Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 147: , Wrong people?

It was as tender as water, but with this slap, Lisa's face was completely swollen!

Half of his face instantly swelled into a pig's head!

Where is there any cute and coquettish!

Lisa is stupid!

All around is quiet!

The slap was loud and heavy, and it came out suddenly, and the people next to it were caught off guard, even too late... to take pictures!

After a long time, everyone reacted!

"This kid is really ruthless! I don't know how to Lianxiangxiyu at all!" said a man beside him.

"Lianxiangxiyu, shit! This woman is not a good bird! Saying that everyone else is a countryman! Serious regional discrimination! Such a good face is blind!"

"That's right! Open your mouth and say that others have no quality, and shut up and say that others have no education! Where can her own quality and education be so high?" Someone next to her was talking!

However, there are also concerns!

"This buddy is really crazy! You slapped your face when you came up? Wouldn't you be afraid of being caught by leaving such obvious evidence?"

"Catch it in, what do you think? How can there be such a good thing? Even if this kid is willing, I am afraid these people will disagree!" Someone was watching the show, holding his arm and said.

In the field, Lisa, who was just arrogant, was now holding her face, froze for a long time, and then screamed at Ye Chen! He wanted to grab Ye Chen's body, but was stopped by someone!

"Lisa, calm down! We will make this kid pay!" Mencius said.

"That's right! This kid, if you can stand still after tonight, I will write your name backwards!"

"It's just a hillbilly, even here, he dare to be wild! Humph! We will let him know the consequences!"

The men behind Lisa were gearing up one by one, staring at Ye Chen and the others!

Mencius looked a little gloomy!

Looking at Ye Chen, he said, "In our turf, you still dare to be so mad! You are the first! There is a kind! Let's find a quiet place and have a good chat!"

"Here you? Humph!" Ye Chen sneered!

"I'm not free!"

"I don't have any time, I'm just scared! Don't dare to go!" The crowd watching the show next to him laughed and said.

"It's not counseling, it's cleverness! There are so many people here, these people dare not do anything extraordinary. If they really follow them, it will be the fish on the chopping board! You have to die how you want you to die."

When Meng Ziming heard Ye Chen's words, his eyes became colder!

"It seems that you didn't understand what I meant! I was ordering, not asking for your opinion!"

Afterwards, he turned to the person next to him and said: "Mo Yu, go and lead the patrolling officers away! Song Yichen, don't let them take pictures when you look at them. Lao Hu, take other people and look at his companions, don't Let them run!"

"Meng Hao, do you have any comments on this arrangement?"

"Quick battle!" That Meng Hao said lightly, with a chill on his face!

"Yeah!" Mencius nodded!

After that, he looked at Ye Chen again!

"Boy, can you talk to us now? Take a bite to gain a wisdom! I will teach you how to be a man today!" Mencius said to Ye Chen with a sneer on his face.

Everyone nearby saw this scene with indifferent expressions. Obviously, this kind of situation did not happen here a lot. Now, for them, it is just another good show!

Wang Chenglin, Zhang Qiang and others, look anxious!

He was about to rush up, but he was stopped by the person next to him!

"You really let me go!" Zhang Qiang shouted angrily at those who blocked him!

"Honestly, it will be your turn soon!" Meng Ziming looked at Zhang Qiang with a cold smile.

Afterwards, his eyes were locked on Ye Chen's body again!

"I will leave you some dignity at the end! If I have to force me to do it, I will toast and not eat or drink fine wine!" Meng Ziming said to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen glanced at him and smiled!

He held his arms and said:

"I see how you fined me drink?"

"Something shameless for the face! You must die!" Meng Ziming's face fell cold!

Rolled up the sleeves, revealing the sturdy arms!

"This kid kicked the iron plate! Not to mention other people, just this guy, usually two or three people can't get in!"

"I said, why are you so familiar? This is Meng Ziming, the middle school student Sanda champion of Mingzhu City! I heard that I will enter the national team soon! He is the most promising seed player!"

"Yes, it's him!" After one person reminded, the others nodded to confirm!

"Now there is a good show! This outsider will suffer."

"Who left him to look for trouble? In Mingzhu, he would dare to be so rude! Does he think this is his country?" A man next to him said gleefully.

Afterwards, Meng Ziming reached out with a big hand, like an eagle, and grabbed it toward Ye Chen's neck!

"Come here!" Mencius murmured.

His shot caused bursts of exclamation!

The speed is amazing, fast as lightning, and he is tall and mighty, and it feels impossible to guard against!

Worthy of being a Sanda champion and a seeded player in the future!

Mencius stretched out his claws, like an eagle catching a chicken, trying to catch Ye Chen!

It's a pity that his arm just stretched out, before he touched Ye Chen's body, then, he saw a more rapid black figure swaying in front of him!


Meng Ziming's face changed drastically!


A tragic voice sounded, and then everyone saw the tall and mighty Meng Ziming attacking Ye Chen. At this moment, he was holding his arm and yelling there!

"What's the matter with this kid? He hasn't attacked yet, what is he howling?" someone next to him asked suspiciously.

"Just now, when he attacked, why did I seem to see a dark figure hitting his wrist!" said a young man.

"That's your illusion! Why didn't I see it?" said a boy next to him.

Ye Chen's shot speed was too fast just now, and it was night now, if it weren't for the good eyesight, he couldn't see clearly.

"Then what does he mean now?" someone asked.

"Touch porcelain!"

"Want to corrupt people!"

In fact, everyone who just saw this scene had this idea! I really didn't see any contact between them!

"Meng Ziming! What's the matter with you?"

"This kid attacked me!" Meng Ziming's face was full of cold sweat. At this moment, holding his arm, his eyes were full of horror!

He knows his strength, usually three or five people don't want to get close to him, but now, in front of the guy opposite, he has been overpowered by a backhand before he makes a shot!

Who has such a fast speed! That must be a hidden weapon!

The ship capsized in the gutter!

Mencius is full of regret!

"Stand up!" Someone next to Meng Ziming said disappointedly.

Originally wanted this guy to find a place for them, but now, not only did he not find the place, but he also lost himself in it. Have you seen this?

"My hand...broken!" Mencius said, gritting his teeth there.

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