Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 141: ,Please behave

After the shower! Toss on the bed! Tired can't straighten up!

Ye Chen's words shocked everyone in the office!

You know, Director Mu is not an easy one!

Not to mention among these students, even among the teachers, they are also very majestic. They say no, even, they are afraid of her three points!

There is a male teacher in private, calling her a cold face rose!

But now...

Everyone feels like they are watching a big show!

I didn't believe Ye Chen's words at first, but he couldn't hold back what this guy said was clear and precise!

Time: That night!

Location: Jingyang Hotel-bed!

Character: Director Mu and this guy!

Event: Toss!

This particular element is very complete, the same is not lost!

Besides, everyone deliberately or unintentionally turned towards Chief Mu, who looked at the white neck like a swan, and he did wear a thin necklace.

What makes them extremely resentful is that Chief Mu is so beautiful, and this guy actually... wants money!

Not as good as a beast! It's not as good as a beast!

Facing the dialogue between Ye Chen and Li Mu like a cross talk, Chief Mu was sitting there with cold eyes and expressionless face!

It's like watching them perform!

Finally... Ye Chen finished!

She didn't argue, didn't refute, and even didn't have any expressions!

Just instructed those teachers and students coldly:

"Others, get out first!"

Hearing this, Wang Chenglin and others couldn't help but gloat in their hearts!

"Hey...brother, Director Mu left you alone, maybe something good will happen!" Li Mu winked at Ye Chen again with a look of lust.

However, he just finished speaking.

"Li Mu stay here too!" Director Mu said.

When everyone heard this, their expressions were wonderful!

Li Mu couldn't help shaking his whole body even more, his back was cold!

He feels something is going to happen!

"Mr. Mu, then...that night, I...I was not there to toss. Why..."

"Why don't you go out yet!" Director Mu's voice was cold, urging other teachers and students!

Those teachers and students, upon hearing this, couldn't help but shudder, and quickly walked out!


The door is closed!

But then, there was a begging for mercy from inside!

"Director Mu...Oh! I was wrong! I was wrong! Stop fighting! It hurts! Ah! Ouch!"

Li Mu's screams! It's like killing a pig!

Hearing this sound outside, I couldn't help but be excited!

However, everyone laughed one by one!

This cargo deserves to be beaten!

Just now this product is obviously fanning the flames, lest the world will not be chaotic!

"Lord Chief, please spare your life! Please spare! I won't talk nonsense anymore!" Li Mugui cried and howled like a wolf!

Five minutes later, the office door was opened!

Everyone saw Li Mu limping out of it!

My face is almost crying!

"Kill me! You guys, get rid of me!" Li Mu shouted!

"Chief Mu what did you do?" Wang Chenglin and others asked with a joke on their faces.

"Chief Mu said I'm allergic!" Li Mu said with a grimace.

"Allergies?" Everyone was puzzled!

"Yeah! She said, I must be allergic! Otherwise, why would I get itchy! Then... Then she had to treat me! I focused on treating my butt! It's almost blooming!" Li Mu cried. Said.

Hearing this voice, everyone couldn't help but laugh!

"Who made you, this kid, just succeeded in slandering Director Mu with Ye Chen! It deserves to be beaten!" Zhang Qiang said gleefully.

"That is, Chief Mu is a goddess-level figure. Just now that Ye Chen said, anyone with a little brain knows that he is lying! You still follow him to pick up? Who do you not hit?"

"You...you bastards! Have a face to say? Just now when I was talking, you listened more vigorously, and now you are...it's just like unloading the grind and eating the donkey, crossing the river and burning the bridge! Too unjust! "Li Mu shouted, pointing at everyone.

However, Zhang Qiang, Wang Chenglin and others simply ignored this! The angry Li Mu even jumped and cursed!

"You said Ye Chen came out limping or crawling out?" Zhao Gang asked.

"Don't even think about these two! I think he has to carry it out! Hehe... this kid is bold! How dare to arrange Director Wood like this, I really don't know how to write the dead words! Believe, Director Wood will be tossing well in a while His!" Zhang Qiang said confidently.

Li Mu was beaten and limped out. At this time, Teacher Mu cast his eyes on Ye Chen's body!

Look at this guy, the coldness on her face is completely gone, replaced by a kind of playfulness!

"Don't look at me with this kind of eyes! I can't stand it!" Ye Chen said like a little loli afraid of being violated by the uncle, pretending to be horrified.

"We still have something to say! If you pay me back first, I will assume that nothing happened!"

"Nothing happened?" Mu Qingqing smiled!

"You guys are really bold! Even I dare to make arrangements! Don't you want to pay off your debts? Today, I will pay you back even if you are good at it!"

"You don't need to pay back my interest, just pay back the principal! Who of us pays to whom? It's almost frank!" Ye Chen said meanly again.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, a cold light flashed in Mu Qingqing's eyes!

"How can I not repay the interest? After all, it has been owed for so long. If there is no indication, how can I make it through in my heart?" Mu Qingqing gritted his teeth and sneered at Ye Chen.

Afterwards, slowly walked towards Ye Chen.

"What are you doing? Don't get too close to me! Please respect yourself!

Let me tell you, I had enough toss on you that day, and I haven't got the money yet! If you don't give money, don't want me to serve you again! "Ye Chen raised his head, as if I would rather die than follow.

This undue beating expression made Mu Qingqing's teeth ticklish with anger!

This kid is too much, he must be taught a lesson today.

Even if it wasn't for just now, even if it was for better management in the future, I still have to give this kid a little bit of color!

Then, get closer!

"You...what are you doing? There is no big bed here, and the ground is very cold. Lying down is not good for your health. If you really want to, I will let you go. Tell me about the land. I will look for you when I go out! "Ye Chen kindly reminded again.

"Owe!" Mu Qingqing had already approached Ye Chen, and then kicked it out.

This kick is as fierce as electricity, extremely fast!

"Don't move my ass. Please use your hand if you want to." Ye Chen shouted.

He didn't expect this cold-looking woman to be so violent, she wanted to do something to him, no! It's moving!

But how could Ye Chen let her succeed, flashed lightly, and avoided!

"Don't push me, push me in a hurry, but I will fight back. Moreover, you are not biased!" Ye Chen couldn't help but looked towards Mu Qingqing's plump back, with a lewd look!

Feeling Ye Chen's gaze, Mu Qingqing is even more angry!

"Then you can try it!" Mu Qingqing sneered.

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