Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 149: , Like the wind


Liu Feng shouted like thunder!

Then, a side kick, kicked towards Ye Chen's abdomen!

It is a pity that with this amazing kick, Ye Chen dodges lightly and avoids it!

Seeing Ye Chen avoiding, Liu Feng was taken aback for a moment. Then, with a cold look in his eyes, he turned and kicked again!

Three hundred and sixty degrees!

The posture is handsome, the action is sharp, and the lethality is amazing!


After this action came out, there was an applause next to him!

"As expected...Taekwondo black belt five-stage master! This action...absolute!"

But it is a pity that this beautiful round kick was still avoided by Ye Chen gently moving!

The leg slashed in front of Ye Chen, but it failed to cause any harm to him!


"I was evaded by this kid again! Senior sister! Use a trick! Kick this hillbilly to death!" Next to Lisa, seeing Ye Chen avoid Liu Feng's attacks twice in a row, she was so annoyed that she could get along!

Liu Feng also squinted his eyes together!

Looking at Ye Chen, his expression was cold!

Being avoided by the other party twice in a row seemed to be an insult to her.

can not stand!

"If you have the ability to avoid me again, I will let you and your companions leave!" Liu Feng said coldly to Ye Chen.

Lisa smiled when he heard this!

This hillbilly, it's strange to hide!

When the people next to him heard this, they were even more looking forward to it. Liu Feng's moves just now were already astonishing. If there were any tricks, how wonderful would it be?

"Ha!" Liu Feng kicked out, gaining momentum!

"Ha!" Another kick, gaining momentum again!

At the same time, the body is close!

"What!" With another kick, Liu Feng jumped into the air!

Like a dragon!

Then, her right leg slashed down from the upper left side!

After accumulating twice, she fell heavily this time, coupled with her own weight, and smashed down like a big knife!

Amazing speed and lightning fast!

The people next to him saw that Liu Feng was like this, their eyes widened and couldn't help but marvel!

The two kicks just now allowed them to see the power of Liu Feng, and now, this trick is even more amazing!

Some even can't help but want to applaud!

But for now, stop! They were waiting, this amazing leg smashed Ye Chen's body fiercely, waiting for Liu Feng to knock Ye Chen down, and then applaud!

Lisa and others looked forward to it!

"Fight! Beat hard! Kill this countryman!"

Wang Chenglin and others couldn't help clenching their fists, their faces full of anxiety!

Long legs are like a knife, falling from the sky!

And that Liu Feng's violent shout is like thunder! Let this trick appear more imposing!

Everyone is waiting for this wonderful move!

However, Ye Chen stood there with a sneer at the corner of his mouth!

It was like a knife, when the leg with a mighty force fell, Ye Chen did not evade this time!

Then, in the eyes of everyone's shock!

He... stretched out his hand!

"court death!"

"This stuff is purely looking for death!"

"Don't say whether you can grab it! This powerful force alone is not something that one hand can bear!"

"The arm can't twist the thigh, let alone the hand!"

Beside, everyone is talking!

"Destroy him! Destroy him!"

A cruel smile flashed across Lisa's face!

The corner of Liu Feng's mouth is even more sneer!

"Stupid! Hit the stone with an egg! Looking for death!" Liu Feng shouted angrily!


After accumulating the momentum twice, like a big knife, the diagonally slashing leg heavily kicked Ye Chen's hand!

"Broken!" Liu Feng shouted violently!

The people around couldn't help but applaud!


Waited for a long time!

"Why... why doesn't it move?"

In the field, that Liu Feng's leg kicked Ye Chen's hand fiercely!

Everyone thought that he would completely kick his arm off!

However, after a long time, it was as if it was completely glued to it, and it didn't move!

And Liu Feng's body, at this moment, is even more suspended, and the entire picture is fixed there, as if frozen!

"This...what is going on with Nima?"

Beside, everyone looked at this scene, feeling...somewhat unacceptable!

But then...

I saw Liu Feng, who was full of faith, his face changed drastically at this moment, and he knew he was careless! I wanted to withdraw, but my feet were severely grasped, like iron tongs, I couldn't get it out at all!

"Ha!" The other foot!

I want to use my strength to give Ye Chen another blow!

However, Ye Chen didn't give her any chance at all!

Ye Chen smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then raised his arm!

Correct! Just swipe!

It's as easy as twisting a rope tied with marbles!


One lap!


Two laps!


Three laps!

Faster and faster, faster and faster!

Everyone looked dumbfounded!

"He... what does he want to do?"


That Liu Feng is like a windmill, spinning fast!

At the same time, there was a scream of horror!

at last!

Ye Chen took a step, then his arm loosened!


The rapidly spinning Liu Feng, at this moment, really flew like the wind, flying towards the Pearl River!


Liu Feng's screams are even worse! More frightened!

Obviously terrified!

At this moment, where is the demeanor of the taekwondo master just now!


A dull and huge sound of falling into the water came, everyone was dumbfounded!

It took a long time to recover slowly.

"I guessed it right, I didn't guess the ending!" someone beside him couldn't help muttering to himself.

"Senior Sister!" Lisa screamed in panic!

Afterwards, his eyes breathed fire, shouting at everyone!

"Let's go together and beat him to death! I'll be my fault!"

Everyone was in a daze, astonished by Liu Feng's failure!

After hearing Lisa's words, they reacted one by one!

Afterwards, his eyes looked at Ye Chen angrily!

"Yes! Let's go together, I don't believe this kid has three heads and six arms!"

Afterwards, these more than 20 well-trained Taekwondo players all surrounded Ye Chen!

When others saw this scene, they couldn't help but sigh!

Wang Chenglin and the others became nervous and worried!

But the next scene was beyond their expectations...




Everyone only saw the silhouettes of people flying, those Taekwondo players who ran up were all beaten and flew back in less than a minute!

Then they all screamed while lying on the ground!

This scene completely stunned everyone to see it!

"KungFu! ChineseKungFu!" Outside the field, a foreigner trembled with excitement when he saw all this!

Like a pilgrim, I saw God!

But some Chinese people began to look around!

"Is someone hanging Wia! Is someone... filming?"

All this is incredible! I saw it only in film and television, and now it happened in front of me...

It's incredible!

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