Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 148: , Take away your dirty hands

"What? I didn't see much contact just now, and my hand broke? Don't pretend! Get up!" The boy in a white T-shirt said to Meng Ziming.

Hearing this, Mencius eagerly wanted to stand up and give this guy twice!

"I didn't make a joke to you! Call someone! Hurry up! This is a tough one!" Mencius roared.

Hearing this, even if those people are stupid, they understand at this moment that things are a little unexpected!

Ye Chen smiled, and then gradually approached and walked towards Meng Ziming!

"What? Did your hand hurt? Do you want me to help you?" Ye Chen said with a smile on his face.

This laugh made everyone next to him laugh stupidly!

What does this stuff mean? Do you take the initiative?

Now, want to reconcile? Is it too late?


"Get away! Take your dirty hands away! I accidentally hit you with a hidden weapon just now. When I'm done, I'll settle the account for you!"

"I said, tonight, let you crawl out of here! Whatever you say!" Mencius said again to Ye Chen.

"You have been thinking too much! I just look at you like this, it's a little uncomfortable! I want you to change your posture!"

Afterwards, Ye Chen slowly approached again!

"What are you doing? Get out!" A boy wearing a white T-shirt next to him, seeing Ye Chen approaching, couldn't help but shoot at Ye Chen, wanting to take him aside!

However, the body is not close yet!

I saw that Ye Chen didn't even look at it. He kicked back and the boy flew upside down!

Slip three feet away before stopping!


The man was kicked and thrown up!

Everyone looked at this scene and couldn't help being taken aback!

This Nima... is too cruel!

"Come on! Change your posture!" Ye Chen still has a smile on his face!

Then, his big hand stretched out, like an eagle, and his arm grabbed into Mencius's neck!

Mencius' pupils shrank, and he wanted to avoid this insulting action, but he couldn't avoid it at all!

Then, I felt a cold neck and was caught directly!

Then... he felt the sky spin and his feet were in the air!

And when he opened his eyes again, he was already like a clamshell **** with his neck held by someone, his face turned into the sky!

"Wocao! He lifted the person with one hand!"

"It's like carrying a chicken cub!"

"The strength of this buddy...horror!"

"Before, in the book, I saw the ancient overlord carrying a large bronze cauldron of eight hundred jin. I still don't believe it. Now...I am completely speechless!"

Ye Chen's hands!

"Let go of me! Let me down!" Meng Ziming was reflexive, kicking there, more like a bastard!

At this moment, he felt unprecedented humiliation!

This sudden turning point stunned everyone!

"What national middle school student Sanda champion! What you see is a fake Sanda champion? The Sanda champion is at this level. As soon as he shot, he was picked up like a king?" Someone next to him didn't believe it!

"Let him go! You barbaric let him go!" Lisa covered her face, glaring at Ye Chen at the moment, as if she wanted to eat him!

"Huh!" Ye Chen looked at Lisa and sneered!

"I want... for you!"

Then, turning with one hand, he threw it at those Lisa!

Meng Ziming himself was tall and tall, and Ye Chen added his strength!

As a result, this thrown out is just a human sandbag! Where can they be caught!

However, at this moment, a figure appeared!

He stretched out his hand and took the Mencius Ming in his hand with a heavy lifting!

Afterwards, he made a beautiful arc and gently placed Mencius on the ground!

This hand is chic and elegant, full of beauty!

Suddenly, the people next to him were all astonished!

I was even more surprised to see the appearance of the people here!

It turned out to be a woman!

The female looks average, but, perhaps because of year-round exercise, her figure is particularly hot. At this moment, coupled with this cold temperament, there is even more a different kind of charm!

"Senior Sister!" Seeing the woman appeared, Lisa and the others added a lot of confidence. They gritted their teeth at Ye Chen again and glanced provocatively. The meaning was obvious: You are dead!

At the same time, many people were also surrounded by Wang Chenglin and others!

All are wearing white practice clothes!

All young people!

Hayate Taekwondo Club!

"Junior sister, who dared to beat you without opening his eyes? Don't worry, there are seniors, and promise to let them all return with the benefits!" A man who came with him kept a sharp head, his eyes were sharp, and he looked very stubborn. fierce!

Seeing these people coming, Wang Chenglin and others, who had confidence in Ye Chen, were also worried at the moment!

"This has stabbed a hornet's nest!" Wang Chenglin said with some worry.

"Fear of an egg! It's a big deal!" Zhang Qiang said.

"Yes! Who shrinks his head, who is the grandson!" Li Mu also said stiffly.

With that said, these people were about to step forward, but they were stopped by Ye Chen!

"Just stand there and watch the show!" Ye Chen said.

The people next to him saw Ye Chen doing this, all of them were stunned!

What does this mean?

Let his companions watch the show?

"What's the good thing? See him being beaten?"

"Perhaps, he can single out a group?" Next to him, a boy said with a somewhat uncertain voice.

"One-on-one group?"

"Do you think it's possible? How many people are in this group? There are twenty or thirty? Besides, every one of them is a tall and mighty practitioner!

I heard that this blast club has participated in many competitions, and the level of people here is not comparable to those half-hearted people!

"What? Do you want to live with us alone?" The woman looked at Ye Chen with a sneer on her face, and the person next to her saw this scene with a sneer!

"Senior Sister, if that's the case, let me meet him! See what he can do!" said the man with an inch.

"Don't be so troublesome! Come? Let's go together? I still want to see the scenery of Mingzhu River!" Ye Chen said.

"What are you looking for?"

The tall, stubborn man, hearing this, his face was furious, and he felt insulted!

Afterwards, he kicked Ye Chen's face!

He wants to kick Ye Chen's mouth!


Just when his leg was about to move, he saw a dark shadow flashing past!

Then he kicked it out!


Ye Chen's foot hit the man's face fiercely!

A big shoe print was left directly on it!

And the tall body of Bancuntou was completely beaten and lying there at this moment!

It is too powerful!


The Ban Cun man who was still arrogant the last moment, at this moment, lay directly on the ground, screaming in pain!


It hurts too much!

Just now, I even heard the sound of the soles of my shoes!

"You! It's really looking for death!" The senior sister Liu Feng looked at Ye Chen like this, immediately furious!

After that, she got close and kicked Ye Chen's body!


The wind is whistling, and the momentum is amazing!

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