly?

He also said that he was half-dead tossing on the bed!

Why don't you say anything, all the children he gave to you ran away!

crazy! This kid must be crazy!

Looking at Director Mu again, his face was as beautiful as a snow lotus in an iceberg.

By the side, Li Mu couldn't stand it anymore!

Looking at the excitement, he said: "Ye Chen, is this kid spreading rumors? What is going on? You can make it clear!"

"What's going on? That day, we were at Jingyang Hotel! A good price! As a result, she didn't bring enough money!" Ye Chen said.

"What did you do in Jingyang Hotel? What is the specific situation! Make it clear! Otherwise, we will sue you for slander, slander, and rumors!" Li Mu said awe-inspiringly.

Everyone nearby watched this product perform here, and they couldn't help but despise it!

What is fanfare!

This is a typical example!

They couldn't help but... clap and applaud!

Here is a good show!

"How specific do you want to be? That day! She finished the shower, and then I let her lie on the bed, eh, no! It was lying on the bed! After that, I started tossing! In the end, I was so tired that I couldn't straighten my waist. !"

After the shower! Lie on the bed and start tossing! Tired... can't straighten up... waist! waist! waist! waist! waist! waist!


Too Nima...I have a sense of the picture!

Gotta make up for it! You have to brainstorm!

The boys started to think about it!

Teacher Liang couldn't help but blush!

"Is this specific enough?" Ye Chen asked.

"Enough is enough!"


If this is more specific! It became a spreading silver ash! Not suitable for children!

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